Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Venomous flying Joro spiders with 4-inch legs spread across East Coast!

(Yahoo): Venomous flying spiders with 4-inch legs spread across East Coast.

The arachnids are native to Asia, but were introduced to north Georgia around 2010[.]
People have reported seeing Joro spiders across much of the eastern U.S., including in Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, the Carolinas, Tennessee, Kentucky Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland and Ohio. New York happens to be "right in the middle of where they like to be," University of Georgia researcher Andy Davis told The New York Times in December. He believes the spiders could pop up across New York and neighboring states this summer – aka any day now.

"They seem to be OK with living in a city," (🤣 🤣 🤣) Davis [said]

Hey, these spiders are here to do the jobs indigenous spiders won't do.

They're already receiving free housing, $5,000/month government-issued debit cards and free cell phones. 

We. Were. Promised. MURDER HORNETS!!!

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