Tuesday, July 23, 2024

5G in Canada is a marketing scam?

The person in this video says he repairs cell phones for a living and there's no 5G chip in 5G phones in Canada. If anyone has knowledge of this, drop a comment. 

It makes me wonder about U.S. 5G phones. Does anyone know if U.S. cell phones actually contain the 5G chip? I haven't disassembled a cell phone for over 10 years and that's only after it was run over by a car, at slow speed. Many attempts were made to reassemble it, but it wasn't salvageable. There was data on it I'd like to have accessed.

I forget where I found this video. H/T to whoever it is. If it's yours or you ran it, drop a comment, I do my best to give attribution.


Cederq said...

Gee,I too would like to know what those towers are used for? A monkey wrench needs to be utilized on towers, we need to be rid of them any way. Go back to wall phones and conversations.

Drake's Place said...

Cederq , Conspiracy folks would say the 5G towers are for activating the graphene contained in the clotshot and boosters. ;) And we know from the past that it takes 1-3 years for conspiracy theories to become factual. So....we'll find out around 2027-28 ? Heh.

I'd like to know if U.S. 5G phones have the actual 5G chip in them or if we're being scammed as is happening in Canada.

Cederq said...

I have a flip phone that I had to replace about a year ago, I had to get a 4G compatible. If I have to get a smart(idiot)phone then that is when I will go dark and just not have a phone unless I can get a hard wired phone in my apartment. If not, say la vie...

Drake's Place said...

Cederq , The answer for folks like us might be the Linux OS cell phones, but I've not deep-dived into them. They're not yet mainstream and the better ones are costly.