Tuesday, March 12, 2024

What does this Jewish man think of Israel?

He knows.

Disclaimer: Language / NSFW:


Egypt warned Israel three days prior to the October 7 (planned) attack. Israel did nothing. Netanyahu wanted this to happen as an excuse for his genocide of Gaza. Did he already know about the attack, since Israel created Hamas? That explains why Egypt never received any response from Israel, wouldn't it?

Israeli army killed many of their own on October 7.

Per BBC, Biden's handlers have the U.S. Military building a port off Gaza to deliver humanitarian aid. 

"Aid deliveries by land and air have proved difficult and dangerous."

"Aid deliveries [...] proved difficult and dangerous." Only because humanitarian aid deprives Netanyahu of his Palestinian genocide. He's done everything possible to deny humanitarian aid and starve children and civilians.

Supporting a ceasefire, denouncing genocide, holding Israel and Netanyahu accountable for their actions and supporting the plight of the Palestinians doesn't mean one supports Hamas, which again, is a creation of Israel. 

Shimon Peres' application for a Palestinian visa. Well, how about that, since Israel would like everyone to believe that Palestine has never existed?


CT Ginger said...

Wow! you found a self-hating Jew. Quelle surprise! Israel is the only country in that entire region a westerner would possibly live in. Sorry about the (so-called) Palestinians. I guess it was a mistake to start an undeclared war on kids at a music festival.

I mourn not one dead fauxlestinian. Screw em all.

molson said...

It takes a brave man to speak an unpleasant truth. This is a brave man.

Drake's Place said...

CT Ginger ,

Just going to ignore the 3 day warning Egypt intel provided to Israel and that the IDF killed many of their own on Oct. 7th, eh? Never let facts get in the way of your bias.

The entire world sees Israel for the Zionist Supremacist murderous, genocidal cult that they are. They don't need any help from a "self-hating Jew."

Very compassionate of you to not mourn the deaths of children and civilians and revel in their deaths.

Drake's Place said...

Molson , He is brave. I applaud him for speaking out. Thousands of Jews living in Israel are and have been protesting in the streets against Netanyahu. There was some coverage of this, then the MSM dropped it. Hmmm....wonder why? Netanyahu would deem them "anti semitic" for speaking negatively about the Mighty Jewlandia.