Saturday, April 18, 2020

mrc Newsbusters Culture Contributing writer Lindsay Kornick couldn't be more wrong on "The Blacklist" and 2A.

TLDR: BIG SWING and a MISS, by Ms. Lindsay Kornick writing at mrc Newsbusters about "The Blacklist" being, "a liberal show" and that episode 'Gordon Kemp' is, "anti-2A."
Read the story AND the COMMENTS. Then come on back for my commentary. Or not, just refer back to the TLDR.😈
Last night's "Blacklist" didn't "lecture us about gun issues...through the mouths of criminals." Nor was it a, "grisly attempt at addressing political issues."

I now realize how much time I wasted reading Newsbusters (NB). I used to be a frequent visitor to NB. They lost me as a regular reader long ago when they went full ass-clown conspiratorial advocacy with any notion that didn't fit their very narrow narrative. NB has morphed in a Lunatic Right version of supermarket checkout aisle tabloids. Did Bozell abandon his site and now sits on the porch with Biden debating the best flavors of pudding cups?

Did Kornick pay attention to "The Blacklist" episode? Did she even watch it or is her column based on nothing more than a knee-jerk reaction to a tip sent in by an apoplectic reader, typing in all caps, "DID YOU SEE THE ANTI-SECOND AMENDMENT EPISODE OF 'THE BLACKLIST' LAST NIGHT?"

Kornick obviously hasn't seen the many "Blacklist" episodes where the bad guys are LIBERALS.

The episode is titled, "Gordon Kemp". Is Kornick at all familiar with the program and the character of Raymond Reddington (played by James Spader)? How many seasons or episodes of "The Blacklist" has she really watched? We don't know, she doesn't tell us, but that doesn't mean she can't write about something she's never seen. Sounds like the qualifications someone from The Left would use in justifying their opinion on something of which they are unfamiliar.

The episode "Gordon Kemp" was anything but anti-2A. It was the exact opposite. Kornick couldn't crawl out of her tunnel-vision long enough to see the big picture. Instead, she was Triggered because a character, Gordon Kemp, was the owner of a company that specialized in manufacturing cheaply-made handguns bought by straw-buyers which were then sold to criminals.

Kornick is upset that (spoiler alert) Reddington, using one of Kemp's cheaply made handguns, shoots and kills Kemp at the end of the episode. Reddington is upset because he earlier witnessed an innocent woman with a promising future who was shot to death by a thug using one of Kemp's handguns.

"The Blacklist" 'Gordon Kemp' episode wasn't, (as Kornick and those who commented at NB), just another Hollywood, hour-long anti-2A agenda programming. The circle of irony of the episode escapes them. The darkness of the Reddington character, that has evolved over seven seasons, flies over their collective pea-brain heads.

In a weak attempt to bolster her argument that "The Blacklist" is, (quote) "a liberal show," Kornick refers to a line by "Blacklist" character FBI Detective Ressler who says, "Look, I'm a member of the NRA, and I believe in the Second Amendment, but what you do, pouring more and more weapons into high-crime areas -- that has nothing to do with keeping a well-regulated militia and everything to do with making a buck."  

 - - - - AND? This ties into an anti-2A agenda how? It doesn't. It's not so much taking dialogue out of context, it's misrepresenting the content in an attempt to make an analogy where one doesn't exist. Kornick isn't able - or deliberately won't - follow the logic of a fictional script because in the end, it doesn't make her point.

At best, I'm going to guess, she actually viewed the last ten minutes of the program, that's it. The rest - - - nowhere in her story does she write that she actually watched the program - - - she read about it online and received email from the hypersenstive overreacting crowd.

Yes, by way of 2A, gun makers can manufacture everything from quality firearms to the cheapest 'Saturday Night Specials' favored by criminals. Raise your hand if you're a strong advocate of 2A and you also support straw-buyers who resell to criminals. Anyone? Anyone?

The best comment at Kornick's feeble story is the one asking, "Is this show still on?" Huh - one would think when reading a story that mention's "the April 17 episode", one could reasonably conclude that, yes, this program is still on. My question to the person who wrote that comment is, when you address your parents, do you refer to them as, 'Mom and Dad' or 'Brother and Sister'?

I would have added a comment to Kornick's story, but you have to register, and I'm not going through that BS.

"The Blacklist" is one of the finest hour-long dramas on television. IMO, it's right up there with "The Sopranos".

Considering "The Blacklist" is in its seventh season, now...suddenly...Kornick concludes it's, "a liberal show." I'm guessing the very misinformed and misguided Kornick would also conclude that "The Sopranos" is, "a liberal show."

Kornick concludes her column with this gem:
In response, I’ll answer with how Maya Angelou put it: when people show you who they are, believe them. This is what liberals think of gun-makers, believe that.
Yes, Kornick isn't off the mark, generally, in saying that liberals think gun-makers are bad (although I personally know some Libs who don't think that). It's too bad that that has nothing to do with Friday night's episode of "The Blacklist".

I'd suggest Kornick watch the "Gordon Kemp" episode and that she pay attention to it. If not, heck, maybe her next column will be on the hidden, anti-2A liberal agenda portrayed in all westerns. Those Liberal cowboys didn't pass background checks and buy their guns from an FFL dealer.

Take a glance at Kornick's columns. In almost every article she's Triggered and Offended by fictional programming. This is a good thing. I can't imagine the damage and misinformation she'd inflict if she wrote about non-fictional events. She must be blood-related to Bozell. There's no other way she'd be on the payroll.

I wonder if Kornick has found an anti-2A liberal agenda in "Baby Shark"?
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