Saturday, May 30, 2020

Minneapolis and St. Paul a little quieter tonight.

As of publishing time, the riots and chaos are less intense, so far. It's still early.

The state capitol building is lit and surrounded, manned by various mixes of law enforcement agencies. Rumors swirl about "safe-houses" sheltering numbers of rioters and anarchists, many from out of state. The major freeways connecting St. Paul and Minneapolis, and to some surrounding suburbs, are closed. The KKK is here, but there is no substantiation of this, it sounds more like Leftist disinfo and propaganda.

Live continuing coverage at: KMSP and KSTP.

Apocalyptic bird flu "could" kill half of us. Blame chickens, says expert.

The coronavirus has killed over 365,000 people worldwide in just five months — but that’s nothing compared to what could be coming if humans don’t clean up their act when it comes to chickens.

In his new book, “How to Survive a Pandemic,” Dr. Michael Gregor, a scientist and physician who once testified for Oprah Winfrey in her “meat defamation” trial, warns that an apocalyptic virus emanating from overcrowded and unsanitary chicken farms has the potential to wipe out half of humanity.

Greger, a vegan, writes that “In the ‘hurricane scale’ of epidemics, COVID-19, with a death rate of around half of one percent, rates a measly Category Two, possibly a Three. … The Big One, the typhoon to end all typhoons, will be 100 times worse when it comes, a Category Five producing a fatality rate of one in two. … Civilization as we know it would cease.”

While environmentalists warned earlier this month that the world would face another stronger epidemic if we continue to have contact with wildlife, Gregor places the blame squarely on chickens.
Chickens never liked us.

Have we started panic buying and hoarding toilet paper yet?

Gov Timmy Walz's 1:30AM presser.

I did stay awake long enough watching Timmy Walz's 1:30AM presser earlier this morning.

Newsweek: Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz 'Fully Mobilizes' National Guard for The First Time in State's History.
During a press conference Saturday, Gov. Tim Walz told reporters that the worsening violence in Minneapolis was "no longer in any way about the murder of George Floyd. (It only took him four days to recognize this. He's improving! - Drake)
...Walz said: "There is no mayor in America that has the resources to push back against an organized attempt to destabilize civil society with no regard for life or property.
Walz basically said "we" .... "we" being his administration and the admins of St. Paul mayor Melbin Carter and Minneapolis mayor Soy Boy Man-Child Jacob Frey ... were unprepared, overwhelmed and didn't respond quickly enough. Isn't this always the pattern of how liberals react during a crisis? 

Walz also seemed to finally grasp the concept that rioters and looters - many who traveled here from out of state - have nothing in common with those who are peacefully mourning and protesting the death of George Floyd.

Frey spoke for a few minutes. He was a cheerleader, saying, "we're better than this. This is not what Minneapolis is about." His performance would have been more believable if he'd had some pom-poms shouting, "siss-boom-bah, yay team." He said nothing substantive.

They..."they" being Walz, Frey, Carter and the entire Liberal political establishment in Minnesota ... saw the spark, did nothing, allowing the fire to spread. Then, when it became an inferno, they realized action needs to be taken.

KSTP has continual coverage.

Friday, May 29, 2020

MN Gov Tim Walz to hold presser soon. Pentagon puts military police on alert for trip to Minneapolis.

Someone found Timmy! Was he avoiding facing reality, making hard decisions and instead playing GTA?

KSTP News is covering the looting, rioting and fires live. KSTP will cover an upcoming press conference with Timmy scheduled to start at 1:30AM Central Time. The KSTP story also mentions some Tweets Timmy, (and others, including Minneapolis Mayor Soy Boy Man-Child Jacob Frey), sent out earlier.
    Minnesotans, please go home. It’s time to restore peace on our streets and in our neighborhoods. The situation has become dangerous for Minnesotans and first responders.
    — Governor Tim Walz (@GovTimWalz) May 30, 2020
Well, Timmy, a lot of those people out there rioting, setting fires, risking the public safety...they're not Minnesotans. I can't say how often the police scanners has been mentioning out of state vehicles involved in all the destruction, vandalism and devastation.

"Please go home." Wow. That's the best Timmy can muster? I received far sterner warnings from my 70-year old Grandma when I was a kid.

CNBC: Pentagon puts military police on alert to go to Minneapolis.
The Pentagon has taken the rare step of ordering the Army to put several active-duty U.S. military police units on the ready to deploy to Minneapolis.

Soldiers from Fort Bragg in North Carolina and Fort Drum in New York have been ordered to be ready to deploy within four hours if called, according to three people with direct knowledge of the orders.

The police killing of George Floyd has sparked widespread protests.
I'm going to sleep after hitting publish.

Minneapolis and St. Paul burn. 8PM curfew ignored. Gov. Walz MIA, fails the people and state.

@ mnhousegop, Kurt Daudt (R) Leader and member of the the Minnesota House of Representatives from District 31A:

MN DEM Gov Tim Walz... he's MIA. Hasn't been seen since this afternoon's news conference:

Timmy's tired. Banning attendance at places of worship took everything out of him. 

Reports on local scanners are reporting crowds, protestors and rioters moving towards the Minneapolis PD 5th Precinct, which is due south of Minneapolis downtown proper.

Fire departments and police squads are not responding to calls. The National Guard - which Walz activated yesterday, "to protect Minnesotans' safety...and maintain peace" - is also MIA.

Atlanta deployed SWAT and other units in the streets and appears to be doing a far better job in keeping law and order than in the Twin Cities.

Minneapolis Soy Boy Mayor Jacob Frey and St. Paul Mayor Melbin Carter have both been invisible since mid-afternoon.

Medical examiner concludes George Floyd didn't die of asphyxia.

Washington Examiner: Medical examiner concludes George Floyd didn't die of asphyxia.
In the charges brought against former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin on Friday, a new finding shows the county medical examiner concluded the death of George Floyd was not a result of asphyxia or strangulation.
The full report by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's office is pending but so far has found "no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation."

Floyd's underlying health conditions included coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease. The report says the underlying health conditions, combined with Chauvin's restraint and any possible intoxicants in Floyd's system, likely contributed to his death.
Floyd's detainment revolved around an account of forgery when a local business owner thought he had handed him a counterfeit bill to pay for his purchase.

Amy Klobuchar declined to prosecute Derick Chauvin, officer at center of George Floyd's death after previous conduct complaints.

DEM U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar (MN)

The Week (via Archive Yahoo): Amy Klobuchar declined to prosecute officer at center of George Floyd's death after previous conduct complaints.
George Floyd's death in police custody is renewing criticism of Sen. Amy Klobuchar's (D-Minn.) prosecutorial record. Before she became a senator and a top contender for former Vice President Joe Biden's vice presidential spot, Klobuchar spent eight years as the Hennepin County attorney, in charge of prosecution for Minneapolis. And while in that position, Klobuchar declined to prosecute multiple police officers cited for excessive force, including the officer who kneeled on Floyd's neck as he protested, The Guardian reports.

Ex-Minneapolis police officer Derick Chauvin saw at least 10 conduct complaints during his 19-year tenure before he was fired Tuesday, according to a database that documents complaints against police. In particular, he was involved in the shooting death of a man who had stabbed other people before attacking police, as well as some other undisclosed complaints. Klobuchar did not prosecute Chauvin for the first death, and he was later placed on leave when he and other officers shot and wounded a Native American man in 2011.

As The Washington Post noted in March, Klobuchar "declined to bring charges in more than two dozen cases in which people were killed in encounters with police" as Hennepin County attorney. Instead, she "aggressively prosecuted smaller offenses" that "have been criticized for their disproportionate effect on poor and minority communities," the Post continues. And as Klobuchar undergoes vetting to become a possible vice presidential candidate, that track record is being scrutinized and criticized once again.
While there are other stories similar to the above, what's interesting is that the original story, reprinted at Yahoo has been removed. This story appeared on Yahoo on May 28, and in one day they spike the story? Why?

The Yahoo URL:

Klobuchar now is busy back-peddling her past failures in prosecuting abusive behavior and tactics used by police officers. She's still hoping she'll be Joe Biden's vice-presidential candidate. She should give up on that dream.

Instead, her eight years as Hennepin County attorney needs to be examined and she needs to be held accountable for her failures. This won't happen, she's a Democrat. She'll skate free by playing her Liberal Privilege Card.
The Week Archived at Pastebin

Weak Mayor Jacob Frey says Minneapolis is strong as hell.

As protests in response to the death of George Floyd rocked Minneapolis for a third night on Thursday, President Trump called the city’s mayor “weak” for failing to keep his community under control.

“A total lack of leadership,” the president wrote on Twitter late Thursday, adding that if “the very weak Radical Left Mayor, Jacob Frey,” didn’t “get his act together,” then the commander-in-chief was going to send in the National Guard.
Weakness is refusing to take responsibility for your own actions,” [Frey] countered. “Weakness is pointing your finger at somebody else during a time of crisis.”

Donald Trump knows nothing about the strength of Minneapolis,” he continued, raising his voice. “We are strong as hell. Is this a difficult time period? Yes. But you better be damn sure that we’re gonna get through this.”
Gee, I don't know...Minneapolis doesn't appear all that 'strong' right now. It appears weak, overwhelmed, lacking leadership and a plan to deal with this at all levels. At least Frey demonstrated what he and Liberals do best and so often: Point Fingers and Blame Others.

George Floyd's death happened in your back yard, Jacob. What responsibility has he taken, accepted or admitted? None, which is the embodiment of liberalism and weakness - not that there's much difference between the two.

Sure, "we're gonna get through this." Until next time when the same thing happens.

I'm guessing Frey was asleep, was awakened and told of President Trump's Tweet, rolled out of bed at 1:15AM and decided to have an impromptu, albeit brief, news conference.

It also needs to be noted Frey wasn't wearing a face mask, something he said is mandatory for everyone in Minneapolis over two-years of age. This can only mean Frey doesn't adhere to his own order or is under the age of two. My money is on the latter.

Friday Morning Music Video

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Why is Jacob Frey still the mayor of Minneapolis?

According to The Left, "the ultimate bearer of responsibility rests with the person at the top". This standard is applied to those who have a political ideology that differs from theirs. They never apply this standard to themselves.

In the case of George Floyd, his death happened in Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey's backyard. How does he remain in office? He's a Democrat.

Off the top of my head, a few DEM individuals and Leftist organizations, none who have called for Frey to resign: 

Joe Biden, Amy Klobuchar, Ilhan Omar, MN Gov Tim Walz, Hillary Clinton, DNC Chair Tom Perez, Kamela Harris, Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, Tina Smith (Minnesota's "unknown other senator"), CAIR Minnesota, St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter, the ACLU, Mike Bloomberg, BOB O'Rourke, John Hickenlooper, Eric Swalwell, Kirsten Gillibrand, Julian Castro, Andrew Yang, Tom Steyer, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Al Franken, the SLPC, the NAACP, BLM, Barack and Michelle Obama, Rahm Emanuel, Debbie Dingell, The Minneapolis Star Tribune, former MN Gov Mark Dayton,  MN Rep. Betty McGollum, MN Rep Dean Phillips, MN Rep Angie Craig, MN Rep Collin Peterson.   .

No members of the Minneapolis City Council.

No African American Civic leaders in Minneapolis.

No loudmouth celebrities.

No talking heads on MSM/Liberal Media.

No religious leaders.

No liberal-leaning site, blog or - that I could find - social media (Twitter, FB, etc).

I'm thinking if it had been a Republican mayor, all the above voices would be deafening calls for an immediate resignation.

Would a Republican mayor still be in office? One who ran on a platform of reforming excessive police force, who gave a lot of what appeared good performances (acting) and promising improved results, but who instead failed epically?

Frey failed Minneapolis. In two-plus years in office, he's delivered on none of his promises. He'll walk away from the death of George Floyd blemish-free.

Thursday's Friday Morning Music Video

Biden rips a Swalwell during livestream.

Joe Biden is being accused of audibly farting during a campaign livestream on Wednesday.

Biden was appearing with Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf and as the candidate was speaking, he shifted in his chair, and a strange noise was heard.
Joe succumbs to the Brown Note. It probably doesn't take much. Not as atomic as Eric Swalwell's toxic expulsion, but it sure sounds...eeehhhyeah...wet and runny.

"Jill...Jill...get the Depends. It happened again."

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Minneapolis protest turns into riot. Target looted, Auto Zone in flames.

Smoke billowing off of Autozone. This is now (if it wasn’t before) a legit riot #GeorgeFloyd

    — Brandon Long (King of Westeros) (@BLongStPaul) May 28, 2020
9:31 PM: LOS ANGELES: Rioters smash police car window:

    Protesters are blocking the 101 freeway in Downtown Los Angeles and just smashed a police car window.

    — Arash Markazi (@ArashMarkazi) May 28, 2020
BreitbartTarget ransacked.
Dozens of apparent looters stole televisions and groceries from the Target store near Minneapolis Police’s 3rd Precinct building as protests continued Wednesday over the death of George Floyd, according to local reports.

Fox 9 reporter Karen Scullin shared several videos showing purported looting occurring at the Target store on Lake Street after a tense standoff with police boiled over.

    Target is being looted

    — Karen Scullin FOX9 (@kscullinfox9) May 27, 2020

Illinois DEM Gov Pritzker says, "People deserve to breathe."

People deserve to breathe,” Pritzker said.
Why the governor of Illinois would comment on something that occurred in Minneapolis, Minnesota is puzzling. Perhaps he wants to deflect attention away from all of his failures.

It's nice knowing that J.B. thinks people deserve to breathe and hasn't yet revoked or suspended that basic human right.

The intellect of some Liberal politicians is astounding. I'm sure the people of Illinois are relieved hearing that their governor thinks they deserve to breathe.
Chicago Sun-Times Archived

Biden says he "will beat Joe Biden" in the election.

Free Beacon: Biden: I’m Going to Beat Joe Biden.
Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on Friday appeared to tell CNBC he will defeat himself in the November election.

"I’m prepared to say that I have a record of over 40 years and that I’m going to beat Joe Biden," Biden said.
The Good News is we have a full six more months of gaffes like this to look forward to from Joementia.

There isn't any panic buying and hoarding of popcorn, is there - - - yet?

Wednesday's Thursday Friday Morning Music Video

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Minneapolis DEM Mayor Jacob Frey puts on a good show, feigning concern and compassion over George Floyd death.

WBUR News (via Archive): 4 Police Officers Fired After A Black Man Dies In Minneapolis Police Custody.
[Jacob Frey] the mayor of Minneapolis says four Minneapolis Police Department officers involved in the death of a black man in police custody have been terminated. The FBI is investigating the incident.

A 10-minute video widely circulated on social media and referenced by Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey shows a police officer using his knee to pin the man's neck to the ground for multiple minutes.
Here's Soy Boy Frey's well-rehearsed response. I enjoy his measured moments of silence as he feigns concern, grief, muted anger and incredulity.

It's an award-winning performance by Frey. You know he practiced it in front of a mirror for...hours, maybe?

"Being Black in America should not be a death sentence." Is Frey the Mayor of America or of Minneapolis, which, yes - is part of America. You get my point, Frey is passing accountability onto America, not taking ownership of what happens in his own back yard. Nice try, Big Fail.

Frey's statement reads just like a template and it should considering the deaths of Black men and women by overly-aggressive, hair-trigger police officers in Minneapolis which becomes more common every day.

Minneapolis taxpayers must have a lot of extra cash sitting around as the city keeps paying out settlements - or is sued and loses the case - of several hundred-thousands to millions of dollars. What is the price of a human life? Well, ask the Minneapolis City Council. They seem to have a knack in this one aspect of city finances.

Here's the video of Mr. George Floyd being detained.

Advisory: Not for children, graphic, language.

In a real world, by now, Minneapolis Soy Boy Frey would have been forced out of office and Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo would have resigned.

Frey and Arradondo promised their administration and policies would be in a new, bold, different direction from their predecessors former mayor Betsy "Hitler" Hodges and former PD Chief Janee Harteau. Well, ya know - - campaign promises and words. Accountability? They've never heard the word.

It unnecessary to mention that Minneapolis is, and has been, a deeply entrenched Blue City for years, but I will lest anyone forget. Will Minneapolis' Black community continue supporting and electing Democrats?

Frey needs to go, but he won't resign - not unless a loud public vocal reckoning forces him to. The four police officers were fired, but that's not Frey taking responsibility. No, that's Frey doing what DEMS do, blame others. (Not that the officers involved aren't to blame, they are).

Considering Frey is part of the political party that so often defaults to the, "the person in charge must go" mentality, it's not surprising he doesn't apply the same standard to himself. The Minneapolis Liberals won't hold him to the standard that they apply to their political opponents. But...ooooohh...but if this had involved a Republican mayor? Gone in less time than the blink of an eye.

Arradondo needs to go. Can voices grow loud enough to oust both Frey and Arradondo? We can hope, but it's unlikely.


The UN calls for accurate and reliable Covid19 information.

The UN is on the Covid-19 case and here to save us? We can all rest easy now.

@ UN Twitter:

How do I get a cushy job on the UN Twitter Writing Team? I can write better platitudes than that.

When is Professor Neil Ferguson available to discuss his flawed and wildly inaccurate Imperial College model and studies? That might be a good place to start.

We really can't expect truth from the UN or its Secretary-General António Guterres, a NWO Globalist (search it out!). Hard to say which organization is more illegitimate, unscrupulous and opaque, the UN or WHO. Flip a coin.

Maybe Dr. Anthony Fauci can explain his four-month long contradictions and failures.

Gutting our CDC and NIH of employees who put their political ideology ahead of science is required if anyone ever expects accuracy on Covid or any other public health matter. Surely these people exist. Why not a massive housecleaning of both agencies? So what if there's a DEM political uproar. That's just be too bad. BooF'gHoo.

Is it possible to finally exile the posers and those with subversive and seditious agendas?

Monday, May 25, 2020

Queen's Brian May recovering from Sheer heart attack.

Newshub: Queen rocker Brian May rushed to hospital after suffering a heart attack.
Queen's Brian May has revealed he is currently recovering from surgery after suffering a heart attack.

The 72-year-old had a heart attack while he was recovering from a buttocks injury he got while gardening earlier this month.
The result of an angiogram following the heart attack revealed he had three arteries that were "congested and in danger of blocking the blood to my heart", May said.

"It was about 40 minutes of pain in the chest and tightness," he said of the heart attack.

"To cut a long story short, my wonderful doctor drove me to the hospital himself and I had an angiogram."

May went on to have open heart surgery and three stents were put in place.

"I couldn't feel they had been in here. I couldn't feel anything and I still can't, it's been amazing."

"Sheer Heart Attack" from News of the World.

We wish Mr. May a fast and full recovery!

Memorial Day.

Credit: El Mambo King


It is the Soldier, not the minister
Who has given us freedom of religion.

It is the Soldier, not the reporter
Who has given us freedom of the press.

It is the Soldier, not the poet
Who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the Soldier, not the campus organizer
Who has given us freedom to protest.

It is the Soldier, not the lawyer
Who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is the Soldier, not the politician
Who has given us the right to vote.

It is the Soldier who salutes the flag,
Who serves beneath the flag,
And whose coffin is draped by the flag,
Who allows the protester to burn the flag.

"It is the Soldier": ©Copyright 1970, 2005 by Charles M. Province

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Biden on "Wheel of Fortune" must solve N_GGERS puzzle.

Biden on "The Breakfast Club": "if you don't vote for me you ain't Black."

Breitbart: Biden's comments show Democrats take Black voters for granted.

Daily MailNAACP denies Joe Biden's claim that it endorsed him 'every time' he has run.
NAACP President and CEO Derrick Johnson addressed Biden's comments in an official press release that said the organization doesn't endorse political candidates.

'We want to clarify that the NAACP is a non-partisan organization and does not endorse candidates for political office at any level,' wrote Johnson.

Whitmer's husband denied his boating due to Covid.

What a piece of shit. Another example of Liberal Privilege:

Michigan's First Lady Mrs. Dr. Marc Whitmer "Mallory"

A man claiming to be Dr. Marc Mallory, the husband of nasty woman Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, called a docking/boat company late last week requesting immediate access to the couple’s boat for Memorial Day weekend.

But because the company, NorthShore Dock LLC, was already severely behind schedule because of Whitmer’s oppressive shutdown orders, his request had to be denied.
“This morning I was out working when the office called me, there was a gentleman on hold who wanted his boat in the water before the weekend. Being memorial weekend and the fact that we started working 3 weeks late means there is no chance this is going to happen,” the since-deleted post reads.

Well, our office personnel had explained this to the man and he replied: ‘I am the husband to the governor, will this make a difference?'”

The answer was a resounding no.

“As you can imagine, that does make a difference, that would put you at the back of the line!!!” the employee sarcastically wrote.

“Needless to say, our Governor and her husband will not be getting their boat for memorial day.” He added: “Too good not to share, I love it when karma comes around, even in small doses.

Did this actually happen, though, or is it just a fake Facebook meme? According to NorthShore Dock LLC, it’s 100 percent real.

Minnesota State Fair Canceled!

The 2020 Minnesota State Fair is canceled due to the China Virus, aka Corona, aka Covid-19.

US World and News Report (Archive): 2020 Minnesota State Fair Canceled Due to COVID-19 Pandemic.
Officials canceled the Minnesota State Fair on Friday after its leader said the COVID-19 pandemic made it impossible for the show to go on.
“We all love the fair. And that’s exactly why we can’t have a fair this year,“ General Manager Jerry Hammer told the fair's governing board shortly before the unanimous vote.
Hammer has dubbed [the 2021 state fair as], ”The Great Minnesota Get-Back-Together."
Oooooh Hoooooooo..."The Great Minnesota Get-Back-Together."  That's so clever Jerry. Did you think of that all on your own or did a nice chunk of taxpayer money go to some out of state ad agency to create such a cutesy yet lame-assed hackneyed bromide?

Almost $20 bucks just for an entry ticket. Immediately as you pass through the gate, one of the first things you see is a gigantic DFL (Democrat-Farm-Labor...of which the MN DEM party is none of those) booth.

All the vendors selling disgustingly overpriced deep-fried shit-on-a-stick and the rides and sideshows will just have to make due with a little less avarice this year. Ahhhhh, Dat's. So. Sad. Join the rest of the world who are making due with much less because of the CHINA virus.

The fair is nothing but a huge moneymaker for the Minnesota DEM party and their sycophantic remoras. I could not be happier knowing these DEM organizations won't be receiving their cut of the revenue. They make the Mafia look like rank amateurs.

The fair is canceled. Good. Fuck 'em.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

“I guess I won’t do this again,” last words by woman killed by alligator.

Post and Courier (May 5): Woman killed by gator on Kiawah Island was ‘fascinated,’ took pictures before attack.
Cynthia Covert was waist deep in a pond behind her friend’s home on Kiawah Island clutching a rope as her friends tried to get her away from the alligator that dragged her into the water.

As her friends pulled, she calmly said, “I guess I won’t do this again,” according to a supplemental report released Tuesday by the Charleston County Sheriff’s Office.

Moments later, the alligator rolled. Covert, 58, went under.

The supplemental report provides further details on South Carolina’s third deadly alligator attack in four years.

Covert, a Johns Island resident, was on Kiawah doing her friend’s nails, the report said. The friend told investigators that Covert was “very talkative and acting strange.”
[she] was taking pictures of the alligator.”

The friend was cleaning her porch when she saw Covert by the water, the report said. She started yelling for Covert to get back, but her cries were ignored. She yelled out that the alligator grabbed a deer from that spot “the other day.”

Covert replied, “I don’t look like a deer.”

Then she moved to touch the alligator, the report said.
Deputies and firefighters arrived at the scene on Salt Cedar Lane and saw no movement, the report said. After about 10 or 15 minutes, Covert’s body surfaced but the alligator still had hold of her leg and took her body back under.

The alligator and Covert’s body surfaced a few moments later and a deputy shot the reptile in the head with his 9 mm handgun, causing it to release Covert, the report said.

Crews retrieved her body, which was intact and had severe wounds on the left leg, the report said. The alligator was shot several more times until it died and was brought to shore.
Post and Courier Archived

Scientists believe cannabis could help prevent and treat coronavirus .

NY Post: Scientists believe cannabis could help prevent and treat coronavirus.
A team of Canadian scientists believes it has found strong strains of cannabis that could help prevent and then treat coronavirus infections, according to interviews and a study.

Researchers from the University of Lethbridge said that a study in April showed at least 13 cannabis plants high in CBD that appeared to affect the ACE2 pathways that the bug uses to access the body.

We were totally stunned at first, and then we were really happy,” one of the researchers, Olga Kovalchuk, told CTV News.

The results, printed in online journal Preprints, indicated hemp extracts high in CBD may help block proteins that provide a “gateway” for COVID-19 to enter host cells.
Stressing that more research was needed, the study gave hope that if proven to modulate the enzyme it “may prove a plausible strategy for decreasing disease susceptibility” as well as “become a useful and safe addition to the treatment of COVID-19 as an adjunct therapy.”

Cannabis could even be used to “develop easy-to-use preventative treatments in the form of mouthwash and throat gargle products,” the study suggested, with a “potential to decrease viral entry” through the mouth.
More: Smokers Appear Less Likely to Be Hospitalised with COVID-19.

Joe Rogan moving to Spotify, had enough of You Tube.

RT: Stop censoring us, Big Tech! Joe Rogan’s $100 million move to Spotify sends stark message to YouTube.
The comedian’s landmark shift away from the Google-owned streaming service could signal the start of a wave of creators moving away from the site – as it bafflingly attempts to pander to legacy media.
... it is perhaps not surprising that Spotify have just wooed the former Fear Factor presenter away from YouTube after writing him a cheque for a rumoured $100 million.
...the Joe Rogan Experience’s home has been YouTube. His channel, “PowerfulJRE”, has more than eight million subscribers and he pulls in around 400 million views a month. But despite these outrageous numbers and his ludicrous success on the medium, Rogan has decided to leave the platform.
You Tube, where your films will last forever. Or, until the Tube Gestapo deletes them.

Awwww, "most charming and magnificent." How quaint!

Doctor Pelosi on morbid obesity. Her MD is from where?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Wednesday doubled down on calling President Donald Trump “morbidly obese,” claiming that she was dishing out “a dose of his own medicine” that was “factual,” yet “sympathetic.”
I am being factual and sympathetic in pointing out the morbid obesity of Stacey Abrams because I am very concerned and prayerful about the state of her health and well-being.

I wonder...what is Stacey's BMI?

The Many Faces of Jake Tapper.

(To enlarge=click image, right click "view image", use "+")

JUNIOR Senator Romney Supports Vote-by-Mail.

Utah's AssClown JUNIOR Senator Mittens Romney

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), one of the Republican Party’s most vocal critics of President Donald Trump, responded to the president’s criticism of recent vote-by-mail initiatives by Democrat governors, claiming the voting system works seamlessly in his home state.

In my state, I’ll bet 90% of us vote by mail. It works very very well and it’s a very Republican state,” Romney told reporters on Capitol Hill when asked about the president’s comments, according to ABC News.
No matter what is said by President Donald Trump, rest assured JUNIOR Senator Mittens will embrace the opposite.
President Trump: "Mitt Romney? Mitt is one of the kindest, helpful, sincere, humble and generous person I have ever known."

JUNIOR Senator Mitt Romney: "No! No I am not kind, helpful, sincere, humble or generous! I am none of those things! No one who knows me likes me! No one!"

How's that Utah Recall of JUNIOR Senator Mittens going?

I don't recall where I read it, but Romney hates - just HATES -  being referred to as Utah's JUNIOR Senator. So please, if you're ever writing about him, make sure to call him Utah's JUNIOR Senator.

Thursday's Friday Morning Music Video

"Rock The Casbah" from Combat Rock by The Clash.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Some Minnesota Churches to defy Gov Walz and open for services.

Post Bulletin (via Archive): Minnesota restaurants, bars and salons get June 1 date to reopen, churches to hold services against state orders.
Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka, R-East Gull Lake, said he was "dumbfounded" at the governor's move to allow restaurants, bars and salons to reopen, but not letting churches reopen.

"I see no reason why churches are any more dangerous a place for coronavirus transmission than Walmart or a mall," Gazelka said. "If you can get a haircut, shop at a mall, or eat at a restaurant, you should be able to go to church.”
But faith leaders on Wednesday said that wasn't good enough. In a statement, leaders of the Minnesota Catholic Conference and the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod in Minnesota said they would hold services beginning next week despite state orders restricting gatherings to 10 people or fewer.

“Darkness and despair have taken hold of so many of our fellow Americans in the face of the economic and social hardship of the COVID-19 pandemic,” Archbishop Bernard Hebda said. “Faith has always been a source of comfort and strength and now more than ever it is of the utmost importance that we are able to meet the spiritual needs of our community.”

If businesses and restaurants can reopen at limited capacity, churches ought to be able to as well, faith leaders said.
Walz is really enjoying his newfound tyranny. Any why wouldn't he? He's still getting paid.

Do any image search on Tim Walz, you'll see he hasn't missed any meals. He's not worried about meals next week, let alone tomorrow. He hasn't had to worry about paying the mortgage or rent. His utilities are all paid. His transportation and travel is provided and funded. He doesn't worry about how he'll pay for healthcare and insurance. All of this, paid by taxpayers. Why, it's like he's not living in reality.

Flashback 2017: Tim Walz calls rural, conservative, Red Minnesota, "rocks and cows."

HOA removes graduation signs. Homeowners upset.

Homeowners are upset after their homeowners association in their Mission Viejo, California neighborhood removed graduation signs from the front yards of students.

"We put it up and we're so excited. You walk around your neighborhood and get excited to see which school each of the seniors are from. There's 5th graders that are graduating from elementary school and the 8th graders," said graduating senior Sofia Muratalla.

But, she says, disappointment set in when families saw all the signs had been taken.

"They either walked around and took them down or had the security company do it," said one neighbor, who later learned the HOA confirmed the signs were taken down because they violated association rules. His 11-year-old's son was also removed. "It's just ridiculous. Cold and cruel and we should be coming together as a community right now not finding ways to pick fights," he said.

The HOA told California media outlet KCAL that the signs would be returned to homeowners at their request.
"Cold and Cruel"...the number one tactic and principle of all HOAs.

Maybe the California HOA took their cue from Tiny Fascist David Stewart.
FOX 17 Archived

Glass panel, too big for elevator...let's try it anyway. What could go wrong?

This is the moment three men in Vietnam tried to take a large glass sheet into a lift only for it to shatter when one of them let go of the open door button.

The video of the disastrous lift ride was posted on social media on May 17.

A man in a white shirt enters the lift before a second man in a black shirt follows him and places a large glass sheet on the floor outside the lift doors.
...the doors shut with one end of the sheet still sitting the other side of the threshold. A third man is left outside.

The man in the white shirt is unable to reopen the doors and the lift starts descending, forcing the glass up.

The sheet gets caught and sends a cloud of dust into the lift.

Wednesday's Thursday Friday Morning Music Video

"Fire Your Guns" from The Razors Edge by AC/DC.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

CDC backtracks: now says Covid-19 DOESN'T spread easily on contaminated surfaces. It's SCIENCE!

The language is a subtle change from the organization’s warning in early March, when it wrote simply that it “may be possible” to spread the virus through contaminated surfaces.
"...a SUBTLE change..." SUBTLE? Which CDC is this? The one with Anthony Fauci as their spokesman? His analysis of the degree of a health threat from the Coronavirus to America from January through April certainly (cough, cough, ahem...) evolved.

I'll flip a phrase so embraced by Never-Trumpers: "Are there any ADULTS in the room of the CDC?"
AOL (Yahoo) Archived

Alvin's in Kentucky: Those wearing masks Shall Not Pass!

A Kentucky convenience store told customers to take off their face masks or “go somewhere else” — but later did an about-face when called out for the controversial message.

A photo of the sign outside Alvin’s in Manchester was shared Monday on Facebook by a man who said he wanted to “spread their shame” by publicizing the business’ call to flout Gov. Andy Beshear’s mask guidance, intended to curb the spread of the coronavirus, the Lexington Herald-Leader reports.

No face masks allowed in store,” the pink sign read. “Lower your mask or go somewhere else! Stop listening to Beshear. He’s a dumbass.”

Instead, the shopper’s post — which was shared more than 3,800 times — prompted some Facebook users to call him a “snitch,” and others said they saw the sign as a “patriotic statement.”

“If I didn’t live so far away, I would do all my shopping here,” another man wrote. “Finally somebody with same dang common sense.”

The store, however, later changed its message, saying it would not turn away customers who are wearing face coverings.

“We are not telling you to not wear a mask,” Alvin’s wrote Tuesday on Facebook. “What we are saying is, [it’s] your choice to wear one or not, not our [government’s] choice for us. While some got the meaning behind it, [a lot] did not.”

The sign was not intended to “offend anyone,” according to Tuesday’s post.
The sign, meanwhile, has led some to consider making a 60-minute drive just to pick up lunch there.

DO NOT APOLOGIZE FOR ANYTHING,” one reply read. “We are planning a road trip just to eat at your place.
Welcome to The Micro-Offended, Can't Take a Joke, Snitch Culture brought to you by a virus that allegedly originated in China. Anyone else looking forward to a future where hilarity ensues when the snitchers are snitched on?

KAREN goes to the beach; Annoyed others are there.

Metro: Woman who drove to the beach complains that others have done the same.
'It's lovely to get out but I'm quite shocked at just how many people's like being in Tesco': A woman has sparked outrage after driving an hour and a half to the beach before suggesting that others doing the same could cause a spike in coronavirus cases.

Monday, May 18, 2020

California first relief fund of its kind: financial support to Undocumented Immigrants.

Starting today, undocumented immigrants in California can begin applying for financial assistance to support them during the coronavirus pandemic — in the first relief fund of its kind.

Gov. Gavin Newsom announced the $125 million coronavirus disaster relief fund last month to support undocumented immigrants who were ineligible for federal stimulus checks and unemployment benefits due to their immigration status.
I’m not here to suggest that $125 million is enough. But I am here to suggest it’s a good start, and I’m very proud it’s starting here in the state of California,” [said Newsom].
A paltry $125 Mill? It's just the beginning.
CBS 13 Archived

Amy Klobuchar, hypocrite and liar. Why is she so dismissive of allegations Joe Biden sexually assaulted Tara Reade?

It's different when the person accused of sexual harassment is a Democrat, isn't it, Amy? Why does Amy support Joe Biden but not Tara Reade? Why was Amy so venomous to go after Brent Kavanaugh but all Joe Biden has to say is, "I dindunuffin," and that's sufficient for Amy?

Why isn't Amy Klobuchar giving Tara Reade the same respect she insisted be given to Dr. Christine Ford? You'd have to ask Amy:

@ MSNBC Twitter

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) stated that the misconduct allegation against 2020 Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden “has been investigated.”

Klobuchar said, “He has said, and I agree with this, you’ve got to get to the bottom of every case and all allegations. I think the New York Times — I haven’t read all the stories. I read that one. Your viewers should read that. It was very thorough. They interviewed people. And I have done a lot of work on this. I actually led the effort to change the rules in the U.S. Senate so that it is easier to bring these cases forward and so that we have taxpayers not paying for bad conduct. I think this case has been investigated. I know the vice president as a major leader on domestic abuse, I worked with him on that. And I think that, again, the viewers should read the article. It was very thorough.”
"Viewers should read the article. It was very thorough." A total lie from Klobuchar. They NYT never formed anything conclusive in their story about Tara Reade's allegation that Joe Biden forcibly and sexually assaulted her.

Breitbart: Fact Checking 3 Falsehoods in Biden Campaign’s Tara Reade Talking Points.
CLAIM #1: The New York Times conducted a “thorough review” of Reade’s allegations.

CLAIM #2: The Times’ reporting “has led to the truth: this incident did not happen.”

CLAIM #3: There has never even been a “hint” or “rumor” of similar behavior from Biden “ever” in history.

Klobuchar doesn't care about women being abused unless it helps further the Liberal Political Narrative or if it can be used as a smear tactic against any political opponent.

Klobuchar still thinks she's got a shot at being Biden's running mate. She can dream on in her own little snow-globe world. I still maintain Biden won't be the candidate. He'll drop out citing, "health concerns."

Do you know how Klobuchar is pronounced in Minnesota? Mondale.


MediaiteAmy Klobuchar throws rubber bands and paper clips at staffers.

Amy Klobuchar's Iowa SURGE!

Amy Klobuchar, her Uncle Dick and his deer stand.

Amy Klobuchar can't name Mexican president.

Amy Klobuchar: Grandstander.

Amy Klobuchar: Would Al Franken endorse her?

Amy Klobuchar promises to serve her full six year term if re-elected in 2018.

Georgia man allegedly had sex with woman’s corpse outside homeless shelter.

Kenny Obyran Whitehead, 55, was taken into custody on a necrophilia charge at about 4 a.m. Sunday outside of the Daybreak Day Resource Center in Macon, where deputies responded to a report of two people having sex on the building’s front steps, according to the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office.

“When deputies arrived they found the two having intercourse,” department officials said in a statement. “After the male was asked to get dressed, it was discovered that the female was unresponsive.”

Paramedics later determined that the woman – who was not immediately identified – had been deceased for “some time,” sheriff officials said.
Whitehead, of Macon, has been ordered held without bond. He remained in custody Monday on the necrophilia charge, as well as a probation violation, online records show.
UPDATE: AJC -  Necrophilia suspect now faces rape, murder charges, Middle Georgia cops say.
Days after a man was charged with defiling a woman’s corpse in Middle Georgia, authorities said he murdered and raped the woman.

Kenny Obyran Whitehead, 55, faces murder and rape charges in addition to a necrophilia charge, the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office said in a news release. Due to the nature of the incident, the sheriff’s office said it will not be releasing the victim’s name.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Michigan Sheriffs won't be writing tickets, enforcing Whitmer's orders.

Detroit Free Press: Genesee County sheriff: 'Don't expect us' to write tickets enforcing Whitmer's order.
Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson implied he would not strictly enforce Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's stay-at-home order.

Swanson spoke with Detroit radio personality Charlie LeDuff on "No BS News Hour" on Friday about the statewide stay-home order. When LeDuff asked Swanson if he would enforce the orders, Swanson said the sheriff's job is to enforce the laws "with discretion."

"We have not raided a business, we have not shut a business down," Swanson said. "We are not pulling people over, we are not writing tickets, and don't expect us to do it."

LeDuff raised the issue in regard to Karl Manke, the Owosso barber who defied the orders and opened his barber shop before the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs suspended his barbers license. 
Sheriff Brian Begole said his department will not enforce the governor's orders.

"I have decided, within my authority, that our office cannot and will not divert our primary resources and efforts towards enforcement of the Gov. Whitmer's executive orders,” Begole said in a letter.

Several other Michigan sheriffs announced they will not enforce the orders, including Livingston County Sheriff Mike Murphy.
Swanson, a registered Democrat, is up for election as Genesee County Sheriff this November.
Good! Hat Tip to these Sheriffs and others like them. Well done!
Detroit Free Press Archived

Covid-19 delivers Obama's Death Panels.

NY Post: Obama's "End of life counseling" Death Panels.
In 2009, President Obama said seniors are getting too many procedures and maybe they’re “better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller.” Obama’s health guru Ezekiel Emanuel (brother of DEM sleaze bag Rahm Emanuel - Drake) argues the elderly should be a lower priority because “they have already had more life-years.”
The Death Panels, in the form of Covid-19,  just took a little longer than expected:

Biz Pac Review: 2017: both Fauci and Bill Gates predict surprise, chronic infectious disease in 2020.

Woman calls NY Gov Cuomo, "punk ass."

Good for her! If only she could have been a little bit less polite and told him how much of a complete and total a$$hole he really is.

via NoodleSparklez Twitter:

Pretty easy to tell that Cuomo is clueless about how to respond, so he reacts with his typical, stupid potato-face look.

Uh...why is Cuomo and Crew not wearing masks and not practicing social distancing?

New plant-based bottles will degrade in a year.

Oh no! We'll need to find a new global pollutant!

Beer and soft drinks could soon be sipped from “all-plant” bottles under new plans to turn sustainably grown crops into plastic in partnership with major beverage makers.

[Avantium] biochemicals company in the Netherlands hopes to kickstart investment in a pioneering project that hopes to make plastics from plant sugars rather than fossil fuels.
“This plastic has very attractive sustainability credentials because it uses no fossil fuels, and can be recycled – but would also degrade in nature much faster than normal plastics do,” says [Avantium’s chief executive, Tom van Aken].

Avantium’s plant plastic is designed to be resilient enough to contain carbonate drinks. Trials have shown that the plant plastic would decompose in one year using a composter, and a few years longer if left in normal outdoor conditions. But ideally, it should be recycled, said Van Aken.
From "kickstart 'hopes to'" to "finished, completed successful product" is a long, long road.

If the new degradable bottles are successful, will that mean an end to all the ugly park benches made from recycled plastic? Awwwww, that's a shame.