Wednesday, August 21, 2024

K*** a [redacted].

Ran across this: 

Yes, it's real.

It's from 2018. I missed the story. Maybe it wasn't widely reported by the MSM. Gee, why would that be?

Reddit: Buzzfeed's Joe Bernstein Keeps Job After Inciting Murder Of White Men.

He deleted the Tweet, but the internet is forever. 

Buzzfeed reporter @Bernstein tweeted “KILL a straight white man on your way to work,” implied something is going to happen to @RealCandaceO and made other inflammatory comments. He must pay for deliberately spreading HATE.   -

According to Mediate, Bernstein was working on a story that would  "out" or dox teen college girls who supported Hillary Clinton. Go Figure. 🤣  Candace Owens learned about the story and Bernstein didn't react well. 

Buzzfeed now verifying that it is “their job” to threaten to publish names of private young women who refuse to give quotes about their political targets.
    Btw- these young girls are all liberals who voted for Hillary. I am trying to get them to come forward publicly about this.

    — Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) May 15, 2018

Are you wondering, like me, about the reaction if someone on social media wrote basically the same Tweet only using a different ethno-religion-race in place of "straight white man"?

People like Bernstein are putting the lives of others in danger by encouraging killing them.

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