Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Joe Biden said he remains “proud” of his son Hunter following his conviction on three felony gun charges.

MediaiteJoe Biden said he remains “proud” of his son Hunter Biden following his conviction on three felony gun charges.

Jill and I love our son, and we are so proud of the man he is today.

Most parents, ideally love their children unconditionally, although I know this isn't always the case. 

I do wonder if Joe and Tamale Jill are proud of seeing nekkid Hunter dragging a fleeing woman back to his hotel room?

Video: Mature Content

Not a peep from Screeching Liberals when democrats are abusive and violent to women. Maybe E. Jean Carroll should date Hunter?

That Magic D behind their name is the Lifelong Free Pass For Bad Behavior. Liberal Family Values, a standard unto their own.

And this

MSN: Democratic donors foot bill for first lady's first-class flights to be with Hunter Biden in court.

Dems won't dig into this story the way they dig into allegations that Clarence Thomas benefited from "donors". Magic D to the rescue!  

Who knew the Biden's were so destitute that they can't afford their own plane tickets? Why did Tamale Jill have to fly from Europe back to the U.S. and be present at all of Hunter's trial and fly back to Europe again? Do you think Hunter is plunging step-Mom Jill? It wouldn't surprise me one bit.


MSG Grumpy said...

Yep as of this morning on the 12th of June 2024, Artraven's account on "X" has been blocked.
Please post the above video in a format that can be copied and shared so that more people can see who and what the demoncrats support.
You can't stop the signal...

molson said...

So easy a cave man could do it.

Drake's Place said...

MSG Grumpy , I didn't know Artaven via X, only reposts on Gab, so thanks for that info.

You can save the video in the post and share it.

While the video is running, quickly right-click on it twice. The second time should bring up the option allowing you to "SAVE AS" the video. You can 'save as' the name I have it or type in your own. Just make sure the " .mp4 " is at the end. The video is scanned and malware-free otherwise I wouldn't publish it. Let me know if there's any problem, will try to help you out.

Thanks for visiting and commenting.

Drake's Place said...

Molson , Your comment immediately made me recall the cartoon strip "B.C." Ha ha!!

Always glad when you stop by. Hoping all is fine.

MSG Grumpy said...

Just posted to "X" on FJB's tab along with FBI, Joe Bongino, and a few others lighting up the "Hunter" topic.

One note on saving the video...Start the video then pause it, then right click twice to get the MP4 file. Maybe it was my browser but it would never work right when the video was running.
I may get banned from X, but then again I was banned when it was twitter, didn't hurt my feelings then, it won't today.
As long as I speak Truth.

Thanks, MSG Grumpy

Drake's Place said...

MSG Grumpy, Maybe try one quick click while it's either running or start it, pause it, and then see if the Save As appears. It should. Good luck with your X account.