Saturday, August 24, 2024

Fauci tests positive for the deadly West Nile virus.

Yeah. Suuuuuuuuuuuure he does. 

Resist The Mainstream: Anthony Fauci has tested positive for the deadly West Nile virus.

Anthony Fauci has tested positive for the deadly West Nile virus.

Not buying this story one bit. Not the source of the story, I like RTM. I'm not buying the story. 

Pharma must be looking to push more vaccines. "If Tony Fauci can get West Nile Virus ANYONE CAN! REEEEE! You need the VAX!" 

If he DOES have WNV, TFB. The families of beagles he ordered the vocal cords cut while their faces were chowed on by sand flies are rejoicing in the Schadenfreude.

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