Tuesday, April 2, 2024

I've seen enough.

Daily KOS (Archived): I've seen enough.

I’ve been an advocate for Palestinian rights for many years but as a Jewish American, born in the year of Israeli independence, my connection to Israel is a lifetime long. That connection has become more and more attenuated over the years.

Now it’s gone. I’ve seen enough. I’m done. Israel is a country dedicated to the violent deaths of its neighbors. It has lost all claims to moral superiority, all claims to just defending itself.
And now the humanitarian aid groups desperately trying to bring food to the starving people by other routes are under attack by the IDF.

Seven workers from the World Central Kitchen killed despite having notified the IDF where and when they’d be traveling, despite having logos on their vehicles.

I’m done.

It’s time for all U.S. aid to Israel to stop immediately

When a Jewish commenter/contributor at DKOS has "had enough" of Israel, it speaks volumes.

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