Tuesday, June 4, 2024

House can act fast when it wants to.

Rather, is told to.

NBC News: U.S. House votes to sanction international court over warrants for Netanyahu and other Israeli officials.

The House voted Tuesday to impose sanctions against the International Criminal Court for its move to issue arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other officials for war crimes in the nation's war against Hamas.

The vote was 247-155, with nearly every Republican and a few dozen Democrats voting for it. Two Republicans, Reps. Thomas Massie of Kentucky and Warren Davidson of Ohio, voted present.

Wow. Talk about fast-acting! 

"Oy! Help us war criminals avoid ICC arrest!"

RINOs and UniParty reply in unison: "Say no more."

Ukraine and Israel say gimme money now! SNAP! House ensures they get it. Senate passes it within days. 

Ban TikTok! SNAP! "Say no more, Master!" House and Senate coalesce in no time flat.

Meanwhile, in America

Some Americans, devastated by these disasters, are ineligible for Federal Assistance from flooding and tornadoes? Others have to apply? Why? DC rains money down on Ukraine and Israel - they don't have to apply, they just demand it - so why aren't U.S. states a priority and treated the same? Follow the money. Following the money is never the wrong answer.

Massie easily won his race against the AIPAC sponsored opponent, whose campaign failed miserably.

New Arab: AIPAC lose bet in Kentucky primary race against Republican critical of Israel.

"After spending $400k+ smearing me, and watching me get 75%+ in the race tonight, they claim they weren't playing in the race. They deserve the ratio here," Massie wrote in another post, in which he shared the lobby group's statement that they were not playing in his race.

Good for Massie.

I'm hoping Americans affected by the excessive heat, fires, flooding and tornadoes aren't planning on voting Democrat this year. How can you?

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