Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Millionaire Jewish banker hits woman in face at Brooklyn Pride Event.

NY Post: Millionaire investment banker slugs woman on NYC street during Brooklyn Pride, shocking video shows.

A millionaire investment banker allegedly slugged a woman in the face, sending her crashing down onto a Brooklyn street Saturday night.

Disturbing video shows the man violently delivering an overhand right punch to the woman’s face in front of a crowd of partygoers enjoying Brooklyn Pride in Park Slope.

It's not, allegedly, it's on video. 

Jonathan Kaye

Business Insider: Moelis banker resigns from company after video showed him punching a woman at a Pride event

A senior Moelis banker who punched a woman at a Brooklyn Pride event this month has left the company, a spokesperson for the investment bank confirmed to Business Insider.

The banker, Jonathan Kaye, was in charge of Moelis' global-business-services franchise. As of Monday, his profile was no longer available on the firm's website. Bloomberg reported earlier on Monday about Kaye's resignation.
The video included text that read: "This guy punched me in the face today and broke my nose and busted up my friends arm."

He claims she threw "sh-t" at him. It's unclear if he meant literal feces or using the term in the vernacular. 

Video of the incident doesn't support his allegation and he should be charged with a Hate Crime. 

You likely didn't hear about this story. But when a group of Palestinian students simply peacefully block Jewish students from entering the doors to a college or a meeting room, the media makes sure to endlessly hype the story.

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