Sunday, March 23, 2025

FBI Veteran Johnathan Buma Arrested on Charges of Leaking Confidential Information as He Attempted International Flight in March 2025.

This is a strange story. I've hit these sites and read their stories reporting this.



The Guardian.

One India.


Washington Times.

Syracuse News.

The Jeff Bezos Peoples' Republic.

Every single story reads virtually the same copy-paste.

NOT one mentions to where his "international" flight was bound. What destination could it have been? 

What an odd detail not to report. 

I guess his international flight could've been to Anywhere. Strange no one is mentioning it.  

Nobody knows where he was going? Or, everybody knows where he was going?

Where could it be now

Where could it be now?  ♫

Where could it

Where could it, ♪

...Be now?

Wee-Ooh-Ahhhhh... ♭

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