Saturday, August 10, 2024

You Tube Covid Censorship Queen Susan ))) Wojcicki ((( dies from cancer.

Cancer sucks. Turbo cancer from the vax? We tried to warn you. You didn't listen.

Turbo cancers of all kind are on the rise. Don't believe me? Google "Turbo Cancer." Of course, no doc being funded by pharma or government will tie the clotshot to Turbo they're Baffled and "it could be anything except the vax!"


Justin_O_Guy said...

I read this on my last Side-Bar crawl. It felt so good I decided to do it again.

Drake's Place said...

Justin , Well thanks for the visit and comment.
It's a sad story but one we've heard so often: the vax addict who mocked, censored or wished either death or no medical intervention for the unjabbed if they get covid, dies suddenly or from turbo cancer. Wishing or hoping for bad stuff on people always results in bad juju. Tis better to remain quiet and wait for the inevitable irony.