Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Seattle considers hiring illegals as Law Enforcement Officers and lowering testing standard.

You can't make this stuff up! 🤣 Seattle! LMAO! SHOKKED I tell ya that Minneapolis, Chicago, NYC, SF or LA didn't beat them to it.

MSN: Illegal immigrant police could soon fill beleaguered ranks of blue city.

The Seattle Police Department will now be able to hire participants in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy first introduced under the Obama administration.

The Spokesman: Seattle commission recommends against new test for police recruits.

Andrea Scheele, executive director of the Public Safety Civil Service Commission, concluded it was neither practical nor advisable for Seattle to use a new police recruitment test that has a higher rate of candidates who pass than the current test. The conclusion is likely to frustrate mayor’s office staff and council members who see the city’s current test as an obstacle to bringing in new recruits.

The test, according to the mayor and crew is, "an obstacle." The mayor's staff and council want the passing test score lowered from 90% to 70% ! 🤣  Yeah, lower the standards because, "Muh ocbastacle!"

Any visitor from the Seattle area who drops by, leave a comment on this. (It can be anonymous). What's the reaction from the general public to the mayor's proposal of hiring illegals for the PD?


molson said...

As if another reason to avoid Seattle was needed.

Drake's Place said...

Molson , No kidding. Their plan is one of the craziest radical proposals to date. If they proceed, "X" number of years from now the fallout will be obvious to everyone except those who proposed it.