Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Wednesday Night Memes.

Could you live in this Tiny House? While not claustrophobic, I don't think I could. I'd go "The Shining" stir crazy. Something 4X the size, I think I could handle.

Standard "Sensitive and Mature Content" Advisory. imo, Not all that controversial, but Bad Taste? Of course, I know why you're here. 🤣

Disclaimer: You acknowledge this "Viewer Discretion Advisory" and hold this blog and author harmless by going beyond the pagebreak.

MORE after the Pagebreak ⏬ 

Will get the, probably, most controversial or bad taste, out of the way first. I take no pleasure in the death of the German police officer who was stabbed and died, but the irony and truth of the meme/cartoon speaks volumes about the absurdity of the PC culture. 




Didja make it to the end without any boo-boos, butthurt or owies? Good for you! 👍


Z@X said...

DAYUM! That wuz the best collection I have ever seen! YOU ARE THE NEW KING OF THE INTERWEBZ!

Dunno if I ever before spent as much time reading a blog post.

Drake's Place said...

Z@X , That's quite a compliment, thank you, but not sure I'm the new King of the interwebz . Heh!

Glad you enjoyed it.