Matt Gaetz: Secretary Austin Reveals to Rep. Gaetz High Likelihood of Shooting Warfare Between U.S. Troops and Gaza Forces.
Rep. Gaetz: what do we do that's like so now want to move to the likelihood that we think someone from land and Gaza might shoot at our service members on this pier? Do you think that that's a likely scenario?
Secretary Austin: That's possible? Yes.
Rep. Gaetz: This is a very telling moment, Mr. Secretary, because you've said something that's quite possible. That could happen right? Shots from Gaza, on our servicemembers, and then the response our Armed Service members shooting live fire into Gaza. That is impossible outcome here so that we can become the Port Authority and run this period. Right.
Secretary Austin: That's correct. And I expect that we will always have the ability
Rep. Gaetz: You think that counts as boots on the ground? President Biden told the country that we weren't going to have boots on the ground in Gaza.
Secretary Austin: and we won't.
Rep. Gaetz: okay, but you guys parse the distinction between like when Americans think boots on the ground, they think Americans in harm's way, are engaged actively in a conflict. You guys seem to be sort of saying that boots on a pier, connected to the ground, connected to servicemembers shooting into Gaza doesn't count as boots on the ground.
Secretary Austin: It does not.
Rep. Gaetz: So how many 100 million dollar paperweights Do we own?
Secretary Austin: I would not categorize the F 35 as a paperweight.
Rep. Gaetz: Well if it's not mission capable. What do we just stare at it and admire?
Secretary Austin: We continue to work to make sure that we we get our aircraft operational and continue to[.]
Austin, possibly the dumbest, and therefore dangerous, Secretary of Defense the U.S. has ever had. Hit the link, read the entire exchange, it's not a long story.
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The estimate is about double earlier estimates.
'The cost has not just risen. It has exploded'.
The US and Israel Defense Forces engineers are partnering to get in more aid. ["partnering," yeah, the U. S. will do ALL the heavy-lifting, as aways.-DD]
'How much will taxpayers be on the hook once - or if - the pier is finally constructed?' Wicker asked.
'For every day this mission continues, the price tag goes up and so does the level of risk for the 1,000 deployed troops within range of Hamas' rockets.'
This is a farce. The aid will never be allowed to make it inland very far. This is an attempt by Biden's handlers to regain the support they lost from the American-Muslim voters. It won't work. It will work as a reason the Neocons, RINOs and UniParty want; for U.S. Military involvement in another designed war.
All this because Satanyahu blocks humanitarian aid, deliberately and sadistically starving Palestinian civilians to death.