Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Israel drops 8 two-thousand pound bombs to kill one Hamas official and FAILS!

Fails to take him out. Instead, it resulted in more civilians and children killed. 

WSJ: To Targt a Top Militant, Israel Rained down Eight Tons of Bombs

Huge deployment of firepower, after years of failed attempts to kill Hamas military commander Mohammed Deif, exacted a heavy civilian toll.

Israel had tried - and failed - to kill Mohammed Deif, several times,
[...] Israel struck, with overwhelming force, hitting [a southern compound in Gaza] with eight 2,000 pound bombs[.]
[The bombings hit] a compound [that] was home to a market, a water source and a soup kitchen[.]

WSJ beind a paywall. Same story at MSN.

Don't call this a genocide. Oh, no no no...Satanyahu and his cabinet have every right to, "defend itself."  Yeah, defend itself against a water source, a market and a soup kitchen for Palestinian civilians. How brave!

Israel, the nation with the Samson Option where they will nuke the entire world - even their allies - if they don't get their way.

Progressive MagazineThe Samson Option: Israel’s Plan to Nuke Its Opponents.

“Israel’s policy of never formally acknowledging its nuclear arsenal makes its doctrine ambiguous, but the Samson Option is believed to refer to Israel’s plans for overwhelming nuclear retaliation against non-nuclear adversaries if the country faces an imminent, existential threat,” [said Kelsey Davenport, director of nonproliferation policy at the Arms Control Association, which advocates for nuclear disarmament]. “It would likely include deliberate, disproportionate nuclear strikes against non-military targets, such as cities, despite the clear violation of international humanitarian law.”
Unlike MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction), Israel’s Samson Option specifically threatens its non-nuclear opponents.

Israel is Biblical Mystery Babylon. The satanic State. The Synagogue of Satan from where the anti-christ will some day emerge. A nation from which nothing good or Godly comes.

Continue turning a blind eye to what Israel is doing. It's just what the devil wants you to do. 

If you choose to think, or believe, a post like this equates to, "hating Jews," you have the intellectual capacity of a flushed turd.


Grey said...

You are a habitually antisemitic. This has been a pattern for months.

Drake's Place said...

Grey Admit you don't know the meaning of Semite.
Walk it off, Rebbe.

Cederq said...

You are too bad Dave!

Drake's Place said...

Cederq , Heh. It's anti semtitic to publicize Israel's genocide, donchaknow.

I knew there'd be no comments from Grey or Ginger on this post>: Uh Oh! The Pro-Ukraine War crowd won't like this.

I just searched ' Nikita Miroschenko ' before replying - - - NADA, ZIP, ZFUCKINGRO. Says it all.
Thanks for dropping over.