Saturday, April 4, 2020

Elizabeth Warren edges ever closer to the padded room.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is demanding the racial data of those contracting the novel coronavirus, contending that it is “critical to ensuring an equitable and just response to this crisis across the board.”

While the virus appears to be no respecter of persons, infecting more than one million people globally, Warren believes it is “critical” to have racial data to properly respond to the pandemic.

“Our health care system is rife with racial disparities. Racial data on coronavirus will be critical to ensuring an equitable and just response to this crisis across the board,” she wrote in a tweet, referencing an article from the Atlantic.

“But we don’t have that data—yet,” she added.
Maybe Liz should put her 9-year old trans child Cabinet member in charge of obtaining this information that she "demands".

I am sick and tired of hearing Democrats making "demands". They will get nothing and like it.

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