Tuesday, October 15, 2024

100 more U.S. troops to Israel.

Zero Hedge: 100 US Troops Will Deploy In Israel To Man Anti-Air Batteries.

On Saturday we were among the first outlets to report that the United States is preparing to deploy THAAD anti-ballistic missile systems in Israel, a major development which will put American troops directly in harm's way (or... boots on the ground) amid the tense showdown with Iran.

The Pentagon in follow-up statements to the NY Times has confirmed the THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) systems will be sent to Israel, and that about 100 American troops will operate them.
One regional observers has observed that this is Netanyahu's longtime dream come true:

    Journalist Séamus Malekafzali argued the U.S. deployment of troops and the THAAD system shows that "the Israelis are clearly planning something for Iran that is going to cause a retaliation they know their own systems are unable to take."

    "U.S. troops being deployed to Israel in this matter is seismic," Malekafzali added. "The U.S. military is now inextricably involved in this war, directly, without any illusions of barriers. Netanyahu is as close as he has ever been to his ultimate wish: making the U.S. fight Iran on Israel's behalf."

RT: US troops will deploy to Israel.

The Unz Review: If Tehran Is Turned Into a Parking Lot, Israel Will be Soon to Follow.

Israel must initiate a provocation big enough to ensure the outcome that it seeks. In short, Israel’s real target is the US because it is the US that must be hoodwinked into fighting Israel’s war. Regrettably, duping America is what Israel does best.


The Unz Review: If Israel Attacks Iran, Russia Is Not Going to Stay on the Sideline.

[...] Russia is following developments very closely and has moved military assets to within range of the prospective battlespace. It is logical to assume that Russia will engage Iran’s enemies if that is what the situation requires.

The Cradle: Washington keeps silent after Israel arrests US journalist over report on Iran attack.

[Jeremy Loffredo reported], “What I saw today, here in Israel, is clear evidence that Iran was targeting the same Israeli intelligence and military infrastructure that has been used over the past year to carry out brutal assassinations and attacks.”

    UPDATE: Jeremy Loffredo Arrested in Israel for Reporting on Iranian Missile Strike Charged with "AIDING THE ENEMY"

    Independent American journalist Jeremy Loffredo, known for his work with The Grayzone, was arrested by Israeli authorities after reporting on Iranian missile… pic.twitter.com/0ODH5XzJsM
    — DD Geopolitics (@DD_Geopolitics) October 10, 2024

"Aiding the Enemy" ? Reporting the truth is more like it. He's reporting that Iran is only targeting Israeli strongholds used to genocide Palestinian civilians. 

Where's the free-speech, dual citizenship-holding groups who are always kvetching over journalist arrests? Unsurprisingly, silent and we know why.

Tuesday's Friday Morning Music Video

"Safe in New York City" by AC/DC, from 2000's Stiff Upper Lip.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Monday Night Dogs and Cats.

Just that. 

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National Guard servicemen can't help loved ones in devastated North Carolina.

Because they've been deployed to...take a f#cking guess where.

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Saturday, October 12, 2024

Great Outdoorsman Tim Walz Can't Load His Shotgun.

Today is the state's Pheasant Opener and it appears MN Gov. and Dem VP nominee Tubby Timmy haz issues loading his shotgun. 🤣  

View Full Screen mode. Music added:

Click comments to enlarge.

Didja catch any pheasant today, Timmy? 😎

You don't want this weirdo a heartbeat away from the nuclear football. 

HERE'S The LINK to the video which I forgot to include yesterday. ⏬

The Breitbart story: Self-Proclaimed Hunter, Tim Walz, Struggles To Load a Shotgun

The archived Chan thread.

This map trope...again.

This map is circulating AGAIN on social media. It's fake and meant to mislead Christians and others into siding with the Gews and against Muslims. The map does reflect the locations of some church fires. Some were minor fires, some were caused by a cigarette, NOT arson by Muslims. The map also includes incidents of vandalism deceptively identifying and including them as "church arson by Muslims."

The map doesn't reflect, "all the churches burned down in France by Muslims." Not at all. But hey, if you buy the 40 beheaded and baked babies - or were they baked and then beheaded, I've heard both versions - you'll buy anything the ZionPress and their toadies pass along in attempts to further false narratives.

Logically Facts: This map doesn't show churches 'burned down' in France over the last four years.

al-Reuters: Map shows all alleged crimes against churches in France, not just fires

AFP Fact Check: Map of 'anti-Christian acts' falsely shared as France church arson cases.

Full FactSome incidents on the map include "yelling."

Friday, October 11, 2024

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Oh noez! Witch Nose!


Witches Nose! 

VIDROY Here  (October 2021), just under 22 minute kvetchfest on witches nose and costumes being anti semitic. 

From her description of her vidroy: "Turns out, this harmless-seeming witch Halloween costume has a problematic history, and as a Jewish dress historian, I'm here to explain it."

Calm down. There there. Settle down, Ma'am.

Didn't watch the vidroy. Many comments/replies on the vidroy are of the nature, "thank you for sharing this information on how hurtful a witch costume can be."  "Thank you for pointing out this nose trope."  OY-REEEEE ! The comments are so similar it's like they're from the ten same posters using different accounts.

FFS - find something to do. Bring flowers to a retirement community. Volunteer for Meals on Wheels, a local food shelf or Feeding America. Ask a neighbor if they need help doing anything, if they say yes, help them...for free. Pick up litter around the neighborhood. I know, not as easy as kvetching all day at the keyboard whilst noshing Baklava.

Britannica: Semite defined isn't exclusive to Israelis, Jews, Hebrews. 

Semite, name given in the 19th century to a member of any people who speak one of the Semitic languages[.]
[Semites include] Arabs, Akkadians, Canaanites, Hebrews, some Ethiopians (including the Amhara and the Tigrayans), and Aramaean tribes.
[...] there remains no archaeological or scientific evidence of a common Semitic people.

Wait! What's that last one? "no archaeological or scientific evidence of a common Semitic people."

Next on the kvetch list, paper clips in this shape. 🤣

Monday, October 7, 2024

Atrocity, Inc.

Information Liberation: New Film 'Atrocity Inc' Exposes How Israel Lied About October 7th to Justify Genocide.

The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal on Monday released a new documentary film titled "Atrocity Inc" he made in collaboration with Propaganda & Co and Sut Jhally which exposes how Israel spread atrocity propaganda about the October 7th attacks to justify committing genocide in Gaza.
The film exposes how Israel lied about Hamas beheading 40 babies on October 7th, lied about Hamas "cooking babies in ovens," lied about Hamas committing "mass r*pe," and killed many of their own people under the Hannibal Directive.

The film further documents how the Jewish state is r*ping and torturing Palestinian prisoners in "torture camps" in Israel with widespread public support among Israeli Jews.
    there were no r*pes on October 7 as confirmed by Haaretz and others citing Israeli officials themselves, but actual mass systematic pedophilic r*pe of babies, children, girls, boys, women and men by your precious Israelis has been confirmed and documented: https://t.co/ZXZLGLVBzj pic.twitter.com/MKJny079e2
    — (@zei_squirrel) October 7, 2024 

LINK TO VIDEO. <<<  Log/Sign-In required.

Just watched it, it's just under 45 minutes and can easily be understood at a faster playback speed. 

Israel and Netanyahu sold the world a pack of lies about the events of October 7, 2023. Their puppets in government and media parroted those lies around the world, justifying Netanyahu's genocide of Palestinians. Yes, it's that simple.

Blumenthal btw, is about as Far Left as you can get. He's also Jewish, not some Right Wing Hitler Lovin' White Christian Nationalist Nazi, which is the first thought you Netanyahu/Israel boot-lickers leapt to, right? 🤣 

Most of you won't watch it. You'd rather believe lies than admit you're wrong.

Monday's Friday Morning Music Video

"Dancing In The Street" by Van Halen, from 1982's Diver Down.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

FEMA's feelings hurt by criticism.

At Twitchy: FEMA Head Says Criticizing the Org's TERRIBLE Response to Hurricane Helen Is 'Dangerous'.

Lies and gaslighting.

It's all The Biden White House Handlers, FEMA and other agencies can do to control their losing narrative. 

^ Tried it. It's true. Same with DDG although search results not quite as censored.

^ Sounds like foreign interference with our election. 

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Big Baby Bibi Mad at Macron.

RT: Macron’s stance ‘a disgrace’ – Netanyahu.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has lashed out at French President Emmanuel Macron for his call to end weapons deliveries to the Jewish state amid the ongoing escalation with Hezbollah and Iran.

In an interview with French media aired on Saturday, Macron called for “a political solution” to the conflict in the Middle East and argued that Western nations should “stop delivering arms for fighting in Gaza.” He called the continued hostilities “a mistake” and warned against turning Lebanon into “a new Gaza.”

Netanyahu responded with a fiery statement on X (formerly Twitter), in which he addressed Macron directly. Israel is fighting “on seven fronts against the enemies of civilization,” he argued, referring to the conflicts with Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, as well as Iran and its allies in Syria and Iraq. “All civilized countries should be standing firmly by Israel’s side.”

“Yet President Macron and other Western leaders are now calling for arms embargoes against Israel. Shame on them,” Netanyahu continued, calling the move a “disgrace” and vowing that Israel “would win with or without their support.”

 "would win with or without their support." Then do it alone you cowardly cuck instead of begging for foreign aid and military supplies from other countries. 

"Shame on them." Oh look - Bibi is projecting! 

The shame will hover like fog over Israel and their madman genocidal leader. Israeli citizens are protesting daily their dissatisfaction of Satanyahu and his cabinet, demanding his resignation. They want their family members who are hostages returned. They're disgusted with Netanyahu and his enablers. Don't believe me, do your own search.

Selected comments from the RT story:

Israel and Netanyahu are doing damage control, keeping the press from reporting over how successful Iran's strikes have been.

The world has already turned against them.

Israel has no ground forces. Just a bunch of IDF diaper babies. That's why all Israel does is bomb from the air, striking, injuring and killing over 40,000 (probably an under-count) civilians and children. Too cowardly for ground troops, waiting for soldiers from other countries to be drafted into fighting for them.

Israel: fund and fight your own wars.

Thousands of years of repeated misery and world conflict all caused by The Tribe. But nothing is ever their fault or because of what they do. It's always the fault of others. Blame and project onto others what you are doing, it's the Zionist way!

Friday, October 4, 2024

Reports of FEMA malfesance. (VIDEOS)

Videos at the links. Be patient as some take a moment to load and you may (or may not) experience some buffering. 

* Fifty-one semi-trucks had their tires slashed en route to help victims of hurricane Helene. This many incidents has to be coordinated.

* If you don’t fear the government yet , you will after watching this.

* In 2024, if you attempt to help your fellow man, you are either threatened or arrested.

* This women has been delivering supplies dropped off by a civilian helicopter pilot. She’s has a warning for anyone coming to NC with supplies or to help ….they’ve closed the NC borders.

* Rescue of a dog trapped in a flooded building.

From what I've read - I think one of the videos mentions this or I saw it reported elsewhere - if you're going to donate to a hurricane relief fund, donate directly to a church or other place of worship (within the state of the affected) because their funds can't be manipulated by the government agencies. If I misunderstand this, leave a comment.

Lindsay Graham on Hurricane aftermath: "Have you thought about Israel?"

Move to Israel and be Netanyahu's personal boot-licker, Lindsay. What a complete and total POS. 

No, Lindsay, I haven't. ⏬ 

Friday Morning Music Video

"Fire Your Guns" from 1990's The Razors Edge by AC/DC; at 2009's Live at River Plate.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

FEMA isn't failing or inept.

It's intentional.

 Click images to enlarge:

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They've always hated us.

They've just become more emboldened. Keep showing us who you are, some aren't yet awake.

A Happy October 7th back at ya! 


^ Click to enlarge ^

^ Yes, he said it. 

Maybe you'll awaken from your slumber and Notice. Someday...after it's too late.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Tim Walz becomes friends with school shooters.

NY PostWalz says he’s become ‘friends with school shooters’ in VP debate gaffe.

Walz hits the wall; fast.

OOF! Out of the gate, Walz fails.  

Click on image to enlarge.

Walz said his son, Gus, witnessed a shooting. THREE SEARCHES (DDG, Bing, Yandex); ZERO RESULTS on Gus Walz witnessing a shooting. Another Tim Walz tale. 

UPDATE, October 2, 2024:

I read news stories online today reporting that Tim Walz's son, Gus, was in the vicinity, but didn't view, a shooting. I was unable to locate a story about this event predating today, October 2, 2024. The  stories are dated today, after Walz made this claim in last night's VP debate. 

Reasons given for this not being previously reported cite those involved when it happened were juveniles. This surprised me a bit because other incidents of this nature hit the news cycle regularly when juveniles are involved, their names just aren't released which is understandable.  

The verdict I reached, for myself, is what Walz said is rather exaggerated considering he said his son, "witnessed." I don't recall Walz ever mentioning this before and, considering his pro-gun control stance (despite his rhetoric of being a supporter of 2A), it seems odd he never brought it up in the past during his pushes for "reducing crime." Which is the opposite of the usual Liberal Narrative of, "never let a crisis go to waste." 

AP reports, the shooting happened outside of a St. Paul recreation center while his son was indoors.  

NPR reports: Gus didn’t actually see the shooting itself, but he did witness the aftermath[.]

Not seeing or viewing something doesn't fit my definition of, "witnessing" something. 

FWIW, make of it what you will, how Walz spins the story compared to how it happened. 

As with many pols, especially Libs and their desire to exploit and bigly embellish their actual personal involvement in any story, take their tales with a grain of salt. And with Walz, make it an Industrial Size Grain of Salt, with extree Added Industrial Size Grain of Salt wrapped in a tablet of Industrial Size Grain of Salt.

Tuesday's Friday Morning Music Video

"Nurse Rozetta" by Alice Cooper, from 1978's From the Inside.


Meaning behind the lyrics.

^ "Lyric Meaning" site incorrectly attributes this song as a track from Lace and Whiskey.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Longshoremen Strike!

CNN (Updated 12:59 AM EDT, Tue October 1, 2024): Port workers strike starts across the East and Gulf Coasts.

Nearly 50,000 members of the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) are on strike Tuesday against the nation’s East and Gulf Coast ports, choking off the flow of many of the nation’s imports and exports in what could become America’s most disruptive work stoppage in decades.

The strike, which was confirmed by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey as well as the Port of Virginia, began at midnight.
The strike will stop the flow of a wide variety of goods over the docks of almost all cargo ports from Maine to Texas. This includes everything from bananas to European beer, wine and liquor, along with furniture, clothing, household goods and European autos, as well as parts needed to keep US factories operating and American workers in those plants on the job. It could also stop US exports now flowing through those ports, hurting sales for American companies. 

Biden could stop this, but he his handlers don't want to. 

Washington Examiner: Biden won’t invoke Taft-Hartley to stop port strike that could cost $5 billion a day.

On Sunday, Biden said he would not get involved.

“It’s collective bargaining,” he said. “I don’t believe in Taft-Hartley.”

Oh, we have to suffer and endure more economic hardship because Biden doesn't believe in Taft-Hartley.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce: US Chamber of Commerce calls on Biden to Invoke Taft-Hartley.

This Game Show -

- is too darn easy!

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U.S.: More Troops deployed to the Middle East.

AP: US is sending a few thousand more troops to the Middle East to boost security.

The Jeff Bezos Peoples' Republic: U.S. sends more troops, warplanes to Middle East as bulwark against Iran.

The moves were ordered by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin[.]

NY Times: Pentagon Sends Additional Troops to the Middle East.

[...] 40,000 U.S. troops already in the region and help with the defense of Israel.

Yahoo: South Dakota's Air Guard deploys to the Middle East.

TN Dept. of Military: Tennessee National Guard Task Force deploying to Middle East.

With what Tennessee is experiencing from Hurricane Helene, TN NG troops are deploying to Israel? Not surprising considering RINO Governor Bill Lee wearing his AIPAC kneepads 24/7. Same for Gov. Kristi Noem whose fealty for Netanyahu runs deeper than it does the people of SD. 

Netanyahu is determined to drag the U.S. into war with Iran solely for Israel's benefit.

But Satanyahu's son Yair? He's resides in Miami, exempt from the IDF. Nice huh?