Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Netanyahu goads U.S. into war fighting for Israel.

Voltaire: Will Israel succeed in attacking Lebanon and pushing the United States to nuke Iran?

Voltaire: Netanyahu soon to appear before the US Congress? It will be decisive for the succession in this country and the invasion of Lebanon.

Voltaire: Will Israel provoke a cataclysm?

To save the Hebrew state, the United States will be forced to intervene, but rather than participate directly in a horrific war, it will support a military coup in Tel Aviv.

The Cradle: Israeli troops 'exhausted, losing readiness everyday’ to expand war on Lebanon.

The Israeli army, which relies heavily on reservists, is exhausted after 300 days of fighting in Gaza.

Israel loves to brag the IDF is the toughest, most energetic, most endurable forces in the world. And they're exhausted after 300 days?

There's the option of a cease fire and peace discussions, but madman Satanyahu doesn't want that. He wants American treasure and blood to do his genocide for him.

The Cradle: Hundreds protesting Netanyahu visit arrested at US Capitol.

The protesters belonged to the Jewish Voice for Peace activist group.

Oh. So many of the protesters AREN'T crazed Left-Wing, pro-Hamas, "anti-semites." They're Jewish. Well...well...well, we're unlikely to hear this reported by Western Media.

Breitbart: Anti-Israel Protesters Gather at Netanyahu’s Hotel in D.C., Project ‘Wanted’ Sign.

Video footage posted to X showed Palestinian protesters gathered outside of the Watergate Hotel, chanting, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free.”

A sign that read, “WANTED: ARREST WAR CRIMINAL NETANYAHU,” with Netanyahu’s face was projected onto the outside walls of the hotel.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), have stated that they will “not attend” the speech given by “war criminal” Netanyahu.

Vice President Kamala Harris and Senate President Pro-Tempore Patty Murray (D-WA) have also reportedly refused to attend Netanyahu’s speech.
Among those expected to protest Netanyahu’s speech and arrival in D.C. are staffers for members of Congress.

They're not, "Anti-Israel." They're Anti-Genocide. 

"We the Jewish people can defend ourselves." So why is he speaking to Congress, hat yarmulke in hand begging for U.S. assistance and backing?

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