Thursday, July 25, 2024

Harris Camp Rhetoric: "Trump is afraid to debate Kamela."

Because Trump hasn't taken the bait of agreeing to a date for debating Harris.

Trump Camp response

There's no reason for Trump to commit to a debate date this early until the democrat party and the DNC ends their convention in Chicago and the presidential candidate is selected. It might be Harris. It could be someone else, like Cankles

Trump needn't agree to any debate dates now. Let the DNC and Harris twist in the wind, their internal panic and in their own debacle. Sit back and watch them implode. Enjoy the show!

Was Biden's address last night live, taped or AI?

I'd forgotten that The Walking Dead addressed the nation last night - allegedly "live"-  not that I would've watched it anyway. But some have noticed inconsistencies about it.

Thursday's Friday Morning Music Video

Is brought to you by MaddMedic, with an all time classic. You'll have to click to find out who it is and the song.  👍

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

DC Protesters against Netanyahu. Who are they? Let's find out.

Well, they're mostly Jewish-organized groups and the majority of protesters are Jews living in America and Jewish students from Israel attending U.S. universities.

But if you only get your news from TikTok and a couple of X (Twitter) accounts, you won't know this. 

Forward: A guide to the Jewish and Israeli groups that protested Netanyahu’s DC visit.

Jewish Voices for Peace: Originally and remains a Jewish grassroots organization.

T’ruah: a left-wing organization of rabbis, [cantors and other Jewish-centered groups].

UnXeptable: Founded four years ago by Israeli expats in the San Francisco Bay Area.

The Hostages and Missing Families Forum: Formed by family members of Israeli hostages.

^ Families of Hostages. Definitely not Palestinians or pro Hamas.
The Jeff Bezos Peoples' Republic: Jewish demonstrators arrested in Cannon Rotunda.

The protest, organized by Jewish Voice for Peace, a national Jewish anti-Zionist organization, included rabbis, students, Israeli Americans and descendants of Holocaust survivors. The group is “horrified and dismayed” that elected officials will meet with Netanyahu, said Sonya Meyerson-Knox, a group spokeswoman.

^ Again, not Palestinians or Pro Hamas Group but American Jews.

Hundreds of American Jewish activists were arrested by police on Tuesday after protesting against US military support for Israel and calling for a Gaza ceasefire.

Who I don't see protesting are the supposedly pro-Hamas Palestinians living in the U.S. or here on visa. I see large groups of Jewish protesters protesting Netanyahu and his genocidal policies. 

Stop and think. Netanyahu knew this would be the result, on American soil. This is just want he wanted. Why did RINOs and the UniParty invite this devil to address Congress? Because they all get big political donations from AIPAC. 
Netanyahu wanted chaos, disarray and an uprising in the U.S. He wanted to cause trouble and he did. This was his goal and he got it.
This wouldn't have happened had he not done this. He could've turned down the invitation to address Congress. But he did it anyway. His intention is to cause and inflict as much damage and division in America, and within Americans, as he can. 
Netanyahu is the Devil incarnate and a war criminal. The sooner you acknowledge this as the truth, the better.

Massie rejects Netanyahu address to Congress.

Netanyahu goads U.S. into war fighting for Israel.

Voltaire: Will Israel succeed in attacking Lebanon and pushing the United States to nuke Iran?

Voltaire: Netanyahu soon to appear before the US Congress? It will be decisive for the succession in this country and the invasion of Lebanon.

Voltaire: Will Israel provoke a cataclysm?

To save the Hebrew state, the United States will be forced to intervene, but rather than participate directly in a horrific war, it will support a military coup in Tel Aviv.

The Cradle: Israeli troops 'exhausted, losing readiness everyday’ to expand war on Lebanon.

The Israeli army, which relies heavily on reservists, is exhausted after 300 days of fighting in Gaza.

Israel loves to brag the IDF is the toughest, most energetic, most endurable forces in the world. And they're exhausted after 300 days?

There's the option of a cease fire and peace discussions, but madman Satanyahu doesn't want that. He wants American treasure and blood to do his genocide for him.

The Cradle: Hundreds protesting Netanyahu visit arrested at US Capitol.

The protesters belonged to the Jewish Voice for Peace activist group.

Oh. So many of the protesters AREN'T crazed Left-Wing, pro-Hamas, "anti-semites." They're Jewish. Well...well...well, we're unlikely to hear this reported by Western Media.

Breitbart: Anti-Israel Protesters Gather at Netanyahu’s Hotel in D.C., Project ‘Wanted’ Sign.

Video footage posted to X showed Palestinian protesters gathered outside of the Watergate Hotel, chanting, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free.”

A sign that read, “WANTED: ARREST WAR CRIMINAL NETANYAHU,” with Netanyahu’s face was projected onto the outside walls of the hotel.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), have stated that they will “not attend” the speech given by “war criminal” Netanyahu.

Vice President Kamala Harris and Senate President Pro-Tempore Patty Murray (D-WA) have also reportedly refused to attend Netanyahu’s speech.
Among those expected to protest Netanyahu’s speech and arrival in D.C. are staffers for members of Congress.

They're not, "Anti-Israel." They're Anti-Genocide. 

"We the Jewish people can defend ourselves." So why is he speaking to Congress, hat yarmulke in hand begging for U.S. assistance and backing?

Wednesday's Friday Morning Music Video

"Vicious Rumours" by Alice Cooper, from 1981's Special Forces.

The Lyrics are typical dark, dank, cynical Alice humor, which is why I like him so darn much.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

5G in Canada is a marketing scam?

The person in this video says he repairs cell phones for a living and there's no 5G chip in 5G phones in Canada. If anyone has knowledge of this, drop a comment. 

It makes me wonder about U.S. 5G phones. Does anyone know if U.S. cell phones actually contain the 5G chip? I haven't disassembled a cell phone for over 10 years and that's only after it was run over by a car, at slow speed. Many attempts were made to reassemble it, but it wasn't salvageable. There was data on it I'd like to have accessed.

I forget where I found this video. H/T to whoever it is. If it's yours or you ran it, drop a comment, I do my best to give attribution.

The Netanyahus bring excess dirty laundry to the WH for washing.

FFS ... how thrifty and disgustingly supremacist can these people be?


^ Click=enlarge=readable
The Netanyahus have done this on several occasions. Disrespectful, supremacist and cheap behavior, surprising no one.
Wash and dry clean their clothing in fat from bacon, pork and ham. Return it to them, asking if they like the detergent scent. 
"Why don't people like us?!" It's a fucking mystery, ain't it.

I didn't make this^ meme. Whoever did, YOU are the MEME KING! 🤣

Billionaire Estée Lauder heir wants laws enacted so he's not subject to criticism.


Anti-Zionism ISN'T Anti-Semitism. Learn the difference. 

Step 1: Learn the definition of who is a Semite.

^ They "get it." God Bless the Jews who understand that Zionism isn't the same thing as being Jewish or being Israeli.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Genocidal Cowardly Jew arrives in DC.

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MORE after the Pagebreak ⏬

Sunday, July 21, 2024

One question remains.

Who will be selected to run as Hillary's VP? 

The 2024 DNC Convention in Chi-Town is gonna be HAWT and FEISTY! 🔥

Get out while there's still time! 🤣

Breitbart: Biden ends re-election bid. Drops out of race

A-HA! Trump campaign says they can't schedule a VP debate until Harris picks her VP!

RT: US Republicans urge Harris to announce VP choice.

Debating Kamala Harris would be unfair to her eventual running mate, the US Republicans have said.

There can be no vice presidential debate until the Democrats decide who will be on their ticket, the Republican campaign said on Wednesday, in a thinly veiled reference to calls for US President Joe Biden to step down.
We don’t know who the Democrat nominee for Vice President is going to be, so we can’t lock in a date before their convention,” Trump campaign senior adviser Brian Hughes said in a statement on Wednesday evening. “To do so would be unfair to Gavin Newsom, JB Pritzker, Gretchen Whitmer, or whoever Kamala Harris picks as her running mate.”

Epic Trolling!

Joe, isolated and alone with his Vicks VapoRub while others planning to oust him.  

I think it comes down to Jill. She's running the show. She loves FLOTUS status. They're gonna have to drag her out of the WH. She's not giving up easily. 

Who will be the dem candidate? Not Harris, Newsom, Whitmer or Pritzker.


Breitbart: Flailing Democrats Urged to Consider Swapping ‘Young’ Hillary Clinton for Biden.

Step forward two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton. Pablo O’Hana said she is a “seasoned, savvy and adaptable candidate” in an opinion piece published by The Hill on Saturday.

He argued the former Secretary of State also has youth on her side at 76 as well as experience, stating in the piece[.]
“Her ability to connect with diverse audiences and articulate complex ideas with clarity and conviction re-establishes her as a formidable global stateswoman.”

I told you so:

It's fun watching democrats cannibalize themselves!

A Prayer to Start the Day. Every Day.

Dear God, at the start of each day, help us to recognize you above all else. Enlighten the eyes of our hearts that we might see you and notice how you're at work through our lives.

Give us wisdom to make the best choices, and fill us with a desire to seek after you more than anything else in this world. Let your Spirit and power breathe in us, through us, again, fresh and new.

I pray this in Jesus' Name, Amen

From Crosswalk

Edit: I had this pre-scheduled to publish but failed to change it from PM to AM. 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Secret Service head Kimberly Cheatle said to resign on Monday.

NY SUN: Secret Service Head Confirms She Will Testify at House Oversight Committee Monday as Calls for Her Resignation Intensify.

Secret Service head Kimberly Cheatle confirms she will testify before the House Oversight Committee as calls mount for her to resign from her post following Saturday’s near-fatal security failure that nearly claimed the life of President Trump.

Whether Cheatle resigns or digs her heels in, if she testifies, does anyone really think she'll provide any real details? Instead, she'll fall-back on the, "I can't answer that without compromising the integrity of the Secret Service Agency." What integrity is there to compromise? ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯

Another Epic, or deliberate, failure during the timeline of the Biden Cabal where no one faces consequences. If she resigns, she'll get a well-paying job with a securities firm.

"Journalist" Evan Gershkovich sentenced to 16 years Russian Prison.

Breitbart: Russia Sentences American Reporter Evan Gershkovich to 16 Years in Prison.

A Russian court on Friday sentenced Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich to 16 years in a high-security penal colony on dubious espionage charges.

"Dubious espionage charges" my a$$. "Reporter?" BULLSHITTO! He's Mossad.

Meanwhile, former Marine, American Paul Whelan still in a Russian jail cell and Biden and his cabal don't give a shit about him. Why? Well, he's White and not a WNBA player, that's why.  

Why is the putrid Biden and Handlers Admin so adamant about getting Gershkovich released? He's a Mossad spy and ... uh ... ya know ... he's Amish

Gershkovich can rot in that cell. ZFG.

Left Wing Radical Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee dies.

Breitbart: Longtime US Rep Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas has died.

RIP and condolences to Ms. Lee's family and friends. 

Sheila Jackson Lee ... I think.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Uh Oh! The Pro-Ukraine War crowd won't like this.

RT: Ukrainian neo-Nazi mocks Auschwitz victims.

A member of the Azov-linked 3rd Assault Brigade posted a meme and clips on social media apparently praising Adolf Hitler’s genocide.

Social media users have called out a member of Ukraine’s 3rd Assault Brigade, which includes fighters from the reformed neo-Nazi Azov Regiment, over several posts that appear to mock those who were killed at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.

In a series of posts on Instagram, Nikita Miroschenko, a member of the brigade, shared photos and reels of him paying a visit to the death camp in Poland several weeks ago. One of the reels showed the gates of Auschwitz with the infamous Nazi slogan “Arbeit macht frei” with German march music playing in the background. The post was accompanied by a caption reading: “We commemorated the memory, but there is one nuance.”

A second reel showed Miroschenko’s girlfriend Anastasia Korshykova, a member of the same brigade, standing in front of the death camp. This image was juxtaposed with a meme known as “Disaster Girl,” featuring a girl staring at the camera as a house burns behind her. The clip was accompanied by the song ‘Baby on Fire’ by the South African hip-hop group Die Antwoor.
Jake Hanrahan described one of Miroschenko’s posts as “disgusting,” while Daniel Mayakovsky remarked that “if you oppose Israel’s genocide in Gaza, you are an anti-Semite according to the Western media... but if you go to Auschwitz with a T-shirt quoting Hitler to gloat about killing Jews, then Europe and the US send you weapons.”

Daniel Mayakovsky is correct.

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Double Vaccinated and Up-to-Date Boosted Biden HAZ THE COOF! AGAIN!

I think this is his 4th...or 5th(?)...COOF Infection! LMFAO! 🤣 

Breitbart: Joe Biden Tests Positive for COVID-19, Cancels Las Vegas Speech.

President Joe Biden has tested positive for COVID-19 and has canceled a speech he was set to deliver in Las Vegas, Nevada, on Wednesday evening.
[...] he is experiencing mild symptoms.

July 2021 ⏬ 

It's an epidemic of Teh Unvaccinated!

Sweet Tumescent Divine Schadenfreude, how Great Thou Art! 


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sloped roof "too dangerous for SS agents," says director Kimberly Cheatle.

The Telegraph: Sloping roof used by assassin ‘too dangerous’ for Secret Service agents.

Kimberly Cheatle, the Secret Service director, said the “sloped roof” where Thomas Matthew Crooks was positioned on Saturday could have posed a risk to agents.

“That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof,” she told ABC News on Tuesday.

And so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building, from inside.”

Secure the exterior of the building by doing it from the inside? WUT?

Cheatle's explanation makes zero sense. She expects us to believe her. She thinks we're stupid.

Secret Service Agents are trained for combat, gunfire, physical attacks, motorcades, bad actor snipers but ... not sloped roofs. 🤣

Home builders, roofers, rain gutter cleaners, home repair, insurance adjusters, homeowners, painters, etc all are on sloped roofs every day. Time to hire them instead of a DEI SS Director and agents. 

Elon: "So before being put in charge of protecting the PRESIDENT, she was guarding bags of Cheetos ..."

The Independent (25 August 2022): Kim Cheatle Biden taps PepsiCo executive to head Secret Service.

She is currently working as as a security executive at PepsiCo.

More roof slope memes after the Pagebreak. ⏬

Israeli woman kills 6-year old and a dog with machete.


I can't make heads or tails of the (Twitter/X) video ⏬ 

Israel drops 8 two-thousand pound bombs to kill one Hamas official and FAILS!

Fails to take him out. Instead, it resulted in more civilians and children killed. 

WSJ: To Targt a Top Militant, Israel Rained down Eight Tons of Bombs

Huge deployment of firepower, after years of failed attempts to kill Hamas military commander Mohammed Deif, exacted a heavy civilian toll.

Israel had tried - and failed - to kill Mohammed Deif, several times,
[...] Israel struck, with overwhelming force, hitting [a southern compound in Gaza] with eight 2,000 pound bombs[.]
[The bombings hit] a compound [that] was home to a market, a water source and a soup kitchen[.]

WSJ beind a paywall. Same story at MSN.

Don't call this a genocide. Oh, no no no...Satanyahu and his cabinet have every right to, "defend itself."  Yeah, defend itself against a water source, a market and a soup kitchen for Palestinian civilians. How brave!

Israel, the nation with the Samson Option where they will nuke the entire world - even their allies - if they don't get their way.

Progressive MagazineThe Samson Option: Israel’s Plan to Nuke Its Opponents.

“Israel’s policy of never formally acknowledging its nuclear arsenal makes its doctrine ambiguous, but the Samson Option is believed to refer to Israel’s plans for overwhelming nuclear retaliation against non-nuclear adversaries if the country faces an imminent, existential threat,” [said Kelsey Davenport, director of nonproliferation policy at the Arms Control Association, which advocates for nuclear disarmament]. “It would likely include deliberate, disproportionate nuclear strikes against non-military targets, such as cities, despite the clear violation of international humanitarian law.”
Unlike MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction), Israel’s Samson Option specifically threatens its non-nuclear opponents.

Israel is Biblical Mystery Babylon. The satanic State. The Synagogue of Satan from where the anti-christ will some day emerge. A nation from which nothing good or Godly comes.

Continue turning a blind eye to what Israel is doing. It's just what the devil wants you to do. 

If you choose to think, or believe, a post like this equates to, "hating Jews," you have the intellectual capacity of a flushed turd.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

8+ Years of Violent Political Rhetoric promoted by The Left.

Now The Left wants to pretend their past never happened. 

Off the top of my head, a small collection of what The Left has said and done over the past eight years: 

* "Time to put Trump in the bullseye." - Biden

* "Get in their face." - Obama, Maxine Waters, so many others. 

* "Donate and support the MN Freedom Fund." (aka no bail program for Antifa or blm criminals) - Kamala Harris.

* "Donald Trump is a threat to our democracy." - Nancy Pelosi

* Kathy Griffin holding up a bloodied Trump head facsimile.

* Massive, loud and hostile protests outside the homes of SCOTUS justices, encouraged, promoted and supported by Liberals.

* Louise Ciccone (aka Madonna): "I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House."

Johnny Depp: "When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?" Oh, he later apologized for saying this so that makes everything better...

Robert DeNiro's unhinged rage over the past 8 years.

Every single talking head on "The View" lobbing the most outrageous, hate-fueled  allegations about Trump.

The shooting in 2017 at the Congressional baseball game perpetrated by a Bernie Sanders supporter.

* "We're coming for you Kavanaugh and Gorsuch." - Chuck Schumer

* An Encyclopedia of lies and baseless allegations created by Adam Schiff, one of the most corrupt politicians of our time.

* Escalating violence, in especially liberal cities, that started during 2020's "Summer of Love" and spread like wildfire, continuing for years.

* Harassment of Sarah Sanders-Huckabee while out dining with family and friends, forced to leave the resteraunt. This has happened to others, some for simply being Trump supporters. 

* "The donor class must put a bullet in Donald Trump." - Lincoln Pedo Project's co-founder Rick Wilson.

*  Shakespeare in the Park's Trump-like Julius Caesar.

* Shooting of a Trump lookalike in Snoop Dogg's video.

* "Donald Trump is a danger to our democracy and a threat to our country." - Virtually every democrat politician, MSM talking head, social media Radical Liberals, Never-Trumpers and members of the UniParty.

* A revolving door for repeat offenders by liberal judges and prosecutors at all government levels or, no charges at all along with no-cash bail.

* All the "Freedom Funds" created providing bail for violent behavior created by Antifa and blm.

* Burning of government buildings, tearing down statues, destruction of both public and private property committed by Crazed Leftists. Repercussions mostly a slap on the wrist for the perps.

* Eight years of never-ending investigations - truly witch hunts - into Trump, desperately seeking conviction and his imprisonment.

All of the above encouraged, supported and amplified by democrats, liberals, Never-Trumpers and the UniParty.

Secret Service is under DHS.
DHS = Alejandro Mayorkas.
SS = Kimberly Cheatle.
FBI = Christopher Wray.
DOJ = Merrick Garland.
^ ALL OF THEM SHOULD HAVE BEEN FIRED LAST NIGHT.  None of them will face any consequences.  

Now these same Swamp Dwellers repeat DNC Politburo-Issued Talking Points: "Violence is never the answer." Put a sock in it. Their words mean nothing. Their only regret is that the assassination attempt failed. 

GFM for Allyson Comperatore, daughter of firefighter Corey Comperatore, who was shot and killed while attending last night's Trump Rally.

Continue praying for those injured, their families and friends.

Was the assassination attempt on Trump done know...

SOTN: Mossad (Ishrael) behind Trump assassination attempt

Everything you read below points to MOSSAD having staged this false flag assassination attempt hoax in order to get Trump elected and to keep him on a very short leash once he’s in the Oval Office

What better way to knock the news cycle off Netanyahu's genocide of the Palestinians and the total destruction of Gaza? It makes total sense. Read the link. 

If you think this possibility is far-fetched, let me remind you of The Lavon Affair. 

Look at the wording of the initial headlines on the assassination attempt. The MSM refused to acknowledge it was an assassination attempt and we know who controls the media: 

Will pose this question again: How many Americans, with dual-citizenship, are members of Israel's Knesset? ZERO.

ADDED: New/Most recent info after the Pagebreak ⏬