Saturday, June 22, 2024

Saturday Morning Dogs.

Fast As Lightening. Video below the pic of this good-looking doggo! 

Best viewed in Full Screen Mode:

Why...who's this? ⏬ 🤣


Thursday, June 20, 2024

No. This isn't what to do.

Unwise to follow the advice of this meme. 


AOC takes another hard swing at AIPAC!

AOC, willing to stand up against AIPAC, an intrusive, influential and authoritative group of Israeli interests placing their goals ahead of U.S. and America's best interests.

AOC stands with Thomas Massie, Rand Paul and Chris Van Hollen and Bernie Sanders. Rashida Tlaib and Illhan Omar also are critical of the influence AIPAC has on our government. 

Massie also states that the majority of his colleagues, prior to committing to a position on a bill tell him, "I'll check with my AIPAC guy."

Uh, no -  the only check these people need to make is representing what their constituents want, not AIPAC, Israel, CAIR or any other group. 

This ISN'T anti-semitism or "Jew Hatred." No single group should wield this much influence in U.S. foreign and domestic policy, no matter who it is; Israel, Sweden, Jews, Buddhists, Italians, Irish, Greeks, the Orthodox Church, Mormons - any of them.

Biden: 50+ years in politics; needs a week to prepare for presidential debate.

Another week off for the most-vacationed p(Resident) to be installed in the White House. Over 50 years in politics, a self-declared high IQ and top-of-the-class graduate from law school (both lies), and infamous globe trotting pants shatter and he has to prepare for a presidential debate? Senile old fuck. 

Biden IS (as I'm always happy to point out), the first occupant of the White House who flunked Third Grade. Be honest Joe, you ate and liked that white, thick paste, didn't you? 🤣

Then there's Trump, who can, for 2+ hours, speak extemporaneously. He needs no notes, little prep.

The Biden campaign originally insisted the debate be, "sit-down," not standing. 

Too bad Joe. The agreed upon manner of debate will be standing at uniform podiums. 

USA McPaper: Will Biden and Trump be sitting or standing for CNN presidential debate?

In CNN’s agreed-upon rules for their 90-minute debate, “both candidates agreed to appear at a uniform podium,” and a coin flip will decide their podium positions.

Biden Admin now spinning that they NEVER asked that candidates be seated because Corpse Biden is incapable of standing for 90 minutes. "It's a lie! Everything anyone says unflattering about Biden is a lie," the typical gaslighting from the dreadful occupants of the White House. 

If during the debate One Neuron Joe "freezes," collapses, wanders off or melts down - let him Donald. Let the debate moderators deal with it. 

You can bet there's a 6-10 second broadcast delay so that if Dementia Man craters and goes blank, it won't be televised. Social Media will obtain it though, and the video will be viral. "Cheap Deep Fake," will be the defense from the liars in charge.

Biden also needs to be checked to make sure that he's not wearing a secret ear-piece and wire like he did four years ago. 

How often has Biden said he'll debate Donald Trump any place, anywhere? OK then. Trump proposed 4-5 debates. NOPE! So far Biden will commit to only two. Watch'cha 'fraid of Mister Freeze?

Dems Chris Van Hollen and Bernie Sanders join AOC saying Netanyahu invitation to Congress is a mistake.

Middle East Eye: Prominent US senator says Netanyahu invitation to Congress is a mistake.

US Senator Chris Van Hollen, a prominent American lawmaker and member of the chamber's foreign relations committee, has criticised the House and Senate leadership's decision to invite Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to give an address to Congress.
Netanyahu wants to come here and pretend he’s Winston Churchill — and he is no Winston Churchill.”

I haven't read where ONE RINO, Neo-con or UniPartyist is saying the same as Van Hollen, AOC or Sanders. Why? They're a bunch of war-mongering eunuchs who want American Troops to die for ZOGOMITES. 

In semi-related News, Biden's failed Gaza pier keeps breaking apart, re-assembled and breaks apart again. ⏬

Zero Hedge: Expensive Incompetence: US Giving Up On $230 Million Gaza Air Pier.

Thursday's Friday Morning Music Video

"Stay Hungry" by Talking Heads, from 1978's More Songs About Buildings and Food.


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Seattle considers hiring illegals as Law Enforcement Officers and lowering testing standard.

You can't make this stuff up! 🤣 Seattle! LMAO! SHOKKED I tell ya that Minneapolis, Chicago, NYC, SF or LA didn't beat them to it.

MSN: Illegal immigrant police could soon fill beleaguered ranks of blue city.

The Seattle Police Department will now be able to hire participants in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy first introduced under the Obama administration.

The Spokesman: Seattle commission recommends against new test for police recruits.

Andrea Scheele, executive director of the Public Safety Civil Service Commission, concluded it was neither practical nor advisable for Seattle to use a new police recruitment test that has a higher rate of candidates who pass than the current test. The conclusion is likely to frustrate mayor’s office staff and council members who see the city’s current test as an obstacle to bringing in new recruits.

The test, according to the mayor and crew is, "an obstacle." The mayor's staff and council want the passing test score lowered from 90% to 70% ! 🤣  Yeah, lower the standards because, "Muh ocbastacle!"

Any visitor from the Seattle area who drops by, leave a comment on this. (It can be anonymous). What's the reaction from the general public to the mayor's proposal of hiring illegals for the PD?

UN concludes Israeli strikes on Gaza may have violated laws of war.

BBC: Israeli strikes on Gaza may have violated laws of war, per UN report

The UN Human Rights Office says Israeli air strikes in Gaza may have systematically violated the laws of war requiring that civilians and civilian infrastructure be protected.

It is the conclusion of a report on what it calls six “emblematic attacks” on residential buildings, a school, refugee camps and a market between 9 October and 2 December last year.

Hit the link. The story documents all 6 attacks.

Of course Israel deliberately targets civilians, children, humanitarian aid workers as well as killing their own people. They've been doing this for centuries. "Paging King Herod, please pick up any of the white courtesy phones to speak to our representative."

Common Dreams: UN Human Rights Office Condemns Israel's Use of 2,000-lb Bombs Against Gaza Civilians.

A new OHCHR report details how Israeli "attacks of an apparent indiscriminate nature" fit a wider pattern for hundreds of such bombings that may violate international laws of war.

The United Nations Human Rights Office released a report Wednesday concluding that the Israeli military's repeated use of heavy weaponry—including 2,000-pound bombs supplied by the United States—in the Gaza Strip has likely violated international laws of war barring the targeting of civilians and disproportionate attacks

Al Jazeera: At least 9 killed in attack on Rafah aid seekers.

At least nine people were killed and 30 injured when Israeli attacks targeted a group of people awaiting aid trucks near the Karem Abu Salem aid crossing in Rafah, southern Gaza.

Netanyahu, his cabinet, his U.S. enablers and all other global "leaders" supporting this genocide need to stand trial for war crimes at The Hague.

I don't have to remind people of how the Left reacted to civilians killed in Iraq and Afghanistan during the W. Bush-Obama terms. Well, they did during W. Bush, but as soon as The Kenyan took office, Liberals stopped REEEE'ing and pretended drone kills of civilians and children didn't happen.

Oooooooooooh, the objective is eliminating Hamas, you say? This IDF member says it will never happen. He's right. 

Will repeat, again, for the Pearl Clutcherz who drop by: Nowhere on this blog will you find me supporting Hamas, Hezbollah or any other terrorist organization. You WILL find me critical of Israel, Netanyahu and their enablers who deliberately target civilians. I've supported temporary cease-fires, cease fires and peace negotiations. Remember John Kerry during the Obama terms telling us that we need to talk with our enemies or adversaries? Where are these people now?

Remember, Israel created Hamas. Fact!

It really is Juneteenth! Happy Rosenberg Execution Day!


Wiki: Rosenberg's Execution

The execution was delayed from the scheduled date of June 18 because Supreme Court Associate Justice William O. Douglas had granted a stay of execution on the previous day. This stay resulted from intervention in the case by Fyke Farmer, a Tennessee lawyer whose efforts had been scorned by Bloch.[45] The execution was scheduled for 11 p.m. the evening of June 19, during the Sabbath, which begins and ends around sunset.[46] Bloch asked for more time, filing a complaint that execution on the Sabbath offended the defendants' Jewish heritage. Rhoda Laks, another attorney on the Rosenbergs' defense team, also made this argument before Judge Kaufman.[47] The defense's strategy backfired. [Judge Irving] Kaufman, who stated his concerns about executing the Rosenbergs on the Sabbath, rescheduled the execution for 8 p.m.—before sunset and the Sabbath—the regular time for executions at Sing Sing where they were being held.[48]

On June 19, 1953, Julius died from the first electric shock. Ethel's execution did not go smoothly. After she was given the normal course of three electric shocks, attendants removed the strapping and other equipment only to have doctors determine that her heart was still beating. Two more electric shocks were applied, and at the conclusion eyewitnesses reported that smoke rose from her head.

So sorry American-Jews/Jew apologists. The USA doesn't subscribe to Jewish Sabbath law. We'll execute traitors whenever we determine, not according to your antiquated customs. Don't like it? Move somewhere else.

Candace! Again, For The Win! 🤣

I AGREE with AOC! 110%!

If the neo-cons, the Never-Trumpers, the UniParty and the RINOs keep pushing, my Libertarian-Conservative ideology will shift more towards the "middle" - - - maybe even to The Left! 🤣

Wednesday's Friday Morning Music Video

"Billion Dollar Babies" by Alice Cooper, from 1973's Billion Dollar Babies.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Netanyahu blames Biden for withholding weapons. WUT? Before Netanyahu said Israel can defend itself.

ABCIsrael's Netanyahu blames Biden for withholding weapons.

Forbes: Netanyahu Blasts Biden Admin For 'Withholding' Weapons.

More after the Pagebreak. Space-saving mode mostly. There is some "adult" language (quotes) used in context. So...DISCLAIMER: "Sensitive Content," after the Page break.

By clicking on the page break: you acknowledge, you are over 18 years of age, are aware of the Sensitive Content Disclaimer, voluntarily choose to proceed and hold harmless this blog and material contained herein.

Israel accuses Russian ally of anti-Semitism.

RT: Israel accuses Russian ally of anti-Semitism.

West Jerusalem’s top diplomat has condemned Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko for his comments on a corruption scandal.

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has been criticized by Israel for suggesting that a disproportionate number of officials involved in corruption scandals in his country are ethnic Jews.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said on Sunday that Lukashenko’s remarks were “unacceptable,” “outrageous,” and clearly sounded “anti-Semitic.” The rebuke came one day after the Belarusian leader ranted during a government meeting about a scandal implicating dozens of suspects, including former Agriculture Minister Igor Brylo.

“Here are 36 people on a list involved in corruption,” Lukashenko told the Council of Ministers in Minsk. “Sorry, I don’t consider myself anti-Semitic, but more than half of them are Jewish. Do they have a special, privileged role, that they steal and do not think about their future? Do they have privileges?” He added, “All people’s living in Belarus should be equal: Jews, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Russians, and Poles.”
Lukashenko was scolded again by the Israeli government after he said in July 2021 that the whole world had been made to “kneel” to the Jewish people because of the Holocaust.

Lukashenko has the list and identified half of them are Jewish. How is this, "anti-semitic"? What if they were Americans and he would have said, "half of them are Americans"? What if half of them were Irish, and he said, "half of them are Irish"...or, "Catholics," or "Amish," or whatever?

Kvetch, Kvetch, Kvetch. It never ends.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz ... the guy who wants American Troops fighting Israel's war for them and also wants Americans fighting in Ukraine. Fuck him. Let Israel and Ukraine fight their own wars.

AFTER THE PAGE BREAK, are some selected comments from the RT story. Some of them might be considered by the Pearl-Clutcher Crowd as "Sensitive Content", so if you don't want to read them, don't go beyond the Pagebreak, close this browser and visit a different site. 

By clicking on the page break: you acknowledge, you are over 18 years of age, are aware of the Sensitive Content Disclaimer, voluntarily choose to proceed and hold harmless this blog and material contained herein.

Tuesday's Friday Morning Music Video

"Whole Wide World" by The Rolling Stones, from 2023's Hackney Diamonds.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Will and when Hillary replace Biden?

100% Fed Up: Democrat Plot To Replace Biden Before Election REVEALED (Source: DailyMail).

I know some of you still don’t believe it will happen, but just keep watching.

Charlie Spiering from the Daily Mail had the exclusive report and published it today over at the DailyMail:

    The Great Joe Biden Replacement Theory – I talk to Democrats about why the idea that he will be replaced refuses to go away and what it would take to actually replace him

    — Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) June 17, 2024

Dom Lucre reports the following:

    BREAKING NEWS: The DailyMail just revealed a secret Democrat plot to replace Joe Biden before the election. Bill Clinton, President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer ‘will topple the aging President.’

    The DailyMail has revealed that if Joe loses in the first debate with Trump or if his polling numbers keep falling, it’ll take a united front of the liberal grandees to make Joe throw in the towel.

    The only people who could force him out would be Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer,’ one Democratic strategist told the Mail. ‘It would have to be the four of them collectively.’

    Mrs. Obama, who has no close personal feelings for the Bidens, according to one well-connected Democratic source, flat-out ignored the invitation.

    strategists [sic] theorize that Democrats would have to hold a public event to symbolically transfer power from Biden to the new candidate, at which Biden, Obama, Clinton, Schumer, and Pelosi would publicly introduce and endorse the anointed nominee.

BREAKING NEWS: The DailyMail just revealed a secret Democrat plot to replace Joe Biden before the election. Bill Clinton, President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer ‘will topple the aging President.’

The DailyMail has revealed that if Joe loses in the first debate with…

— Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives (@dom_lucre) June 17, 2024

Daily MailHow Clinton, Obama, Pelosi and Schumer would topple the aging President… and when they'd do it.

Big Mike won't replace Biden. It'll be Cankles.

The Pants Suit is now opting for wearing bed-sheets. 

Why Is Hillary Clinton Wearing a Bedsheet At The Tony Awards? 

Don't ignore her Baphomet hand gesture. This is not unintentional, it's deliberate.

Monday's Friday Morning Music Video

Disclaimer: Lyrics Not Safe For Work or children. By clicking the video you acknowledge you have been advised about the lyrics and you choose to voluntarily proceed. Or...don't click. (The video appears on YouTube without any age verification or restriction so if you have any complaints...take them to YouTube).

"Dreamin' Of The Past" by Pusha T (featuring Kanye West) from 2022's It's Almost Dry.


Sunday, June 16, 2024

Father's Day Close-Out.

Hoping all Dads (Grand-dads, etc) out there all had a great day. Some of us no longer have our Dads around. I'm in that club; for a number of years. Father's Day isn't the same. Same for Mother's Day. Just move forward. My favorite Tony Soprano quote is, "Try and remember the times that were good." 

Phil had a great day. He came to mind the moment I saw the cartoon: 


Everyone stick around so we can do this again next year. 👍

Happy Father's Day.

The below from Here.

A father is a person who loves and respects you.
He is honest and he never neglects you.
He is the greatest that your eyes will ever see.
No other man like him will there ever be.
When you are in your bedroom and scared at night;
A father comes in to let you know that everything is alright.
Education is important so stay in school hanging out on the streets is not so cool.
Listen to me son, so the day you become a man.
Like me you will do everything you can.
A father is like no other man around
Another man like him can never be found.

© Sally B. Williams

Happy Father's Day!

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Saturday Night Memes Short Stack and 1 video.

Advisory: "Sensitive, BAD (?) Taste, Mature, Dark Humor Content" after the pagebreak. 

If you'd rather not view this, don't go beyond the pagebreak, close this browser window and visit another site.

Disclaimer: You acknowledge this "Viewer Discretion Advisory", voluntarily proceed, agreeing to hold this blog and author harmless going beyond the pagebreak.

MORE after the Pagebreak ⏬ 

OH NO! Lauren Boebert vaping in a no-vape zone!

Liberal reaction

Liberals REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE over Boebert vaping. 🤣 

Good thing she didn't repeatedly film herself nekkid, buying and weighing crack cocaine, masturbating in a swimming pool, smoking crack and then posting the images online, receiving "massages" from girls who appear to be no more than 11-12 years of age or snorting blow off someone's ass cheek. Those are all acceptable behaviour for LibTards and no one should criticize it because the Magic D following your their name excuses any and all type of shenanigans. 

Saturday dogs, cats and jaguar.

Jag vs. Gator (no audio): 

Cats CAN help:

More dogs and cats after the pagebreak:

Friday, June 14, 2024

We have a Trifecta Death!

KOBI 5 (NBC): Former Oregon governor Neil Goldschmidt dies at 83.

PORTLAND, Ore. (KGW) – Neil Goldschmidt, once mayor of Portland and then Oregon governor, is dead at the age of 83, The Oregonian was first to report Wednesday. According to that report, Goldschmidt died in his Portland home surrounded by family. The reported cause was heart failure.
[...] during Goldschmidt’s first term as Portland mayor in the 1970s, he statutorily raped a 14-year-old girl — beginning a period of abuse that lasted for years.
The woman who survived that abuse died at the age of 49 in 2011 after a protracted illness, the Associated Press reported. According to longtime Portland journalist Margie Boule, the woman believed Goldschmidt’s abuse contributed to her struggles with addiction and mental health issues.

"In the 1970s...abuse lasted for years." So Goldschmidt would've been in his mid to late 40's or into his early 50's...with a 14-year old girl! What a pig and predator.

He served as U.S Transportation Secretary in 1979 during the Carter administration. Good hire, Jimmy!

The Gazette: Neil Goldschmidt dead; Former Democratic Oregon governor tarnished by child sex scandal dies.

His career and reputation is, "tarnished"?  He repeatedly raped a 14-year old girl that lasted for years and he's, "tarnished"? These headline writers. "Former Democrat Pedophile/Rapist Dies" is what should be printed.

If you're a Pedo, and have the Magic D following your name, it's never rape, always a "scandal."  "Child sex scandal." Uh - they mean he was a pedo. The parsing of language when a democrat like this dies, compared to anyone else, is incredible. If you haven't noticed this, start now.

Wiki: Neil Goldschmidt - early life

Democrat ✅

Jewish ✅ 

Pedo ✅ 

This Trifecta is probably more common than we ever know. It's rarely reported. 

A guy doing this to a girl in our family when she was 14-years old? Hypothetically speaking; he would NOT reach age 83. Heart failure, maybe, hypothetical  causation being chunks of lead.

Flag Day 2024.


On June 14, 1777, the Second Continental Congress took a break from writing the Articles of Confederation and passed a resolution stating that “the flag of the United States be 13 stripes, alternate red and white,” and that “the union be 13 stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.”

Over 100 years later, in 1916, President Woodrow Wilson marked the anniversary of that decree by officially establishing June 14 as Flag Day.

MSN: Flag Day is June 14. What is the meaning? How to display U.S. flag.

More about Flag Day at Britannica.


Added: U.S. Army’s 246th Birthday.

The U.S. Army was established June 14, 1775.  


Also: DJT's birthday today. Happy birthday President Trump!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thursday Night Memes Short Stack.

Advisory: "Sensitive, BAD (?) Taste, Mature, Dark Humor Content" after the pagebreak. 

If you'd rather not view this, don't go beyond the pagebreak, close this browser window and visit another site.

Disclaimer: You acknowledge this "Viewer Discretion Advisory", voluntarily proceed, agreeing to hold this blog and author harmless going beyond the pagebreak.

MORE after the Pagebreak ⏬ 

Lindsey Graham admits Ukraine is a “gold mine” America can’t afford to lose.

RT: A top US senator has betrayed Washington’s worst kept secret about Ukraine.

Lindsey Graham spoke the quiet part out loud when he said the country is a “gold mine” America can’t afford to lose.

Fun Fact: Ukraine is rich with natural resources, the biggest of which is money-laundering.

Thursday's Friday Morning Music Video

"Gimme Shelter" by the Rolling Stones from 1969's Let It Bleed.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Boris Ovcharov, Ukraine Neo Nazi calls for draft dodgers to have their property seized by the state.

Boris Ovcharov...Get a load of this Landwhale! 

^Click=enlarge ^ 

Story at IScaninfo

He admitted that his proposal regarding crocodiles on the border was exaggerated, but emphasized that he was outraged by the position of the draft dodgers. “That is, they are not afraid to dive into the Tisa, no matter how many of them drown, but they are afraid to protect their family, their home,” the soldier said.

According to him, if the republic cannot carry out normal mobilization, then the army will simply end. And when there are no more people, there will be no Ukraine, he concluded.

No Boris Landwhale, Ukraine men are TIRED of a forever war watching their fellow men being slaughtered because it's the most corrupt nation in Europe. They don't want to fight so that Ukraine can be the New Israel. ⏪ You don't like that source? Fine. Here: Zelensky wants Ukraine to be ‘a big Israel.’

If Zelensky wants Ukraine to be "New Israel", then Israelis better start joining the Ukraine Armed Forces. You pro-Ukraine keyboard warriors in America who salivate over this global fiasco - who are dead-set against even a temporary ceasefire - why are you still in the USA and not joining Zelensky's army? Show us on the doll where Big Bad Russian Puuuuuuuuuutin touched you.

This started in 2013-2014, with Obama, Biden, Victoria Nuland and others. Blame liberals, the UniParty, rinos and neocons for all this, they own it. (FIXED link. Sorry).


IScan story Archived

* Added thought about that tweet: "the neo-nazi Right Sector..."

Yeah, right. Biden and Company would be giving BILLIONS, supporting a Right-Wing Nazi regime.

Wednesday's Friday Morning Music Video

"Sheer Heart Attack" by Queen, from 1977's News of the World.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

A stunning Hillary Clinton spotted at Biden fundraiser.

She looks great! Cankles 2024!

Joe Biden said he remains “proud” of his son Hunter following his conviction on three felony gun charges.

MediaiteJoe Biden said he remains “proud” of his son Hunter Biden following his conviction on three felony gun charges.

Jill and I love our son, and we are so proud of the man he is today.

Most parents, ideally love their children unconditionally, although I know this isn't always the case. 

I do wonder if Joe and Tamale Jill are proud of seeing nekkid Hunter dragging a fleeing woman back to his hotel room?

Video: Mature Content

Not a peep from Screeching Liberals when democrats are abusive and violent to women. Maybe E. Jean Carroll should date Hunter?

That Magic D behind their name is the Lifelong Free Pass For Bad Behavior. Liberal Family Values, a standard unto their own.

And this

MSN: Democratic donors foot bill for first lady's first-class flights to be with Hunter Biden in court.

Dems won't dig into this story the way they dig into allegations that Clarence Thomas benefited from "donors". Magic D to the rescue!  

Who knew the Biden's were so destitute that they can't afford their own plane tickets? Why did Tamale Jill have to fly from Europe back to the U.S. and be present at all of Hunter's trial and fly back to Europe again? Do you think Hunter is plunging step-Mom Jill? It wouldn't surprise me one bit.

Hunter Biden: GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY on gun charges!

Breitbart: Jury Finds Hunter Biden Guilty of All Three Gun Charges.

A Delaware jury on Tuesday found Hunter Biden guilty on all three gun charges after only several hours of deliberating.

All three charges = felonies.

Sweet, Delicious, Unfathomable Schadenfreude; how great thou art.

Tuesday's Friday Morning Music Video

"From This Day" by Machine Head, from 1999's The Burning Red.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Second Grade Teacher Traded Child Pornography Online.

Breitbart: Ohio Second Grade Teacher Traded Child Pornography Online.

An Ohio elementary school teacher has been arrested on child pornography charges, authorities said.

Amit Netanel, a second-grade teacher at Rockwern Academy near Cincinnati, was taken into custody on Thursday, the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office announced.

The 61-year-old was brought in on four counts of pandering sexually oriented material involving a minor after detectives received information about someone trading child sex abuse material on the Kik messenger app, police said.

Here's where it gets interesting, something Breitbart didn't publish or ignored. I knew it before I verified it.

FOX 19: Tri-State teacher arrested on child porn charges.

Rockwern Academy is a private Jewish school with small class sizes that “allow our teachers to know their students at a deep personal level tailoring the learning experience to meet individual needs and interests,” its website states.

allow our teachers to know their students at a deep personal level[.]" Deep personal levels, like pedophilia and trading child sex abuse material? That kind of "deep personal level"? 

Amit Netanel

It's easy to tell and ID them once you know what to look for. They all have the, what I call, an expressionless dead-face, and strabismus (eyes don't align) condition. It's the demon inside them; they can't suppress it.

This is an isolated case, you say. So NOT SO. < Sensitive Content Advisory at that link. The link is a firsthand account of Rabbi Rosenberg witnessing what he called The Child R*pe Assembly Line within the Jewish community. Who is the bad guy and who is shunned in his story? Rosenberg is...for reporting it. 

Netanel didn't have a chance to escape to his homeland where pedophiles and child sex offenders are offered safe-haven and protected by Israel.

FYI: I've been as critical of the Pope dePedophile of the Catholic Church, Islam, any other denomination and secularism that is rampant with pedos and child abusers but looks the other way, pretending it isn't happening or attempts to cover it up.

I support Pinochet-Duterte helicopter rides as the only cure for pedos. For me, dead pedophiles are something to laugh about. I'm just funny that way I guess.

You support and align yourself with a nation that provides safe harbor and no extradition for pedos? Best of luck to you explaining your decision to God on Judgement Day.

FOX 19 story Archived

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sunday Dogs and Cats.

All are best viewed in Full Screen mode.

Cat MOBBED by puppy love

Cat picks him

Younger dog helps older dog

Dogs better than humans


Saturday, June 8, 2024

I'm gonna get into a lot of trouble here.

Name three R&R tunes considered "greats" that actually suck ass.

I'll go: 

1) Stairway To Heaven (It sucks, totally sucks, hate it, always have.)
2) Tom Sawyer (I dislike Lee's voice. Sorry.)
3) Every song by Bon Jovi

Honorable Mention: "Beast of Burden." 

If you like, your comment can include more than three.

Please keep your "Threat Level" directed at me to a minimum. 🤣

USS Liberty; June 8, 1967. #NEVERFORGET.

'We're Fed Up With It': Survivors of the USS Liberty Look for Answers.

"We the surviving crew members will not let the cover up continue as long as we live," [said USS Liberty Veterans Association, Larry L. Bowen].

If Americans Knew: The USS Liberty

USS Liberty Veterans. ⏬

On June 8, 2005 the USS Liberty Veterans Association submitted A Report of War Crimes Committed Against the USS Liberty, June 8, 1967 to the Department of Defense in accordance with the DoD Law of War Program.
The Department of Defense has unilaterally waived its obligation under the Department of Defense Law of War Program by refusing to investigate the allegations contained in the War Crimes Report.  The Department of Defense has also refused to provide a speaker to address the crew of the USS Liberty and explain their actions with regard to the War Crimes Report.

BBC Documentary (and story) on the USS Liberty.

“Why would our government put Israel’s interests ahead of our own?”, asks [retired Admiral Thomas Moorer] [Chief of Naval Operations at the time of the attack].

Ken O'Keefe, Former U.S. Marine, political analyst; speaking about the attack ⏬ (1 minute, 51 seconds). Increase your master volume/audio output prior to playing.
