Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Biden says his Uncle Bosey eaten by cannibals.

NY Post: Biden claims uncle eaten by cannibals.

RCP: Biden Shares The Legend Of His Uncle Bosey Who Was Eaten By Cannibals In World War Two.

Biden, for the third time in less than 24 hours, tells the dubious story about his "Uncle Bosey" and "a lot of cannibals" in New Guinea before repeating the debunked "suckers and losers" hoax.

He also claims D-Day was on a Sunday (it was on a Tuesday).

RT: Pentagon contradicts Biden's claim that uncle was shot down or eaten by cannibals

According to the Pentagon’s agency for prisoners of war and missing in action (POW-MIA), [Uncle Bosey] Finnegan was never shot down, however. Nor was it on a reconnaissance mission, as Biden claimed.


Pauli said...

Yeah right.
Why didnt these cannibals EAT HIM!?

Drake's Place said...

Pauli, Heh. Biden and his "stories".