Sunday, August 18, 2024

Stop doing this!

Just stop! 

More coverage on this story after the Pagebrek.

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MORE after the Pagebreak ⏬ 

This sounds like a threat and false flag: 


Who's making these decisions to deploy? It's not Biden, Harris, Pelosi or others in that crowd authorizing U.S. deployments. Dems know the U.S. involvement in war will hurt them in the November election. It can't possibly be Obama because so many conservatives on social media have told me over the years that he disdains Israel, so rule him out. Why would he help Israel, right? Who's calling the shots? The American public has the right to know.

"When someone shows you who they are believe them the first time."
 - Maya Angalou 

Wait for the false flag on U.S. soil. Or maybe upon our Navy, similar to the attack on The USS Liberty. Then the inevitable chorus of, "IRAN DID IT !" And we're off to war. Yippee! 

Let Israel defend itself. There's no reason for the U.S. to be involved in this, but we already are.

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