Thursday, August 25, 2022

41 new lawsuits filed in NJ's handling of COVID at veterans homes.

Gothamist: NJ's handling of COVID at veterans homes under fresh scrutiny — 41 new lawsuits filed.

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy's [Democrat] administration has been accused since early in the pandemic of failing to protect the residents and employees of nursing and veterans homes. Veterans home staffers have filed 41 lawsuits against the Murphy administration this month alone.

They describe how nursing home management was caught off-guard by COVID, and how managers penalized staffers for trying to protect themselves. And the problems, they say, go to the top — to Murphy and his state Department of Health.

Scott Fallon has been reporting on the pandemic for He spoke about where things stand with All Things Considered host Sean Carlson on WNYC Wednesday. The transcript of their discussion below has been lightly edited for clarity.

Hit the link for the transcript.

Another Dem-controlled state that failed many of our most vulnerable citizens.

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