Saturday, June 8, 2024

I'm gonna get into a lot of trouble here.

Name three R&R tunes considered "greats" that actually suck ass.

I'll go: 

1) Stairway To Heaven (It sucks, totally sucks, hate it, always have.)
2) Tom Sawyer (I dislike Lee's voice. Sorry.)
3) Every song by Bon Jovi

Honorable Mention: "Beast of Burden." 

If you like, your comment can include more than three.

Please keep your "Threat Level" directed at me to a minimum. 🤣


Birdchaser said...

Bon Jovi sucks but you're absolutely positively wrong about the others. You're probably a queen kinda guy.

Drake's Place said...

Birdchaser, how are ya?
I do like much of Queen's music but they have their misfires too.
I like Zep a lot, just always disliked Stairway. And can't handle Lee's voice.
I know I'm in the minority IRL on #'s 1 & 2, and I know both tunes are held in high regard and I'm the minority. I get the reverence people have for those songs. Most of the music videos I post reflects music I like, but I try to cover a wide range for others too. Some that I'm not crazy about but others might like. Music is all subjective.;) Thanks for droppin by.

Anonymous said...

Mister Drake, Will give you Bon Jovi and Beast of Burden but for 1 and 2 you're a heretic!
My picks: Like you with Getty Lee, Rod Stewart's voice grates on me. Don't get mad at me but I don't know what you see in Rammstein. For sucky hits, In The Air Tonight and Live and Let Die.

taminator013 said...

#1 anything and everything by Bruce Springsteen
#2 the entire Beatle's "Sgt. Pepper's" album
#3 almost everything by the Rolling Stones after the late 60s.....

taminator013 said...

How could I ever forget Queen? Yeah, Brian May had a few good riffs, but that was about it. "Bohemian Rhapsody" is probably the worst song ever released. The best that could be said about any of their songs is that The Electric Amish did a nice parody of "Fat Bottom Girls".

Drake's Place said...

Mark , uh oh, I'm in trouble if you're calling me "Mister." :)
A lot of folks dislike Stewart's voice. He's okay by me. Mostly earlier music.
Rammstein - heh - I get it. Kind of an acquired taste not for everyone.
"In The Air Tonight" is an OK tune but Classic R&R station do tend to play it too often.
"L and LD" - I'm in total agreement.

Drake's Place said...

taminator013 , Agree with your #1, 2, & 3 choices. There's a few Stone's albums that I like that come later: Emotional Rescue and Some Girls off the top of my head. Their new Hackney Diamonds album is decent, returning to their early-mid 70s style. It's not bad.

Queen, I like, but they do have their share of misfires. I really like "Fat Bottom Girls" and Yes, I've seen the Electric Amish version and like it. I always mention to others (not you) "Shear Heart Attack" when they say Queen isn't really a R&R band. And their performance at Live Aid is one of the best sets any band has ever done.

Quite a while ago I read somewhere that ACDC turned down the invite to Live Aid, though I'm not sure why. It might have had to do with Malcolm and his alcohol addiction. They would've been a great addition to Live Aid.

Thanks for weighing in.You are the Encyclopedia of Music expert IMO.

Cederq said...

Dave, no worries mate! I hate 'em too! No steel guitar in them...

Drake's Place said...

Cederq , Now THAT's a GREAT answer!!!!!!!