Saturday, June 22, 2024


^ This comment exchange appeared at another blog, not Trainwreck in Maxwell.

I invite you to comment, Kurt. It shouldn't be difficult for you to provide the URL, post title or Meme(s). It shouldn't take long to recall what it was that I published since it apparently had such a dramatic effect on you.

I go out of my way in avoiding blog conflict. 99% of the time I let it go. In this case though, this accusation of "hate" was so egregious, Kurt dropped me from his link list. Fine. But if he can let me know what upset him, that'd be great, since there isn't any "hate", anywhere, on this blog. 

Anyone else feeling the same way? The comments section - while moderated - is open and all yours. Have at it, even the Anon Trolls. Adhere to MY COMMENT policies, though, if you want it published.

Comments of: "Boo-hoo-hoo, you criticized, 'muh precious Israel'", doesn't don't count. You'll have to walk that off. Save yourself the keystrokes if that's all ya got.


Cederq said...


Drake's Place said...

Cederq , Yup! Still waiting for those making the accusation to point out the "hate". So far, nothing. Bunch of sad cucks. :)