Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Harris' VP pick Tim Walz. A man without shame.

Alpha News (archived): Walz says anti-parent teacher is ‘welcome in Minnesota’.

Gov. Tim Walz said a Florida teacher who believes parents have no rights in the public education system is “welcome” in Minnesota.

[Florida teacher Jenna Barbee] is under investigation for violating Florida’s new law that bars teachers in Pre-K through eighth grade from instructing students on "sexual orientation and gender identity."

No matter the level of degeneracy or erasing parental rights, there is no low to which Walz won't sink to pander to the fringe, radical Left Wingnuts. 

As an excuse during the "covid crisis", under the guise of "relieving phone calls to 911," Walz, using his "emergency powers act," initiated a "spy on and turn your neighbor in hotline" if too many people were gathering at your house or in your yard. ⏬

Post Bulletin (archived): Reports to 'stay at home' hotline flood in; Walz says it is needed to relieve 911 workers.

Minnesotans are nearly a week into a stay-at-home order aimed at limiting the spread of the coronavirus in Minnesota, and a hotline to report those congregating in large groups or failing to keep a sizable distance between themselves and others is generating hundreds of calls.
The hotline came under fire this week, and Republican lawmakers over social media and in news releases called on Gov. Tim Walz to take down the hotline and email address used to report suspected violations of the order.

HEY! POST BULLETIN! Why'd you scrub your original story on this? Thank God for Archive. I DL'd the story to HD as well. 

Looks like yet another case of interweb scrubberitis going on with all unfavorable stories on this miserable LeftTard. 

Twitchy: Walz ran away from the National Guard upon learning deployment to Iraq. Fellow NG doesn't look favorably upon him.

^ Walz also exaggerates blatantly LIES about his leadership and rank in the NG. 

⏬ Hey DUI Tim, like the AC/DC song says, "Have a Drink On Me." ⏬

96 MPH in a 55 MPH Zone

Walz allowed Minneapolis to burn for three days. Some say, I'm not one of them, only what I hear from relatively reliable sources, that Walz's lack of action for three days is because he was too inebriated and incapacitated to reach a decision. Some say that - not me. 
And he wasn't a High School Football "Coach." He was an "Assistant" Coach, not that there's anything wrong with that. But he can't even tell the truth about this. 
Walz bullied MN Public Television into deleting embarrassing video of his wife, Gwen

And if you're a rural Minnesotan, according to Timmy, you're the land of rocks and cows (VIDEO).
Walz's "stay at home for two weeks," turned into three years of tyranny from him - a hellish experience - and his covid policies resulted in thousands of elder-care residents to die alone

Here's more to read about Crazy Timmy. It's a partial list. The unabridged versions of this guy's lies and pandering would consist of multiple volumes. 
Awwwww, Harris-Walz supporters wore bracelets alerting them when to applaud. ⏬ ⏬ That's weird. 🤣  But far more saaaaaaaaaaad than weird. 

Harris couldn't have picked a better VP who deserves all the skeletons in his closet to be again dragged out and paraded in pubic. 
Treat democrats like they treat their political opponents: Keep digging up their past and sling it every chance you get. Never let up, never stop slinging. Never allow them to justify themselves. Never let them forget. Never.

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