Monday, July 1, 2019

Buttigieg Staffer Calls For Urine Attack on Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz.

A staffer working for Mayor Pete Buttigieg called for Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz to be attacked with urine.
The comment, which was made on Facebook by Samantha Pollara, was in relation to a milkshake attack on Gaetz on June 1 by 25-year-old Amanda L. Kondrat’yev, who was later charged with battery.

“Please, please let it be urine next time…,” commented Pollara.

Just as many on the left justified or celebrated the attack on Andy Ngo, which left him hospitalized with brain bleed, the June 1 milkshake assault on Gaetz was also lauded.

The Orlando Weekly said Gaetz had a “laundry list of milkshakable offenses” and called the person who filmed the assault on him a "true hero".
 Florida Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz

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