Thursday, May 30, 2024

Biden's Gaza pier breaks apart two weeks after completion.

ABC (AUS): Gaza pier built to supply aid to Palestinians breaks apart two weeks after completion.

A $490 million pier built off the Gaza coast less than two weeks ago has broken apart during stormy weather.


Z@X said...

Poor old POTUS Joe fills another diaper.

It's time for Kamala to take charge, yesiree :)


Jess said...

The pier makes one heck of a boardwalk for fishing on good days. As a dock for huge amounts of supplies, the water is too shallow, keeping it from coming loose requires piling, and if you have the piling, a floating, long, unstable barge is a poor choice compared to traditional methods of beam and girder construction.

It was all a show, a ridiculous waste of money, and another reason to throw all the Biden administration under the jail.

Drake's Place said...

Z@X , It could be Kamala, yessiree. My instinct still tells me that somehow, Cankles will weasel her way into being the candidate. Time will tell.
Oh what fun!

Drake's Place said...

Jess , A total show and waste of money, time and effort. Boardwalk for fishing at best, yep. Oh yeah, all Biden Admin behind bars and in Gen Pop.