Sunday, June 23, 2024

Remember when Trump provided weapons to Ukraine and Zelensky used them to bomb a beach killing civilains? Me neither.

The shelling has killed four people, including two children, with more than 120 injured, authorities have said.
The Russian Defense Ministry has confirmed that Ukraine launched an attack at around noon local time, which it said involved several US-made ATACMS long-range missiles armed with cluster munitions, which are banned in more than 100 countries.

Russia blamed Washington for a deadly strike on a strategic port in occupied Crimea on Sunday, claiming U.S.-supplied missiles were used in the attack.


Grey said...

RT is Russian state propaganda.

MSN is reporting based upon Russian state news, which is also state propaganda.

You are an idiot.

Drake's Place said...

So RT is the same as NPR?

Other news sources reporting the same thing. They're ALL lying, though, right?

You're a total Cuck. Are you running low on your supply of metzitza ba-peh blood?