Wednesday, June 19, 2024

It really is Juneteenth! Happy Rosenberg Execution Day!


Wiki: Rosenberg's Execution

The execution was delayed from the scheduled date of June 18 because Supreme Court Associate Justice William O. Douglas had granted a stay of execution on the previous day. This stay resulted from intervention in the case by Fyke Farmer, a Tennessee lawyer whose efforts had been scorned by Bloch.[45] The execution was scheduled for 11 p.m. the evening of June 19, during the Sabbath, which begins and ends around sunset.[46] Bloch asked for more time, filing a complaint that execution on the Sabbath offended the defendants' Jewish heritage. Rhoda Laks, another attorney on the Rosenbergs' defense team, also made this argument before Judge Kaufman.[47] The defense's strategy backfired. [Judge Irving] Kaufman, who stated his concerns about executing the Rosenbergs on the Sabbath, rescheduled the execution for 8 p.m.—before sunset and the Sabbath—the regular time for executions at Sing Sing where they were being held.[48]

On June 19, 1953, Julius died from the first electric shock. Ethel's execution did not go smoothly. After she was given the normal course of three electric shocks, attendants removed the strapping and other equipment only to have doctors determine that her heart was still beating. Two more electric shocks were applied, and at the conclusion eyewitnesses reported that smoke rose from her head.

So sorry American-Jews/Jew apologists. The USA doesn't subscribe to Jewish Sabbath law. We'll execute traitors whenever we determine, not according to your antiquated customs. Don't like it? Move somewhere else.

Candace! Again, For The Win! 🤣

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