Monday, May 27, 2019

Baby Joe Biden hurt by NK's Kimmy comment that he's a, “fool of low IQ” and a “snob bereft of elementary quality as human being.”

Gropin' Joe, Sleepy Joe, Creepy Joe, Uncle Joe, Pervy Joe.

Add Baby Joe. If there's one thing we can agree on, it's that Baby Joe always takes the diplomatic route in his behavior.

Baby Joe Biden

I'd say Kimmy hit a Grand Slam, especially with the "snob" lob.

Baby Joe's feelings were hurt by Kimmy's comment and that Trump agreed. Oh, Dat's. So. Sad.

Big League Politics: But it's okay for Baby Joe, three months ago in Germany, to call America an embarrassment because of Trump.

It's normal behavior for U.S. Liberal politicians to defecate on The United States when they're on foreign soil. They can't help themselves.

Biden: "I was wondering where that thumb went. It was up my ass so long I thought I'd lost it forever."

And let's not forget Baby Joe's little on-off-on again-BFF love-affair with Vladimir Putin and his numerous policy contradictions flip-flops on Russia and Putin.

March 2011 - The Pitt News: Biden, Putin; Best Friends Forever.
...according to CNN, Putin shocked Biden by opening up their meeting with a proposal that “his country and the United States abolish visas between them.”

Naturally, without thinking, Biden answered, “That it was a good idea,” and then — after realizing exactly what he was agreeing to — he quickly backtracked.
March 2011 - CS Monitor: Biden in Moscow, reaffirms US-Russia "Reset".
US Vice President Joe Biden, the man who coined the phrase "push the reset button" in reference to US-Russia relations, stopped by the Kremlin this week to check how the program was loading and propose some upgrades.
And, just last month, April 2019 - Conservative Review: Biden wanted to establish a ‘Biden-Putin commission’ to cozy up to the Kremlin.

Do you get the feeling that Biden will say and do anything, pander and contradict his own words, whenever it is politically expedient for him and his family? Like, if you met him and told him vanilla was your favorite flavor for a milkshake, he'd agree with you. If another person told him chocolate was their favorite flavor of milkshake, Biden would immediately concur. That kind of thing.

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