Monday, May 6, 2024

Scott Adams rails against attempts to infringe on First Amendment.

Scott Adams, writer and cartoonist, response to the intentions of the Anti Defamation League (ADL) and their lapdog congressional bottom-feeders to suppress 1A by making any criticism of Israel illegal.

Viewer Discretion Advised (language, NSFW).

First they will successfully emasculate 1A. Next is 2A. If you can't or don't see this coming, what will it take to get your attention? 

Name another country that insists it not be subject to any criticism. I'll wait.

"Groyper." LMFAO! If you're white, American, a male (especially a male), hold conservative/libertarian political ideology (that they define as, "alt-right"), you're called any and all names and just have to accept it. But use the wrong pronoun with these people, like the redacted X user and the gates of hell swing open.

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