Stat News: Viruses that were on hiatus during Covid are back — and behaving in unexpected ways.
For one thing, because of Covid restrictions, we have far less recently acquired immunity; as a group, more of us are vulnerable right now.
GASP! Immunity? Like natural or herd immunity? Is that something that still exists?
Hit the link, read the story. It's full of...
..."we may experience..."
..."Larger waves of illness could hit..."
..."may bring to light problems we didn’t know..."
..."Diseases could circulate at times or in places when they normally would not."
..."we may be facing a period when it will be difficult to know what to expect from the diseases that we thought we understood."
..."babies born during the pandemic may have entered the world with few antibodies passed on by their mothers in the womb[.]"
..."Maybe, the thinking goes..."
..."there is some suspicion that that could be going on with the hepatitis cases.”
..."recent infection could translate into a very bad flu season."
...“So also, potentially, a bigger, more susceptible group in adults..."
OH - The Money Quote: "We don’t know what’s going to happen."
..."there could be outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases..."
..."we may see differences in severity of some illnesses..."
Maybe. Perhaps. Could. We don't know. Some suspicion. Not sure, BUT. If.... Might be.
They missed using "perchance" - so it must be all very scientific.
Who knew viruses take a hiatus?