Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Polling shows global loss of support for Israel.

TIME (January 2024): New Polling Shows How Much Global Support Israel Has Lost

[...] support for Israel around the world has dropped significantly since the war in Gaza began.
The U.S. remains the only rich country that still had net positive views of Israel. [Gee, I wonder why? - DD]
Washington's support for Israel carries a cost in global public opinion, however, particularly in Arab countries, the surveys show. In Egypt, the U.S. went from having a positive favorability of 41.1 to a negative favorability of -14.9 from September to December. In Saudi Arabia, the U.S. saw a similar trend, dropping from a positive favorability of 12.2 to -10.5 over the same time period.

It's not in America's best interest to blindly support Israel. Why does it continue? That's easy; Follow the Money.

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