Monday, June 27, 2022

The Daley Gator brings us up to date on the shenanigans of that radical Supreme Court.

With extree sarcasm!

TDG: OMG! Like that Supreme Court Crew has, like decided Americans can, like, you know pray in public or something like OMG!

...our SCOTUS is now sooooooooooooooo radical that they have ruled a man has a right to pray, in public, after football games, that is so, like RAAAAACIST! It’s insurrection! It is White Supremacy! OH our DEMOCRACY IS DEAD!

The Supreme Court on Monday sided with a former high school football coach who lost his job for offering prayers at the 50-yard line after games despite objections from the school district that students felt compelled to take part.
Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote the 6-3 majority opinion.

DAMN that DAMNED Gorsuch! Damn him to hell. How dare he allow prayer to happen in public! He must be impeached! He has killed our Democracy! First allowing New Yorkers to be able to use self-defense, then preventing the slaughter of babies, to now allowing public prayer? This is a court of abominations!

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