Wednesday, July 24, 2024

DC Protesters against Netanyahu. Who are they? Let's find out.

Well, they're mostly Jewish-organized groups and the majority of protesters are Jews living in America and Jewish students from Israel attending U.S. universities.

But if you only get your news from TikTok and a couple of X (Twitter) accounts, you won't know this. 

Forward: A guide to the Jewish and Israeli groups that protested Netanyahu’s DC visit.

Jewish Voices for Peace: Originally and remains a Jewish grassroots organization.

T’ruah: a left-wing organization of rabbis, [cantors and other Jewish-centered groups].

UnXeptable: Founded four years ago by Israeli expats in the San Francisco Bay Area.

The Hostages and Missing Families Forum: Formed by family members of Israeli hostages.

^ Families of Hostages. Definitely not Palestinians or pro Hamas.
The Jeff Bezos Peoples' Republic: Jewish demonstrators arrested in Cannon Rotunda.

The protest, organized by Jewish Voice for Peace, a national Jewish anti-Zionist organization, included rabbis, students, Israeli Americans and descendants of Holocaust survivors. The group is “horrified and dismayed” that elected officials will meet with Netanyahu, said Sonya Meyerson-Knox, a group spokeswoman.

^ Again, not Palestinians or Pro Hamas Group but American Jews.

Hundreds of American Jewish activists were arrested by police on Tuesday after protesting against US military support for Israel and calling for a Gaza ceasefire.

Who I don't see protesting are the supposedly pro-Hamas Palestinians living in the U.S. or here on visa. I see large groups of Jewish protesters protesting Netanyahu and his genocidal policies. 

Stop and think. Netanyahu knew this would be the result, on American soil. This is just want he wanted. Why did RINOs and the UniParty invite this devil to address Congress? Because they all get big political donations from AIPAC. 
Netanyahu wanted chaos, disarray and an uprising in the U.S. He wanted to cause trouble and he did. This was his goal and he got it.
This wouldn't have happened had he not done this. He could've turned down the invitation to address Congress. But he did it anyway. His intention is to cause and inflict as much damage and division in America, and within Americans, as he can. 
Netanyahu is the Devil incarnate and a war criminal. The sooner you acknowledge this as the truth, the better.

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