Daily Mail: "Blood rain" phenomenon sees landscape washed in red by heavy downfall.
[In Iran] Floodwater running off the rocks at the tourist attraction created spectacular waterfalls, leaving an eerie trail of red up to the shoreline.
Tour guide hormoz_omid shared the video to Instagram to nearly one million likes and stunned reactions.
The secret 'rainbow island' in the Strait of Hormuz remains largely undisturbed, sparsely inhabited and miles from the Iranian mainland.
The phenomenon is a year-round attraction caused by the high iron oxide content in the volcanic soil.
Those minerals then mix with the sea water to give the shore itself a unique reddish glow.
There's no "blood rain." It's regular rain mixing with the iron oxide and other elements resulting in run-off water that turns red.
The Old Testament-Only-Resurrection-Denying-Zionists over at ZogTok TikTok and InstaZog are attempting to claim, "This is a sign Jesus is coming back soon! We're in Tribulation!" People claiming this are mentally ill or low-rent sooooshulllll meeeedeeeah clickbait...or a mixture of both; both very popular groups at ZogTok TikTok and InstaZog.
As The DM story states, this event happens ANNUALLY. God returns annually just to make these waters red? 🤣 !
NO ONE knows when Tribulation begins except God The Father. Anyone claiming to conclusively know otherwise is speaking heresy and is antithetical to Jesus' words and the entire New Testament with, maybe, the exception of The Book of Revelation, which doesn't provide any solid time-frame of when End Days begin. Anyone believing they know or can interpret Scripture and arrive at a conclusive date that they've determined End Times is here isn't to be trusted and their opinions immediately dismissed and ridiculed.
Tomorrow, Chicago dyes their river green for St. Pat's Day. Ermahgerd, a GREEN RIVER?! This can only mean the Irish are returning to become the True New World Order! RUN! It's been The Irish all this time! Who knew? 🤣
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