Thursday, June 20, 2024

Biden: 50+ years in politics; needs a week to prepare for presidential debate.

Another week off for the most-vacationed p(Resident) to be installed in the White House. Over 50 years in politics, a self-declared high IQ and top-of-the-class graduate from law school (both lies), and infamous globe trotting pants shatter and he has to prepare for a presidential debate? Senile old fuck. 

Biden IS (as I'm always happy to point out), the first occupant of the White House who flunked Third Grade. Be honest Joe, you ate and liked that white, thick paste, didn't you? 🤣

Then there's Trump, who can, for 2+ hours, speak extemporaneously. He needs no notes, little prep.

The Biden campaign originally insisted the debate be, "sit-down," not standing. 

Too bad Joe. The agreed upon manner of debate will be standing at uniform podiums. 

USA McPaper: Will Biden and Trump be sitting or standing for CNN presidential debate?

In CNN’s agreed-upon rules for their 90-minute debate, “both candidates agreed to appear at a uniform podium,” and a coin flip will decide their podium positions.

Biden Admin now spinning that they NEVER asked that candidates be seated because Corpse Biden is incapable of standing for 90 minutes. "It's a lie! Everything anyone says unflattering about Biden is a lie," the typical gaslighting from the dreadful occupants of the White House. 

If during the debate One Neuron Joe "freezes," collapses, wanders off or melts down - let him Donald. Let the debate moderators deal with it. 

You can bet there's a 6-10 second broadcast delay so that if Dementia Man craters and goes blank, it won't be televised. Social Media will obtain it though, and the video will be viral. "Cheap Deep Fake," will be the defense from the liars in charge.

Biden also needs to be checked to make sure that he's not wearing a secret ear-piece and wire like he did four years ago. 

How often has Biden said he'll debate Donald Trump any place, anywhere? OK then. Trump proposed 4-5 debates. NOPE! So far Biden will commit to only two. Watch'cha 'fraid of Mister Freeze?

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