Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Israel accuses Russian ally of anti-Semitism.

RT: Israel accuses Russian ally of anti-Semitism.

West Jerusalem’s top diplomat has condemned Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko for his comments on a corruption scandal.

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has been criticized by Israel for suggesting that a disproportionate number of officials involved in corruption scandals in his country are ethnic Jews.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said on Sunday that Lukashenko’s remarks were “unacceptable,” “outrageous,” and clearly sounded “anti-Semitic.” The rebuke came one day after the Belarusian leader ranted during a government meeting about a scandal implicating dozens of suspects, including former Agriculture Minister Igor Brylo.

“Here are 36 people on a list involved in corruption,” Lukashenko told the Council of Ministers in Minsk. “Sorry, I don’t consider myself anti-Semitic, but more than half of them are Jewish. Do they have a special, privileged role, that they steal and do not think about their future? Do they have privileges?” He added, “All people’s living in Belarus should be equal: Jews, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Russians, and Poles.”
Lukashenko was scolded again by the Israeli government after he said in July 2021 that the whole world had been made to “kneel” to the Jewish people because of the Holocaust.

Lukashenko has the list and identified half of them are Jewish. How is this, "anti-semitic"? What if they were Americans and he would have said, "half of them are Americans"? What if half of them were Irish, and he said, "half of them are Irish"...or, "Catholics," or "Amish," or whatever?

Kvetch, Kvetch, Kvetch. It never ends.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz ... the guy who wants American Troops fighting Israel's war for them and also wants Americans fighting in Ukraine. Fuck him. Let Israel and Ukraine fight their own wars.

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^  🤣 True! Just a matter of time! 🤣 ^

Maybe it would be more accurate to describe Israel and Jews using the term Synagogue of Satan, it may upset them less. 

Two of Netanyahu's cabinet have resigned (NY Times link below). They know it's not about defending Israel, they know Netanyhu is a genocidal war criminal, they are distancing themselves from him and for good reason; he will be prosecuted for war crimes and so will others enabling him.

NY Times: Netanyahu disbands his war cabinet after two of its members quit.

The two members, Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot, quit Mr. Netanyahu's small war cabinet last week amid disagreements over the direction of the war in Gaza

Did a quick search and found the below news stories. Netanyahu KNEW about the October 7, 2023 attack, not only 3 days prior from Eqypt, but from his own Intel! 

This isn't about Israel, "having the right to defend itself." This is clearly Netanyahu and his cabinet allowing the attack to justify their genocide.

Times of Israel (23 May 2024): IDF says Netanyahu was warned 4 times in 2023 about how enemies saw internal discord.

News 18 (November 21, 2023): Israeli PM Netanyahu Was Twice Warned About Risks Posed by Domestic Tensions.

Times of Israel (October 9,2023): Egypt intelligence official says Israel ignored repeated warnings.

MSN: Netanyahu Was Warned Twice About Hamas Attack Months Ahead.

MSN: A Complete Lie': Netanyahu Denies Report of Egyptian Warning.

NPR: Israelis turn against Netanyahu amid month of war.

Nov 11, 2023 - A Nov. 3 poll found 76% of Israelis want Netanyahu to resign.

Of course Satanyahu is going to lie and say he wasn't aware of the advance warnings from Egypt. Kind of hard to conduct mass genocide under the pretext of, "Israel has the right to defend itself" when he was warned about the attack by Egypt and his own Intel agencies numerous times.

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