Monday, August 12, 2024

Hey, Fat Ass Tim Walz...MN COVID and COVID wasterwater levels "very high."

Mankato Free Press: COVID-19 hospitalizations on rise during unseasonable time.

Minnesota currently has “very high” viral activity for COVID-19, according to public health data, causing hospitalizations from the illness to tick up both in area counties and statewide.

Data from the Minnesota Department of Health showed Blue Earth County had 13 COVID-19 hospitalizations during a four-week period ending on July 27. One year ago a similar date range showed only one such hospitalization.

South-central Minnesota’s nine counties overall had seven hospitalizations from the illness in July 2023 compared to 28 this July. Statewide COVID-19 hospitalizations during the same periods rose from 243 last year to 630 this year.

Although the numbers aren’t near peak COVID-19 pandemic levels, their timing stands out compared to past years.

If rising Covid hospitalizations are this big of a threat, then Fat Man Timmy should close the State Fair which starts August 22, but he won't. It's too big of a $$-maker for the democrat party. He'll use his "emergency powers" after the fair ends, just in time to lockdown the schools, the businesses and the entire state. "Trust the science," is what this rejected Muppet-faced Tardis will use an as excuse, just like he did in 2020.

This lying, run-away from the National Guard, drunk-driving, fat fuck who shot and killed his own dog while pheasant hunting - he was drunk...always a good idea; hunting drunk - is the worst governor, ever, of any state of all time.  

His supporters are only the metropolitan areas (large cities with universities and schools which he and the MN dem party throws money at for votes) and the Iron Range and Arrowhead region. Why northern MN votes democrat in every election is a mystery. 

A legend only in his own mind.

Fat, worthless, far above his "pay-grade" POS.

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