Friday, June 7, 2024

Israel’s Propaganda Machine is Filling the Internet with Misinformation.

Current Affairs: Israel’s Propaganda Machine is Filling the Internet with Misinformation.

On the internet, hasbara now includes a network of websites and users dedicated to manufacturing pro-Israel posts and manipulating social media platforms to remove content sympathetic to the Palestinian cause. The online Hasbara Machine (Hasbara is a Hebrew word defined by the Israeli government as “public diplomacythat seeks to “influence the perception of Israel abroad.”) is sophisticated indeed, and its existence raises an important question: why doesn’t anyone in a position of power seem to be concerned?

Until something changes, we can only conclude their rhetoric about misinformation is exactly that: empty rhetoric.

Article author Alex Skopic tested other online platforms, attempting to test the accuracy of reporting on what really is or isn't occurring in Israel's genocide of Palestinians. Want to take a guess on the responses? Read the entire story.


Cederq said...

Some of the spam over at the blog you slum at gets some pro jew and Israeli puff pieces and it gets the delete bomb every time.

Drake's Place said...

Cederq , Same here, except those trolls have hit my comments in the past and after I mark them as SPAM, they go right to SPAM, not "Pending Comment" so I never see them.

Speaking of SPAM, I only look at that folder 1-2X / year, so I'm due to check any day now. Maybe I'll add that to my weekend "to-do" list and post about it. ;)

The 3 greatest inventions of all time, IMHO:
1) The Wheel
[1.5) The Internal Combustion Engine]
2) The Electric Heating Pad
3) Comment Moderation LOL!