Saturday, April 27, 2024

Tim Walz doesn't know when not to say something.

Minnesota's Tubby Tyrant, Tim "DUI" Walz

This Miserable Fat Fuck is one to talk.

- It's been long alleged (and there are people who know), years ago, while hunting and drunk, Walz shot and killed his own dog. 

- As the leader of MN, (I refuse to call him "Governor"), into his second term, he's had at least two dogs (maybe more), each named "Scout" and no one know what happened to the prior "Scouts." There's never been two Scouts together, so where did the others go?

- His cat ran away from his residence, never to be found again. His cat got sick and tired of his shit and left. 🤣

- His premature exit from the MN NG in 2005 upon learning of deployment to Iraq. He ran away.

- His embellishment of his rank and accomplishments in the MN NG. 

- Then there's his daughter, Hope, who once threatened to "beat-up" a MN State Senator. Hope also was tipping off the protesters, providing them inside info in advance of what law enforcement was planning, during the 2020 Minneapolis Summer of Love and Healing. 

- It's alleged that his delay in activating the MN NG to counter the rioting and destruction in Minneapolis (and other areas) in 2020 is because he was too inebriated during the first three days of "civil unrest."

- Timmy bullied Twin Cities Public Television into deleting embarrassing video of his wife, Gwen. And TCPT happily obliged, squishy liberal worms they are. 

- Here's Timmy's DUI; 96 in a 55 MPH:

How as a teacher, the most important lesson he taught is, "responsibility." (Ahem)...Nice Mug Shot DUI Tim! 

- There are alleged claims that when asked to do a field sobriety test, Walz faked he had a hearing problem and couldn't understand the arresting officer's words. Yeah. Sure, Tim. 

- Walz and his miserable democrat party have put MN in debt and continue spending. Businesses close, some relocate out of state, people retire and exit ASAP. 

- Like Cuomo in New York, many elderly Minnesotans died alone because of his draconian covid restrictions in care homes or hospice. 

- While running for reelection, he walked away and refused to answer a question from a voter and he calls rual MN the "land of rocks and cows."

- Running for his second term, Walz PROMISED tax rebates of $2,000 for families and $1,000 to individuals. After winning the election, with democrats the majority in the House and Senate, the amount was revised down to $520 for family and $260 to individuals. You see, the Minnesota Politburo needs the money more than you do.

This isn't anywhere a complete list of what a toady Walz is.

Sources for the allegations are easily searchable. Some are inside info, yet Walz has never denied them or has his family. They're all adult public figures, so short of defamation or libel (which none of this post contains), there's nothing they can do about it. I'll gladly strikeout any accusation that is proven demonstrably false. Good luck! The comment section is open.

While I wouldn't have done what Noem did, and I don't approve of what she did; Walz is the last person to throw stones at anyone else, on any issue.

Like other liberal states ruled by obese liberals, Minnesota is another Land of Fatmanistan.

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