Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Are hospitals busy? #FilmYourHospital.

St. Luke's, Denver @ Brandon Bowser.

In the thread below, the following obvious and valid point is made and discussed: you can't judge what's going on in the inside by only seeing the exterior. Excellent point, makes sense. However, as you read through the thread you'll find Tweets from people who claim to have knowledge of what's going on inside. Many of them state the MSM are greatly over-exaggerating the hospital overload and some claim they've been asked to take time off and leave early some days, because things are so slow.

I haven't driven by a local hospital in quite some time. Have you? Does it appear busy or overwhelmed? Leave a comment.

Here's the full thread #FlimYourHospital@Brandon Bowser.

Some excerpts:
JUCCII MANE@JucciiMane -22h
Replying to @brandonBowser10
I work in a Radiology department in a hospital. My hours have been cut and I showed up to work today and have been told to not show up the rest of the week. It’s absolutely dead in our hospital. The media is LYING, AGAIN!

JUCCII MANE@JucciiMane -22h
The worst part of all this is I now believe that our hospitals are run by the same groups that run the media. We have 30 potential covid patients, I think only 3 are positive. But they won’t tell us which ones are the positives.

82ndVet@82ndVet -Mar 30
Replying to @brandonBowser10 and @JimDelRey
I’m furloughed tomorrow. So I will be doing the same here in CT tomorrow. I’ll be see the war zone for myself. [sic]

Q-baby@SuperPowersT -17h
Replying to @brandonBowser10  and @TruthSeekerQSD
Brandon, took your cue. Canton GA Northside Cherokee Hospital. March 30 2020. Crickets. This is a 544 bed university hospital that services north Georgia rural areas as well.

WarDamnEagle@Wardamn5 -22h
Replying to @brandonBowser10
Either they’re awaiting some randomly predicted #ChineseBioterrorism apocalypse incoming soon.. or.. there something MUCH bigger coming that they are preparing for that we the people don’t know about!

Robert Stones@Hontorstones -22h
Replying to @brandonBowser10
Same with many hospitals in Utah. Things could change but for now very little is going on and staff are having hours cut.

Candy THE END IS NIGH Truong@CandyTruong0122 -15h
Replying to @brandonBowser10
My brother's wife is a surgical nurse at Beaumont in Detroit. I was kinda shocked when she posted today she is going to be sent home because there's "no work".  2 days ago, this hospital was "almost at capacity"?

ChrisCunningham@Chris22748242 -14h
Replying to @brandonBowser10
I work at 2 hospitals in Minneapolis MN and both have been ghost towns for the past couple weeks.

Bill Pearlman@BillPRealtorPRO -20h
Replying to @brandonBowser10
I live in NY and this stuff is REAL.  I hope and pray it doesn’t come your way but don’t bet on it and don’t let down your guards. follow all guidance quickly.

Davidpingree101@davidpingree101 -18h
CA is not bad. I’m a firefighter here and hospitals are cleaner and emptier than I’ve ever seen them. Our call volume is down 60% also.

Randomness@Random2012756 -14h
Replying to @brandonBowser10
My sister in law’s hospital she works in is empty too - Jacksonville FL.

Josh Gondeiro@GondeiroJosh -22h
Replying to @brandonBowser10
My sister works at a hospital in fort worth, she said its slow there as well. In fact they were sending nurses home due to lack of patients. Dont believe every thing you hear from the msm.
@Brandon Bowser (truncated) Archived

Magnetic Clay and Tesla Auto-Charge.

Fredo Cuomo has The Covid.

Fredo Cuomo, CNN propagandist.

Heavy: Chris Cuomo Has Coronavirus.
Chris Cuomo, the CNN anchor and brother to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, has coronavirus, he confirmed in a tweet on March 31, 2020.

In a tweet, Christopher Cuomo wrote, “Sooooo in these difficult times that seem to get more difficult and complicated by the day, I just found out that I am positive for coronavirus. I have been exposed to people in recent days who have subsequently tested positive and I had fever, chills, and shortness of breath. I just hope I didn’t give it to the kids and Cristina. That would make me feel worse than this illness! I am quarantined in my basement[.]"

Monday, March 30, 2020

Pelosi in Chinatown, "Everything is fine," on February 24 after WHO declared Coronavirus a threat on January 30.

@ Lola Netty (second video):

KPIX documented Pelosi’s February 24 visit to a fortune cookie factory and retailers:
[Pelosi] has been going around to show that it is perfectly safe to be here,” Makovec said.
Pelosi said to reporters as her entourage packed the sidewalk. “We want to be careful about how we deal with it, be we do want to say to people, ‘Come to Chinatown. Here we are. We’re careful, safe. Come join us.'”
ABC NewsCoronavirus declared global health emergency by WHO after 1st person-to-person US case reported.
By Erin Schumaker
January 30, 2020

The World Health Organization declared coronavirus a public health emergency of international concern at a news conference Thursday in Geneva.
CBS NewsCDC confirms first case of coronavirus in the United States.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed the first case of coronavirus in the United States.
On January 17, the CDC and the Department of Homeland Security's Customs and Border Protection implemented "enhanced health screenings" at the three U.S. airports that receive most of the travelers from Wuhan: San Francisco (SFO), New York (JFK), and Los Angeles (LAX) airports.
"We expect additional cases in the US," [said Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases].
First published on January 21, 2020 / 2:56 PM 
NBC NewsNBC Rep. Velazquez has presumed COVID-19 infection, was near Pelosi.
Rep. Nydia Velazquez [D-NY] said Monday that she's been "diagnosed with presumed coronavirus infection," three days after she spoke on the House floor and stood near 80-year-old House Speaker Nancy Pelosi during the signing of the $2.2 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill.
Breitbart Archived
ABC News Archived
NBC News Archived
CBS News Archived

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Pelosi sinks to new low. Calls President Trump's Coronavirus response "deadly".

Nancy Pelosi on CNN's State of The Union with Jake Tapper. Pay attention to her face and eyes. She's about 30% lucid. The rest of her...deranged, drunk, on drugs or early-to-mid stage dementia:

Absolutely disgusting behavior on the part of the fossil Pelosi, who, with her comrades spent the past three years fiddling, doing nothing other than wasting time on a partisan witch hunt.

The only deadly person here is Pelosi.

Read more at Business Insider.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Netherlands recalls 'defective' masks bought from China.

DW: Netherlands recalls 'defective' masks bought from China.
The Dutch government has ordered a recall on around 600,000 masks out of a shipment of 1.3 million from China after they failed to meet quality standards.

The defective masks had already been distributed to several hospitals currently battling the COVID-19 outbreak, news agency AFP and Dutch media reported. The Dutch Health Ministry has kept the rest of the shipment on hold.

An inspection revealed that the FFP2 masks did not protect the face properly or had defective filter membranes. The fine filters stop the virus from entering the mouth or nose. The masks failed more than one inspection.

"A second test also revealed that the masks did not meet the quality norms. Now it has been decided not to use any of this shipment," said the health ministry said in a statement to news agency AFP.
China is sending millions of masks and medical supplies to countries across the world to combat the COVID-19 outbreak. Countries which are receiving China's supplies include Serbia, Liberia, France, Philippines, Czech Republic.

Minnesota golfers as selfish and stupid as Spring Break students.

The Guardian: The spring breakers now regret partying.
...the University of Tampa has confirmed that at least five of those [Spring break] students have tested positive [for Covid-19].
KSTPPetition to keep golf courses open during stay at home order gains thousands of signatures.
Most golf courses are closed as part of the stay at home order, but many Minnesotans argue it's an activity that should be allowed.
[John] Potter is the director of instruction at Prestwick Golf Club in Woodbury. He started a petition to open courses during this order, and it generated about 15,000 signatures in less than two days.
"With this virus going around we can obviously maintain safe distances, where I hit the ball, especially, no one goes," [said said Tom Moore, who lives in Woodbury.]
Potter hopes the voices of the golfers are heard.

"There's no reason to be closed, let's get it open," Potter said.
The preferred golf ball of PGA champions.

I really don't see why golf courses can't be open (with some restrictions for indoor areas), but that won't stop me from playing Devil's Advocate.

We can reach at least two reasonable conclusions:

1) Mr. Potter has a vested financial interest in petitioning against Minnesota's  "shelter-in-place" order issued by DEM Gov. Timmy "Ham-Head" Walz.

2) Mr. Moore can't golf worth a shit and his ball ends up in the rough more times than not.

Golf, cough, sneeze, get Covid-19 and please...drop dead anywhere other than on the green or you'll delay the golfers playing the hole behind you.

Your corpse in a bunker or sand trap would be nice. At least some golfer might be able to bounce their shot of your bloated body and onto the green instead of chipping out.

Just a reminder in this Chinese Wuhan Corona Virus pandemic...Wash your balls. Golf balls.

Herpes face actor Michael Rapaport is the Corona Virus Police. Also called Melania Trump a ‘Dumb FKC’ and a ‘Dumb Animal’.

Michael Rapaport, actor. Who? Yeah...exactly.

Nice Herp 1 chancres 'ya got there on the mouth and upper chin, Champ.

MSN: Michael Rapaport shares expletive-filled coronavirus PSA.
The 50-year-old comedian/actor/entertainment personality recorded an expletive-packed COVID-19 public service announcement and shared it Monday, encouraging people to stay home with some colorful language.

Get your f---ing a-- in the house, you little selfish m-----f-----, you,” Rapaport concluded the message. Those were only two of the 24 f-bombs he dropped in the 2-minute, 20-second video, among numerous other obscenities.

Rapaport said someone had approached him to record a more family-friendly PSA, as many other celebrities have. But the podcaster and “True Romance" actor wasn’t having it and decided to do things his own, more flamboyant, way.

I’m not asking ‘please,' I’m telling m-----f------ stay your little punk dirty s---stained a-- inside,” Rapaport said. “Parents, go outside grab your f---ing kids.”
Actor Michael Rapaport viciously attacked First Lady Melania Trump on Sunday, calling her a “dumb animal,” in response to her coronavirus PSA in which Mrs. Trump suggested safety tips and said “while many of us are apart, we are all in this together.”

Look at this DUMB FKC!!! She thinks this is SEXXXY TIME? Dumb FKC! You dumb animal @FLOTUS, Michael Rapaport said in his rant posted to Twitter on Sunday.
“MAGA!!!! Look at what you’ve done!!!” he said.

    Look at this DUMB FKC!!!
    She thinks this is SEXXXY TIME?
    Dumb FKC! You dumb animal @FLOTUS
    MAGA!!!! Look at what you’ve done!!!
    MAGA https://t.co/JXuS7fMQe0

    — MichaelRapaport (@MichaelRapaport) March 22, 2020
Michael Rapaport has spent years taking cheap shots at the president and members of his administration. He was particularly triggered in October 2017, belting out a profanity-laced rant about climate change.

“Deviant Donald Trump. There’s no global warming, right? Look at your ice skating rink, you fucking dummy,” Rapaport said at the time. “It’s 80 degrees in October, but there’s no global warming. Fuck you, fuck your ice skating rink.”
The actor insisted last July that President Trump dreams of being a dictator, and also smeared Ivanka Trump.

Dick stain fuck… let me tell you something on your stupid fucking independence day parade,” the Prison Break star said about the president’s proposed July 4th parade. “The only thing we want independence from is you, you fucking dog you. “You wanna be a dictator you ain’t no dictator, you’re just a dick.”
Untreated syph causes irreparable brain damage. Maybe his problem is that, not the Herp?

Rapaport needs a refill on his Acyclovir meds. Quarantine yourself, dick-stain!
UPDATE:  I didn't even know who this asshat was until recently.

TMZ: (December 21, 2018) Barstool Sports Fires Back He Cracked Herpes Jokes About Himself!!!
Michael Rapaport has no business suing anyone for saying he has herpes ... because he himself has said it ... according to the countersuit Barstool Sports just filed against the actor.
Barstool points out Michael commented on a 2015 photo of himself, saying, it "looks like" I have "a herpe."
For the record, Michael said in his lawsuit he "does not suffer from herpes."
Yeah...well, saying you don't have herpes is one thing. Providing independent medical evaluation supporting your claim is an entirely different matter.

Maybe those zosters on his mouth and chin are just healing scabs of syph pustules?

Boy, Golly, Gee, I sure wouldn't want to be sued by Herpes Face Michael Rapaport. He seems like such a tolerant person. You can tell by his diplomatic and tolerant behavior towards others.

So I'll go on record agreeing with Meester Rapaport that he does not have Herpes. It just looks like he does.

ADDED: A Google Gallery of Rapaport images with not-herpes on his face.

Illegal Aliens DEMAND $1,200 Federal relief checks.

Breitbart: Coronavirus: Illegal Aliens Demand $1.2K Each in Taxpayer-Funded Checks.
Illegal aliens are demanding they too receive $1,200 in federal checks from the government as part of a Chinese coronavirus crisis relief package.

Open borders organizations like the George Soros-funded United We Dream, the National Immigrant Justice Center, and the National Immigration Law Center — all of which represent the roughly 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the United Statesare pleading with the federal government to cut federal checks to illegal aliens who have Individual Tax Identification Number (ITINs).

Currently, Trump’s coronavirus relief package includes $1,200 federal checks for American citizens with Social Security Numbers (SSN) or those considered “resident aliens,” like permanent lawful residents in the U.S. on green cards.

Illegal aliens, therefore, are excluded from receiving the federal checks, a provision that has outraged the open borders lobby.
Illegal alien advocates are asking the public to urge lawmakers to provide federal checks to illegal aliens in the midst of the coronavirus crisis.
Uh, relief checks for Illegals? NO, NO and FUCK NO! 

To clarify further...(adult language advisory): 

Friday, March 27, 2020

Three Near Earth Objects; All Swings and Misses.

IBT (March 26, 2020): NASA Asteroid Tracker: 3 NEOs Approaching Earth Tomorrow. (So that would be today, the 27th).

How dare they! Teasing, godless asteroids and meteors tiptoeing their unobtrusive paths around earth. Another letdown. They missed us again. A damn shame.

No SMODs on the horizon for a good collision, either. Just downright disappointing.

"Snopes Says" the story about an asteroid hitting earth on April, 29, 2020 is "False", which could mean there's a high probability of it being "True". So we can look forward to that. Whatever it takes to stop the obsessive and frenzied run on TP.

"The Inn is closed," says MN DEM Gov. Tim Walz. Ham-Head declares, "shelter in place."

What a difference a bit of time, panic, frenzy, "free" Federal money, pandering to minorities, fear-mongering and hack political partisanship makes, hey Timmy?

Minneapolis Red Star Tribune (Archived) December 13, 2019: Gov. Tim Walz to Trump on refugees: 'The inn is not full in Minnesota'.
Gov. Tim Walz notified the Trump administration Friday that the state will continue to welcome refugees, pointedly saying that the “inn is not full in Minnesota.”
 “Refugees strengthen our communities. Bringing new cultures and fresh perspectives, they contribute to the social fabric of our state. Opening businesses and supporting existing ones, they are critical to the success of our economy,” [wrote Walz].
Bring Me The News (Archived) March 25, 2020: Gov. Walz announces 'stay at home' order for Minnesota.
[MN Governor Tim Walz] announced Minnesota would become the latest state to impose a stricter "shelter in place" order, starting Friday at 11:59 p.m.

However, the order is only going to be in place for 2 weeks.
This vacuous, media-whore (Walz can't go 24 hours without sticking his head like a canned ham in front of a camera or microphone) governor is now in self-quarantine because he may have been in contact with someone infected with Covid-19.

What happens after Gov. Ham-Head's two week shelter-in-place is up? I guess the Inn re-opens for welcoming back all infectious diseases and invasive species.

Minnesota - how and why TF did you elect this Big-Government, anti 2A/gun control freak,  polarizing, liberal, Trump-hating asshat? 

Wait - I know your response: "My parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, great-great grandparents all voted Democrat. So I vote Democrat." You're not doing yourselves or anyone else any favors. Maybe you will learn this if you live long enough. Maybe not. Some learn at a slower rate than others. Some never learn.

Last Call comes early tonight.

And in case you didn't know, Wash your hands...

Friday Morning Music Video

"Anxiety" from Mondo Bizarro by (the) Ramones.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Gov. Andrew Cuomo wasted money for ventilators on solar energy.

Real Clear Politics: New York's Ventilator Rationing Plan.
After learning that the state's stockpile of medical equipment had 16,000 fewer ventilators than New Yorkers would need in a severe pandemic, Gov. Andrew Cuomo came to a fork in the road in 2015. He could have chosen to buy more ventilators. Instead, he asked his health commissioner, Howard Zucker to assemble a task force and draft rules for rationing the ventilators they already had.
Cuomo could have purchased the additional 16,000 needed ventilators for $36,000 apiece or a total of $576 million in 2015. It's a lot of money but less than the $750 million he threw away on a boondoggle "Buffalo Billion" solar panel factory.
Read more at Conservative Angle: Cuomo Refused to Invest in More Ventilators for Pandemics.
Now we know that not only did Cuomo not purchase excess ventilators for emergencies but he used state funds on a solar panel boondoggle instead.

Corona Burger debuts.

A Vietnamese restaurant is selling a burger served in a bun that looks like the deadly microscopic coronavirus, according to the South China Morning Post.

Chef Hoang Tung said he started serving his burger on a crown-shaped bun resembling the virus to take the fear out of the pandemic that has infected nearly a half-million people worldwide. The bun is dyed with green tea.

“We have this joke that if you are scared of something, you should eat it,” Tung said from his eatery in Hanoi.
Tung hopes the unusual burger brings "joy to others during this pandemic.”
More at U.S. News and World Report: Hanoi Chef Spreads Joy With 'Coronaburger'.

Ancient Ruin Pelosi turns 80 today.

Well...she's certainly pushing the limit. Life Expectancy:

U.S. State Department offering a reward of up to $15 million for information related to Nicolas Maduro.

U.S. News and World Report: U.S. Announces Reward up to $15 Million for Venezuela's Maduro.
The move came as the U.S. Justice Department announced charges against Maduro and others on narco-terrorism.
CBS NewsU.S. charges Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and top officials for drug trafficking scheme.
Attorney General William Barr announced the unsealing of superseding indictments in federal court in New York and South Florida against Maduro and other Venezuelan officials, alleging they orchestrated a "narco-terrorism conspiracy" spanning more than two decades.

"As alleged, the Maduro regime is awash in corruption and criminality. Maduro and his defendants have betrayed the Venezuelan people and corrupted Venezuela's institutions," Barr said during a "virtual" news conference in Washington, D.C.[.]
USA MacPaper: Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro charged in U.S. drug trafficking inquiry.
"The Maduro regime was propped up by a sham judiciary and a corrupt military," Assistant Attorney General Brian Benczkowski said, adding that the defense minister authorized regular and enormous shipments of cocaine destined for the U.S.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Tara Reade Accuses Joe Biden of sexual assault.

“We were alone and it was the strangest thing,” [Tara Reade] said. “There was no like exchange really. He just had me up against the wall.”

Reade went on to say that she was wearing a business skirt with no stockings because it was hot at the time. While up against the wall, Reade says Biden’s “hands were on me and underneath my clothes.

He went down my skirt but then up inside it and he penetrated me with his fingers,” Reade emotionally continued.

Reade also said Biden was kissing her and saying multiple things to her. She remembered a couple of the comments.

“I remember him saying first, like as he was doing it, ‘Do you want to go somewhere else,'” she said. “And then him saying to me when I pulled away, he got finished doing what he was doing, and I kind of just pulled back and he said, ‘Come on man, I heard you liked me.’ And that phrase stayed with me because I kept thinking what I might’ve said and I can’t remember exactly if he said ‘i thought’ or ‘I heard’ but he implied that I had done this.”
More at The Union: Alexandra Tara Reade: A girl walks into the Senate, by Alexandra Tara Reade.
I was told that Sen. Biden wanted me to “serve drinks at a event” because he “liked my legs” and thought I was “pretty,” [writes Reade].

Beer delivery by remote controlled car...because of social distancing.

While the coronavirus pandemic is affecting nearly every aspect of our lives, some are finding ways to connect with their neighbors -- while maintaining proper social distancing. Eric Trzcinski of Richfield is the perfect example of this.

Trzcinski was recently driving home from work when he had this creative idea for sharing a beer with his neighbor across the street. Trzcinski is a car guy -- and strapped a spare exhaust tip from his collection to the back of his remote control car using zip ties. The exhaust tip was exactly the right size to hold a bottle of beer.

After loading the exhaust tip with a Corona (yes, that was intended), Trzcinski called his friend Trevor Reinke across the street -- and told him to shoot video after Trzcinski's garage opened. The result is the video above -- Trzcinski's RC car driving across the street and delivering a cold one to his buddy.
FOX 6 Archived

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Connecticut is Party Zero for coronavirus spreading over states and countries.

Daily Mail: Connecticut 40th birthday gathering of 50 guests from across the US and abroad is dubbed 'Party Zero' after half became infected with coronavirus - and spread the disease across several states and countries.
A 40th gathering in Connecticut has been dubbed 'party zero' after guests became infected and spread coronavirus across several states and the around the world.

About 50 guests reportedly gathered on March 5 at a home in the wealthy suburb of Westport for a lavish buffet and celebration.

After the event, roughly half of those at the party became infected with the disease, then transmitted it to other states and the rest of the world.

According to the New York Times, guests left that evening for Johannesburg, New York City, other parts of Connecticut and the wider US.
On the day of the party Connecticut did not have a single recorded case of coronavirus, but as of today 10 people in the state have died with 415 infections.

More than 50 people currently are hospitalized with COVID-19 in Connecticut.

In Westport state officials say there have been 74 cases of infection.

The upmarket enclave remains the Connecticut community with the highest number of infections.
 Some infected individual at the party double-dipped...

Biden a deer in headlights. Coughs, confused, stumbles during ABC, CNN and MSNBC interviews. (Video)

In other words, Joe Biden as normal and expected. What a train wreck:

Grabian News: Biden Coughs, Acts Confused, Throughout ABC/CNN/MSNBC Interviews.
In a series of interviews Tuesday, Joe Biden attempted to remind America he's still running for president, but ended up providing President Trump a treasure trove of campaign fodder.

The ostensible Democratic front-runner appeared in lengthy interviews on CNN, MSNBC, and ABC's "The View," to describe how much more competent his handling of the Coronavirus crisis would be were he in the White House, but appeared confused and sick — coughing incessantly — throughout the appearances.

CNN's Jake Tapper even had to remind the former vice president that current protocol is to cough into his elbow, not his his, as he had been doing.
On The View, Biden scored an own-goal after trying to take down Trump, saying: "We have to take care of the cure. That will make the problem worse no matter what — no matter what." [Uh - Whaaaat? DD]
On MSNBC, Biden attacked Trump for being both too hard and too soft on China; watching him, Biden said, "is like a yo-yo." Immediately upon saying it, Biden blushed, appearing to think he may have said something racially insensitive. "I shouldn't have said that," he said to himself.
I can only hope that for his own safety, the safety of the Biden family, friends,  neighbors and others, that they've taken away his car keys.

Greta Thunberg may have coronavirus.

Greta Thunberg says she may have contracted coronavirus and has self-isolated at home with her father.

The teenage climate activist said she appeared to have been infected along with her dad, actor Svante Thunberg.

Both began having symptoms after a recent train tour of Europe together and so have been in isolation for the last weeks, she said.

They were travelling in Europe before lockdowns were imposed by many governments across the continent in a bid to halt the spread of the virus.

In an Instagram post today, Thunberg said she suffered shivers, a sore throat, a cough and felt tired after travelling [sic] with her father from Brussels.
I kind of wondered how long this media whore would be bumped out of the limelight due to Covid-19. Was her European train tour carbon neutral? Was it a solar or wind-turbine powered train? Why did she feel entitled to a train tour? Because she's special. How Dare She! How Dare She!!

And yeah - this story gets filed under the department of "Ask Me if I Give A Flying Fuck".

Larz, the Corona Virus Challenge Toilet Seat Licker, Tests Positive for Covid-19.

The original video: 

Challenge and Mission Accomplished, Larz (who went by the Twitter name gayshawnmendes).

A moron who is taking up a hospital bed and precious, limited medical resources for no other reason than being a complete dimwit. Larz should be at the end of the end of the end of the end of the line of people receiving treatment for Covid-19.

Larz is the same moron who "ate some ice cream and put the lid back on the container".

Twitter user @GAYSHAWNMENDES posted the video to the social media site showing him opening a tub of ice cream, scooping some out with his fingers like a psycho, offering some to the person behind the camera who did the same, having some more himself, and then throwing it back in the fridge when he got nervous.
Pardes Seleh Tweet Archived

Coronavirus spreading, with and without social distancing.

Video simulation: Make sure to watch it until all action stops on the right-hand side and view in full screen mode.

Monday, March 23, 2020

DEMS delay economic emergency aid for Coronavirus relief due to Liberal partisanship agenda.

Townhall: Far-Left Wish List Nancy Pelosi Just Blew Everything Up.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi came back to Washington D.C. last night after a week long recess and blew up days of emergency relief work done by the Senate. She wants to write her own far left bill and now we know what will be in it.

According to a source close to the process on Capitol Hill, in order to move forward with any kind of relief package, Pelosi and her far-left Democrat caucus will demand the following be included:

-Publication of corporate pay statistics by race and race statistics for all corporate boards

-A bail out on all current debt at the Postal Service

-Required early voting

-Required same day voter registration
-Full offset of airline emissions by 2025

-Publication and reporting of greenhouse gas statistics for individual flights

-Retirement plans for community newspaper employees

Obama Failed to replenish N95 respirator masks after H1N1 in 2009.

It's all fun and games until someone gets their eye poked out with a stick.
Or, until someone needs an N95 mask and can't get one.

The national shortage of N95 respirator masks can be traced back to 2009 after the H1N1 swine flu pandemic, when the Obama administration was advised to replenish a national stockpile but did not, according to reports from Bloomberg News and the Los Angeles Times.

The Trump administration is scrambling to replenish a stockpile of protective medical gear for healthcare workers and patients as the coronavirus sweeps across the nation. N95 respirator masks are one of the most needed medical supplies amid the outbreak.

The George W. Bush administration published the National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza plan in 2005, which called on the federal government to distribute medical supplies from the Strategic National Stockpile governed by the Health and Human Services Department in the event of an outbreak.

In 2009, the H1N1 outbreak hit the United States, leading to 274,304 hospitalizations, 12,469 deaths, and a depletion of N95 respirator masks.

A federally backed task force and a safety equipment organization both recommended to the Obama administration that the stockpile be replenished with the 100 million masks used after the H1N1 outbreak.
Bloomberg News reported similar findings last week, noting, "After the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009, which triggered a nationwide shortage of masks and caused a 2- to 3-year backlog [of] orders for the N95 variety, the stockpile distributed about three-quarters of its inventory and didn’t build back the supply.
The Magic Kenyan fucks the U.S. over once again. No surprise here.

Paris Police overwhelmed enforcing quarantine in No-Go Zones.

Police in Paris no-go zones are becoming overwhelmed trying to maintain the nationwide quarantine and have handed out record numbers of fines.

The heavily migrant-populated Seine-Saint-Denis area is proving to be a tough area for police to enforce the nationwide anti-coronavirus quarantine ordered by French president Emmanuel Macron, with police officers admitting that they are overwhelmed.

A man guarding a local pharmacy told newspaper Le Temps that many of the residents do not even believe the virus is a threat to them at all

They do not understand anything. Some even say that this virus is a fable of whites to force them to desert the street,” the man said.

Other areas of Seine-Saint-Denis also saw people gathering, including a local shopping centre where a number of minority teenagers chatted with each other, some wearing masks, others not.

Police say that enforcing the law in the area is “impossible” and that if they try to impose the 135 euro fines they would not be able to contain the potential backlash, and that the risk of a crowd forming would only increase the chances of spreading the coronavirus.
The quarantine measures were also largely ignored by residents in the highly migrant-populated 18th arrondissement in the north of Paris, with crowds of people walking around the area despite police orders to stay in their homes.

The coronavirus outbreak has also led to pharmacies becoming targets for burglars, as in the city of Colombes just outside of Paris, where a man from Seine-Saint-Denis was arrested for stealing medical face masks and hand sanitiser.

In Seine-et-Marne, meanwhile, drug dealers donned masks and other medical gear and were seen strolling along the streets of the Almont district of Melun, even creating a video for social media advertising that they were still selling drugs, regardless of the quarantine and coronavirus outbreak.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Why coronavirus deaths in Italy are so high.

There are many factors involved in the reported high numbers of deaths due to Covid-19 from Italy. One that isn't receiving a lot of attention is how Italy codes death by coronavirus, a manner that lends itself to skewing the death-rate higher than reality. To be clear, I'm not saying Italy, or any other country who records death due to coronavirus in a like manner, is doing this to deliberately inflate or manipulate their figures. It's a matter of how they record and define the cause of death.

The Telegraph: Why have so many coronavirus patients died in Italy?
According to Prof Walter Ricciardi, scientific adviser to Italy’s minister of health [...] "The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus.

"On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity - many had two or three," he says.

Other experts have also expressed scepticism [sic] about the available data. Martin McKee, professor of European public health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, says that countries do not yet have a good indication of how many mild infections they have.
The Telegraph Archived

Mittens Romney self-quarantined due to Coronavirus.

Utah Sens. Mike Lee and [JUNIOR SENATOR] Mitt Romney are self-quarantining per doctors’ orders after coming in contact with Sen. Rand Paul, who confirmed he tested positive Sunday for COVID-19.
Romney, 73, said he sat next to Paul for “extended periods in recent days."
Told that Romney would have to be in isolation, President Donald Trump said: “Gee that’s too bad.” Asked if he was being sarcastic, the president said he wasn’t.
Godspeed, Mittens...Godspeed.

Salt Lake Tribune (MSN) Archived

NYC Worthless Mayor Kaiser Wilhelm doesn't have all the answers to Covid-19? Blames President Trump.

NYC Mayor Idiot Emeritus Warren Wilhelm, JUNIOR

New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio (D) said Sunday the coronavirus outbreak will get worse in the next two months, adding that he does not think President Trump is doing enough to mitigate the pandemic.

"The truth is, and New Yorkers and all Americans deserve the blunt truth, it is only getting worse. And in fact, April and May are going to be a lot worse," the mayor said on NBC's "Meet the Press."

The outbreak will get even worse, he said, due to Trump's refusal to invoke the Defense Production Act for the medical equipment hospitals need.

"The president of the United States is from New York City and he will not lift a finger to help his hometown," de Blasio said, adding that New York City accounts for a third of the cases of COVID-19 across the country.
Yeah, the truth. What does JUNIOR Wilhelm know about the truth?

Maybe he should have spent more time last year doing his job instead of pretending he was a viable presidential candidate.

NY Post: De Blasio logged a 7-hour work month at City Hall.
Mayor Bill de Blasio spent a mere seven hours — less than one full workday — at City Hall during the month he launched his bid for the White House, records reviewed by The Post show.
One former aide said de Blasio’s virtual disappearance from the Big Apple’s official seat of power sent a troubling message.

If he’s trying to show New Yorkers that he’s over doing the job, he’s doing a good job of it,” the ex-aide said.

Another former de Blasio insider called the mayor’s job performance “real bad.”

At this point, you’ve got to wonder how much of his heart is really in it,” the source added.
NY Post: De Blasio’s senior staff in near revolt over his coronavirus response.
When Mayor de Blasio dragged aides and members of his NYPD security detail to his Brooklyn YMCA Monday morning amidst the coronavirus outbreak, fellow fitness enthusiasts were coughing and sneezing — and a mentally ill person was walking around touching the equipment, a gym source said.

It’s crazy that he made his staff and detail come with him to the gym and expose them like that,” the source said.

But the incident is just one example of the mayor’s disregard for the health of his staff during the crisis, multiple sources told The Post.

There’s also growing frustration from senior aides, who fault the mayor for dithering instead of making decisions, micromanaging instead of leading, and insisting he knows best instead of listening to others, three sources said.

‘Thank god for Cuomo,’ is a common refrain among the mayor’s staff, made only partly in jest, sources said.
[de Blasio] can’t handle the word ‘No,’ and it runs people down,” the source said.

He is dismissive of everyone’s opinion around him,” added a second source.

It’s very much his way or the highway in moments of crisis and he thinks he knows best,” the second source noted.
He is a monster to deal with right now,” the second source explained.

He’s incredibly condescending. He thinks he has a pulse on the emotions and feelings and concerns of everyday New Yorkers better than his staff, which is remarkable for a guy who lives in a mansion on the Upper East Side,” the source said.
A shithole city (that once wasn't a shithole) elects a shithead mayor. What do you expect, New Yorkers?

Hey - The Kaiser has to get to his Brooklyn gym for his workout session via his multi-vehicle, fossil-fuel-burning motorcade. Make way for Kaiser Wilhelm! Listen to him and do what he says. He knows best.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Drive-In Movie Theaters see surge in business amid coronavirus.

Drive-in theaters across the US are seeing a surge in customers as Americans weigh their now-limited entertainment options amid the coronavirus outbreak.

Owners of drive-in theaters in California, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri told the Los Angeles Times that they had seen a rise in ticket sales as other public spaces like bars and restaurants were ordered closed to encourage social distancing.

The theaters offer an interesting alternative to staying home while staying safe, though areas like concession stands and public bathrooms could still pose a risk for spreading infection by contact.
The DriveAmericans Are Returning to Drive-In Movie Theaters to Escape Coronavirus Mayhem.
... there are only 300 or so drive-ins left across the country, and not all are open just yet.
Cleveland.com (via Archive): The drive-in theater, relic of yesterday.
The Showboat Drive-In Theater in Hockley, Texas, about a 30-minute drive outside Houston, normally sees ticket sales go down about 40% on a weekend when they don't have any new movies. Last weekend, they saw a 40% increase, says the theater's owner, Andrew Thomas.
Axios: Drive-in theaters report uptick in business amid coronavirus.
Nobody is near us, and we can actually enjoy the movie without feeling that paranoia where something like somebody coughing would have us instantly move,” Christian Singleton, who brought his 2-year-old daughter and 4-year-old son to the California Paramount Drive-In on Tuesday, told the Times.

New York currently has the most drive-in screens in the country at 49 — while Pennsylvania has 45 and California and Ohio each have 44 screens, according to the United Drive-In Theatre Owners Association.

Over Sized Sherpa Hoodie. Yeah, but it's no Yanket.

Yahoo: This cozy oversized sherpa hoodie is like wearing a blanket — 'I love it, my dog loves it, my friends are envious'. (Friends envious of a wearable blanket? That seems an overly-enthusiastic endorsement - DD).
Ever dreamed of wearing your favorite blanket out of the house as you ran your errands for the day?

Call it silly or call it life-changing, but the Blanket Sweatshirt combines all our favorite things about a cozy blanket and transforms it into an oversized, shockingly soft hoodie.
The Blanket Sweatshirt comes oversized and snuggly, plus it even has a giant pocket at the front to keep your hands warm (or to house all the snacks).
You can wear it to walk the dog, get the mail, or even a grocery run.
Uh - no, I've never dreamed of wearing a blanket while on errands or in public. I don't wear them around the house, for that matter.

Life-changing? Let's hope not.

Although the Sherpa Hoodie seems like the appropriate go-to attire for both Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders for their next debate, with each wearing one of those red and white sleeping caps.

Still...The Sherpa Hoodie is no Yanket. Then again, what is...

Yahoo Sherpa Hoodie Archived

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Coronavirus Free-For-All! U.S isn't the next Italy. Is Covid-19 Bio-Terrorism? Ten days of darkness April Fools Day to April 10? Let's Panic More! Anthrax-Madhouse.

The panic, the frenzy, some conspiracies, the Diamond Princess, the questions, the deaths from the flu and...Teh Antrax. Who dis Covid-19?

The U.S. is not Italy.

The American Council on Science and Health (March 16, 2020): Coronavirus: U.S. Is Not the Next Italy.
[The] false narrative is that the United States is the "next Italy," by which people (many of whom are Trump's detractors) claim that the President's mistakes will lead to millions of infections and possibly millions of deaths. To bolster their case, they point to Italy, an advanced nation whose healthcare system was overwhelmed by patients with COVID-19. The latest figures show nearly 28,000 infections and 2,158 deaths, for a case-fatality rate of 7.7%. That's the worst in the world, even far worse than China and Iran.

So, is Italy our future? Almost certainly not. To see why, the following is a figure depicting case-fatality rates by country for those reporting at least 500 confirmed cases and one death.
Please see the graph at the link and the rest of the story.
Coronavirus, a Bio-Terroism agent?

[...] compared to SARs, Co-Vid 19 is a wimp. But it’s not benign.
Bio-Terrorist Threat – Or Natural Disaster?
...why would you create a bug with merely a 3% case-fatality rate? Frankly, if it were me, I’d go for Hanta-virus – it’s got a case-fatality of 36% – and you don’t need crop dusters or drones. It’s spread by rats. You don’t even need a lab to engineer it – it already exists.

In fact, why would I go to the bother and expense of genetically engineering any bio-terrorist agent? You can cause a heck of a lot of havoc by leaving your mayonnaise open for 24 hours and putting some Salmonella-infected sandwiches in your local cafeteria.
It looks just like a Christmas decoration or tree ornament, doesn't it?
Oh...what good is a pandemic without a White Hat conspiracy?

Reddit R/conspiracy: I believe Covid is The Storm. Do you have your popcorn ready.
April fools seems like a fitting day to quarantine the country for a fake virus. During this time communication will go down. 10 days of darkness. 4 10 20 is Good Friday and that's when communications will be restored. Dark to Light[.]
During this time all low level and mid level cabal members and bad actors will be arrested. On 4 10 20 dark will turn to light and the first big name arrests will start happening. Riots will be started and quickly shutdown as the country is still partially under lockdown.
And a Black Hat conspiracy?

Daily MailJeremy Corbyn's brother Piers has claimed that Bill Gates and George Soros are behind the coronavirus .

Why didn't more people become infected?

WattsUpWithThatDiamond Princess Mysteries.
We had a perfect petri-dish coronavirus disease (COVID-19) experiment with the cruise ship “Diamond Princess”. That’s the cruise ship that ended up in quarantine for a number of weeks after a number of people tested positive for the coronavirus. I got to wondering what the outcome of the experiment was.
[...] 83% (82.7% – 83.9%) of the passengers never got the disease at all … why?
The seasonal "Flu" by the numbers.

Health.com: This Is How Many People Die From the Flu Each Year, According to the CDC.
Flu season is hitting its stride right now in the US. So far, the CDC has estimated (based on weekly influenza surveillance data) that at least 12,000 people have died from influenza between Oct. 1, 2019 through Feb. 1, 2020, and the number of deaths may be as high as 30,000.

The CDC also estimates that up to 31 million Americans have caught the flu this season, with 210,000 to 370,000 flu sufferers hospitalized because of the virus.
You must have noticed the hypocrisy of the number of Democrat Governors and Mayors who are drooling to enforce quarantines and government mandated self-isolation periods, shelter-in-place and curfews. These are the same DEM Govs and Mayors who, for years, refused to co-operate with ICE, instead making their states and cities sanctuaries and safe-havens for illegals. Now they want to put us in CAGES !

DEM Mayors and Governors who, for decades, looked the other way while their streets, subways, public transit, parks and sidewalks overflowed with human (and animal) waste, an increasing amount of crime and an increasing decay of inner-city life.

"Oh - there's a NEW pandemic, you say? And you say FREE FEDERAL MONEY is available? Yeah, give us that money and we'll start sanitizing the public handrails with Clorox Anti-Bacterial Wipes." This...cleanliness...never occurred to them before. Well, not until the rest of the country kicked in to help pay for it.

Avoid restaurants, bars and other public places. Are you ready for an unemployment rate of 10% or, as some predict, 20%?

Opt for home food delivery instead of going to the supermarket? So, a delivery driver who may have made ten, fifteen, twenty or more visits to other places before stopping at our house is safer - how? AYFKM?

On the upside, I saw gasoline priced at $1.97/gallon today!

Bring on Anthrax!

The Times of Israel Archived
Reddit R/conspiracy Covid-19 A Hoax Archived

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Michael Avenatti's jail cell infested with rats. His lawyer afraid to visit him due to Coronavirus.

Fraudster Michael Avenatti’s attorney is scared to visit him at the dirty and dangerous Metropolitan Correctional Center — because he fears the lockup could be a coronavirus hotbed.

In a letter, Avenatti lawyer Scott Srebnick asked a Manhattan judge to delay by 30 days a pre-sentencing interview he was scheduled to attend between Avenatti and probation officials at the MCC.

Srebnick highlighted unsanitary conditions at the MCC — which ended a 10-day lock down last week — as a potential breeding ground for coronavirus.

Mr. Avenatti’s cell was infested with rats. The jail reeks of urine. As of yesterday, Mr. Avenatti had not shaved in weeks.["]
Avenatti was convicted of defrauding Nike in the case in February and a pre-sentencing hearing is scheduled for June.

He faces another criminal case in Manhattan federal court for allegedly embezzling funds porn star Stormy Daniels earned for writing her memoirs.
Infested with rats and reeks of urine...

Monday, March 16, 2020

The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Corona Virus.

Can we panic and frenzy just a little bit more?

"Maple Street, U.S.A., late summer. A tree-lined little world of front porch gliders, barbecues, the laughter of children, and the bell of an ice cream vendor. At the sound of the roar and the flash of light, it will be precisely 6:43 P.M. on Maple Street...This is Maple Street on a late Saturday afternoon. Maple Street in the last calm and reflective moment - before the monsters came."
[Aliens] comment on how simply fiddling with consistency leads people to descend into paranoia and panic, and that this is a pattern that can be exploited. They also discuss their intention to use this strategy to conquer Earth, one neighborhood at a time.
Closing narration:
"The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices...to be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill...and suspicion can destroy...and a thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all of its own – for the children and the children yet unborn. And the pity of it is that these things cannot be confined to the Twilight Zone."
Security Magazine (January 31, 2020): Coronavirus: Are We Overreacting?
Let’s put this into perspective. In 2019, the Centre for Disease Control reports that 61,200 people died from the common flu virus. That’s 168 deaths per day! Compared to Coronavirus that was first reported on December 31, with 213 deaths in total until January 31. Based on last years statistics, 5,208 people have died of the common flu in that same time period.