Sunday, April 21, 2024

U.S. Foreign Aid Taxpayer Giveaway reactions; Social Media & Memes.

100 Percent Fed Up: The RINOs Who Voted YES On Ukraine Aid.

"Eyepatch McCain" is on the list, surprising no one.  

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⏫  Michael McCaul (TX), RINO

There, there now...those of you who made it here; that wasn't so bad, was it? 🤣


Cederq said...

I was tarnished, I slugged through, but it made sense and I already espouse these ideas, make congress go fight wars they declare or not declare. Send their sons and grandsons, make it mandatory, you know how that was pushed on us. They have to have foreskin in the game. An amendment that no money allocated from our taxes will be spent unless the members of congress and the president post a bond personally, so if it somehow disappears like trillions of dollars just recently did be paid back into the treasury.

Drake's Place said...

CederQ , I like your idea.

Never in my life have I seen the "always anti-war-democrat" politicians so pro-war. And the bloodlust of their supportive keyboard SJW. Put them at the Front Line.