Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Ireland, Norway and Spain recognize Palestinian statehood. Germany will arrest Netanyahu if he sets foot there. Lindsey Graham afraid of The Hague.

^ Current panic status of Israel-o-meter ^
Israel and their supporters are losing their minds over other sovereign countries (since that seems to be such a key word these days), recognizing The Noticing.

"Israel will not remain silent." That's their problem. They don't know when to STFU. What you gonna do about it, Israel Katz?*

* Wiki: Israel Katz, this guy is a piece of work. Argued BDS supporters be targeted for assassination: 

In March 2016, Katz argued that Israel should employ "targeted civil eliminations" against leaders of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS). The expression puns on the Hebrew word for targeted assassinations.

During an interview on Israeli TV, Katz quoted Yitzhak Shamir by saying that Poles "suckled anti-Semitism from their mothers' breasts," allegedly causing Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki to cancel his visit to Israel in February 2019. Morawiecki said the remarks were "unacceptable" and "racist".

[Prosecutor Karim] Khan also accuses Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Minister of Defense Yoav Galant of a similar set of crimes against humanity and war crimes: starvation of civilians as a method of warfare, willfully causing great suffering or serious injury, cruel treatment, willful killing, intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population, extermination and/or murder, persecution, and other inhumane acts.

A group led by Lindsey Graham ["group" as in UniParty...- DD] has urged sanctions against The Hague-based court.

If the International Criminal Court is willing to go after the Israeli leadership, it won’t hesitate to go after US lawmakers, according to Senator Lindsey Graham. The South Carolina Republican has united with Democrats in calling for sanctions on the Hague court.

Good. The Hague should go after the corrupt bastards in DC. No body (organization) in the U.S. is willing to do it.


Cederq said...

Only problem, palestine is not a state, not even close to any form of a partisan coalition to form a government and apply to a statehood. They are the equivalent of moslem trash people, no one wants them except our demented place holder. 30,000 civilians killed to rescue 128 hostages? A fair exchange as I see it. 30,000 civilians, is that like 6 million jews exterminated? A number or a statistic?

I am not in favor at all with any government official, from Israel, USA, Germany, etc... If I was Netanyahu, I would arrest any German, Norwegian, Irish and Spaniard or any other country that would recognize a palestine state and hold hostage. Hoist them on their petards!

Drake's Place said...

Cederq , I'm tired of Israel being the bully who plays the victim card and I'd apply the SAME standard to ANY other country that pulls this stunt.

RE arresting Netanyahu, I read it as these other countries simply agreeing with the ICC. Has Netanyahu ever been asked why he ignored the 3-day advance warning Egypt gave to Israel?