Saturday, July 13, 2024

Candace Owens is the BEST!

She had a stellar career going for her well before Manlet Ben Jewpiro gave her a gig and now that she's free from his shackles and chains, Candace is NOTICING and she's firing from both barrels. You go, Candace! 

"DEBATE: Is Everything Antisemitism?" Yes. Yes it is. It's the very first line from The Book of Genesis: "Thou shalt never criticize Israel, the Jews, those giving babies herpes from the 'tradition' of metzitza ba-peh * or the Jewish 'tradition' of spitting on Christians."

Middle East Eye: Spitting on Christians in Jerusalem ‘not criminal’, says Ben Gvir.


Ami Kozak doesn't provide real answers to any of Candace's questions. What - you expect honest answers from a Hasbara? 

* Imagine some old, STD-ridden rabbi or mohel sucking the blood from a babies penis after circumcision. "OY! How dare you criticize our tradition, goy!" Disgusting. No other "culture" or so-called "religion" could get away with this sick pedophile shit. 

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MORE after the Pagebreak ⏬ 

Martin Luther ↠ His words, often inaccurately described as an, "antisemitic treatise." Not really. He was years ahead of what today is referred to as Noticing or The Noticing.

The background music is a catchy little tune! I could dance to it! 🤣

Over the course of centuries, various people woke up and for no reason or historical context, all reached the same conclusion by...cohencidence? 🤣  OH, but it's all "anti-semitism! REEEEE!" 

Look at the tests done by various people on X. Notice anything? Notice who receives preferential treatment. NOTICING yet? Sure hope so!  

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