Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Cedar Rapids Lib journalist is upset and angry after learning men won't date her after they find out she's a bitch.

Reddit: Journalist Lyz Lenz whines that man unmatched her on dating app after learning she's a journo, her response proves he's luckiest man alive.

(Reply): "So a woman who is hostile and resentful towards men is hostile and resentful that a man wasn't interested in putting-up with her hostility and resentment.

"Oh no, destroy that dude. What an evil, stupid, weakling serial killer terrorist loser supervillain he must be."

BOOM! Mic Drop! 🤣

An article she wrote: "Now That I'm Divorced I'm Never Making Dinner For a Man Again."

She's divorced? Now who saw that coming? Lyz can't cook either?

Oh, Lenz's Twitter account is full of REEEE!

Umm...she can move to a country she feels is more tolerant. Or, Lyz, how about we start by nullifying the 19th Amendment? You good with that?

Born in South Dakota, education in Minnesota, now resides in Cedar Rapids, IA.

She's single fellas!

FINALLY, LYZ - - - THE BIG TIME! Cedar Rapids! ♫ ♪ "You're going to ♬ ♪ make it after all....." ♫  (tosses knit cap up in the air standing in corn field).

Is her name pronounced, "Liz" or "Lies"?

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