Friday, May 17, 2024

Mike Pompeo PWNED! His X account hit by Readers Add Context.

RINO Zionist ass-kisser Mike Pompeo, politician and former director of the CIA, gets a healthy rebuttal by Readers Added Context on X. And it's fantastic.

Where are the tweets from these people asking Christ to protect Americans who've lost everything in the U.S. tornadoes and flooding in the Mid-Central South, South and South-East?

Where's the UniParty - who manages to put billions of dollars of aid together in a couple of days for Ukraine and Israel - when Americans have lost everything due to the recent damaging weather some areas have been hit with? Congress can't meet for a few days and fire up The Fed and print a few hundred million for our own citizens? Why not?

Is Biden going to give them $700/family like he did with Maui, walk away and wish them good luck?

I'm not seeing television ads from the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews [oof what a scam, imo - DD] seeking donations for helping people in Texas, Kansas, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Georgia or Florida. Why not, IFCJ?

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